Evaluation of efficacy of interferential current and ultrasound therapy in patients with spinal pain

Karolina Szulkowska, Magdalena Fronczek, Jolanta Kujawa

Karolina Szulkowska, Magdalena Fronczek, Jolanta Kujawa – Evaluation of efficacy of interferential current and ultrasound therapy in patients with spinal pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(3); 181-192

Background. Comparative evaluation of analgesic efficacy of interferential current and ultrasound for the relief of pain radiation to the lower limbs in patients with a chronic spinal pain syndrome in the course of osteoarthritis. Material and methods. The study involved 100 individuals divided into two equal groups. Group A (n=50) patients received 10 ultrasound therapy sessions (0.8 W/cm2, 10 minutes). Group B (n=50) patients received 10 interferential current (IC) treatment sessions (10 minutes, 90-100 Hz). All volunteers completed questionnaires containing 42 questions. A subjective pain evaluation was performed using Visual-Analogue Scale of pain (VAS). The Oswestry Disability Scale was used to evaluate lumbosacral spine dysfunction.Results. The incidence of pain radiating to the buttocks decreased in both groups. In the ultrasound group, there was an insignificant reduction of pain radiation to the posterior part of the thighs, while after interferential current therapy pain radiation decreased by 50%. Pain radiation below the knees was reduced significantly in the group treated with interferential current. Conclusions. Interferential current therapy more effective than ultrasound for the reduction of pain radiation to the lower extremities in patients with chronic low back pain in the course of spondyloarthrosis.
Key words:
interferential current, ultrasound, spinal pain
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Ocjena učinkovitosti terapije primjenom TENS i interferentnih struja kod pacijenata s bolovima u donjem dijelu kralježnice.

Paulina Wójcik, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Patryk Kiljański, Marek Kiljański

P. Wójcik, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, P. Kiljański, M. Kiljański
– Assessment of the effectiveness of therapy using TENS and interferential currents in patients with low back pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 22-29

Admission. Lower back pain is one of the most common problems associated with locomotor disorders. They are a serious medical problem, but also due to the prevalence of social and economic problems. Treatment of pain in the lower spine is a comprehensive treatment, includes kinesitherapy, physiotherapy and aims to reduce pain, inflammation and increased muscle tone.
Material and methods. The study involved a group of 60 people with pain in the lower spine. The subjects were divided into two equally 30-person groups. In both groups, physical treatments were used laser therapy and magnetotherapy. In addition, TENS was performed in the first group, while in the second group, interference currents were used. The study used a questionnaire, pain assessment on the VAS scale and the Schober test.
Objective. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of TENS currents and interference currents in terms of reducing pain and increasing the range of motion of the lower spine.
Results. The applied physical treatment had a positive effect on the patients’ condition. Statistical tests have shown a reduction in pain in patients and an improvement in the range of motion in the spine.
Conclusions. TENS currents are a more effective method in the treatment of lower back pain. The results of the research showed that the use of TENS currents allowed to obtain positive effects in the form of increasing the range of spinal mobility, all subjects in this group experienced a reduction in pain.

Key words:
lumbar spine, pain, TENS currents, interference currents


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