Analiza funkcionalne propriocepcije donjih ekstremiteta među mlađim i starijim odraslima

Ravi Shankar, Sivakumar Ramachandran, Radhika CM, Parthiban P


Ravi Shankar, Sivakumar Ramachandran, Radhika CM, Parthiban P – Analysis of functional prorpioception in lower limb among younger and older adults. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 170-174


Pozadina. Propriocepcija je unutarnje osjetilo koje pomaže osobi u učenju motoričkog zadatka i besprijekornom izvođenju istog. Općenito se deficit propriocepcije testira mjerenjem stupnjeva pogreške pri ponovnom pozicioniranju zgloba ili ekstremiteta u prostoru. Većina mjera koristi pokrete jednog zgloba, a povremeno se testiraju i pokreti više zglobova s visokotehnološkom opremom u laboratorijskom okruženju. Testiranje više zglobova može odražavati utjecaj deficita propriocepcije na funkcionalnu aktivnost. Koristili smo novu metodu za testiranje propriocepcije kao funkcionalne aktivnosti.
Cilj. Studija ima za cilj analizirati funkcionalnu propriocepciju donjih ekstremiteta među mlađim i starijim odraslima.
Metodologija. Trideset sedam mlađih i trideset sedam starijih odraslih osoba testirano je na propriocepciju donjih ekstremiteta zadatakom dosezanja cilja. Sudioniku je dana ciljna točka za dodirivanje palcem s otvorenim očima. Nakon ispitivanja, zatraženo je da dodirne cilj s zatvorenim očima. Pogreška u udaljenosti mjerena je u centimetrima za tri pokušaja. Za analizu je uzeta minimalna pogreška.
Rezultat. Rezultat pokazuje da je prosječna pogreška oko 2,6 cm kod mladih i 5,7 do 6 cm kod starijih odraslih osoba. Nije bilo razlike u pogledu strane primijećene kod mladih odraslih, ali lijeva strana kod odraslih osoba pokazuje malo veću pogrešku u odnosu na desnu stranu.
Zaključak. Funkcionalna propriocepcija razlikuje se među mlađim i starijim odraslima. Testiranje više zglobova može pružiti različite uvide u sposobnost pojedinca da učinkovito koristi propriocepciju.
Ključne riječi
propriocepcija, testiranje više zglobova, mlađi odrasli, stariji odrasli
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Strength and kinesthetic differentiation of deep muscles stabilizing lumbar spine in low back subclinical pain complaints

Mirosław Kokosz, Edward Saulicz, Tomasz Wolny, Mariola Saulicz, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Łukasz Gębala, Oliwia Mokrus, Paweł Linek

Mirosław Kokosz, Edward Saulicz, Tomasz Wolny, Mariola Saulicz, Andrzej Myśliwiec, Łukasz Gębala, Oliwia Mokrus, Paweł Linek – Strength and kinesthetic differentiation of deep muscles stabilizing lumbar spine in low back subclinical pain complaints. Part 1. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(2); 101-112

Background. Lumbar spine pain is one of the most frequent malfunctioning of the locomotor system. The aim of this article was to examine whether there is a co-relationship between the preliminary, subclinical symptoms of pain and the strength and kinesthetic differentiation of deep muscles stabilizing the lumbar spine in the lower section of spine. Material and methods. Appearance of pain in lumbar spine was taken as an independent variable. The average intensity of the ailment was 8.81 points (±3.68) in the Oswestry scale in 52 subjects. The second group composed of 48 persons who, at the time of the examination, felt no pain in the low back. Both groups were matched regarding the basic parameters: age, body weigh, height, level of physical activities and sex. Results of tests carried out with the use of pressure stabilizer in the supine and prone positions constituted the dependent variables. Results. Statistical analysis showed that there are significant dependencies between the presence of pain and strength and kinesthetic differentiation in the prone position. No such dependencies were registered in the supine position. Conclusions. Weakness of the deep stabilizing muscles is characteristic for persons with perceived minor lumbar spine pain. The ability to differentiate pressure force is also disturbed. It seems that an examination performed in a prone position is useful in detecting the above changes.
Key words:
Low Back Pain, muscular stabilization, Proprioception
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Utjecaj držanja glave prema naprijed (Forward Head Posture) na propriocepciju čeljusnih (temporomandibularnih) zglobova kod žena nakon razdoblja sazrijevanja: opservacijske studije

Nehal G. Omran, Amel M. Yousef, Hamada A. Hamada, Ayman Gouda Matar, Doaa A. Osman

Nehal G. Omran, Amel M. Yousef, Hamada A. Hamada, Ayman Gouda Matar, Doaa A. Osman – Effect of Forward Head Posture on Temporomandibular Joint Proprioception in Post-Pubertal Females: An Observational Study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 142-146

Aim: to explore the effect of forward head posture (FHP) on temporomandibular joint (TMJ) proprioception in post-pubertal females.
Material and Method. Forty post-pubertal females participated in this study. They were classified in accordance with the craniovertebral angle (CVA) into two groups. The Forward head posture (FHP) group had CVA of less than 48° (n = 21), while the control group had CVA of more than 48° (n = 19). TMJ repositioning accuracy had been measured by vernier caliper for females in both groups.
Results. Statistical analysis revealed that there were no significant (p > 0.05) differences between both groups regarding TMJ repositioning errors in all directions (mouth opening, protrusion and lateral movements) with eyes open or closed.
Conclusion and Discussion. In post-pubertal females, FHP has no negative effect on TMJ proprioception in all directions whether the eyes are open or closed.

Key words:
Forward head posture, craniovertebral angle, temporomandibular joint, proprioception, post-pubertal females

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