Lung Vital Capacity Levels on disability in Swimming Learning

Susanto, Siswantoyo, Sumaryanto, Adi Wijayanto

Susanto, Siswantoyo, Sumaryanto, Adi Wijayanto – Lung Vital Capacity Levels on disability in Swimming Learning. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(5); 122-126


This study discusses how the vital lung capacity of disabled students can be achieved in swimming learning at the Yakkum rehabilitation center. The purpose of this study is to find a real picture of the vital lung capacity level of students with disabilities in learning to swim at the Yakkum rehabilitation center. The research method uses descriptive quantitative research methods. The population used in this study were students with disabilities in learning to swim for 2 years. This study used the entire population as a sample of 50 students, consisting of 25 men and 25 women. This type of research is a descriptive study, with one research variable, namely vital lung capacity. The research instrument for collecting data is a spirometer. To analyze the data collected the researchers used quantitative descriptive analysis techniques with percentages and SPSS 12 statistical assistance. The results showed that the vital lung capacity of students with disabilities in swimming learning was 42% very good, 22% good, 20% enough and less categories 16%. Thus, students with disabilities in swimming lessons have the same vital lung capacity as the average vital lung capacity in normal people in general.

Key words:
vital lung capacity, students with physical disabilities, swimming learning
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