Development of physical fitness tests for early childhood 4–6 years

Mikkey Anggara Suganda, Soegiyanto, Henny Setyawati, Setya Rahayu, Tri Rustiadi

Mikkey Anggara Suganda, Soegiyanto, Henny Setyawati, Setya Rahayu, Tri Rustiadi – Development of physical fitness tests for early childhood 4–6 years. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 40-49



Study Purpose. The importance of physical fitness for every early childhood has because it has benefits and influences on full development. However, existing physical fitness instruments such as the Indonesian physical fitness test (TKJI) only focus on ages 6–19 years. This study aims to develop a test instrument and physical fitness norms for early childhood 4-6 years that are valid and reliable.
Material and Methods. The research used was Research and Development (R&D) with the Borg & Gall Development Model. This research was conducted in several steps, namely: (1) needs analysis (2) product planning, (3) developing the initial product, (4) expert validation, (5) product revision, (6) small group trials, (7) product revisions, (8) large group trials, (9) final product revisions and continued with product effectiveness testing with experiments, (10) final product results. Respondents for the small-scale product trial were 40 students from 4 kindergartens and for the large-scale trial 137 students from 12 kindergartens in the city of Cirebon.
Result. The results of this study show the development of a physical fitness instrument model for early childhood 4-6 years, with a physical fitness test battery that has been validated by experts, including; 1) Speed Test (time), 2) Agility Test (time), 3) Explosive Power Test (cm), 4) Muscle Strength Test (time), 5) Cardiovascular Test (time). The results of this study also prove the development of test instruments and norms of physical fitness for early childhood 4–6 years. It can be seen that the overall value of r count for each test item is greater than r table 0.159, so each test item is declared valid and the reliability value is 0.942, so it is declared reliable.
Conclusion. Based on the results of research and development of physical fitness test instruments for early childhood 4–6 years, it is stated that they are valid and effective and can be used for physical fitness tests for early childhood 4–6 years.

Słowa kluczowe:
development, physical fitness, early childhood

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