Evaluation of progress of psychomotor therapy in children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Filip Śmigiel, Katarzyna Zajkiewicz

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Filip Śmigiel, Katarzyna Zajkiewicz – Evaluation of progress of psychomotor therapy in children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 60-68

Background. The rehabilitation of children and youth with mental handicap and musculoskeletal disorders is a difficult for both the therapist and the patient. To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy of mentally and physically handicapped children and youth and examine the correlation between therapeutic success and the degree of disability and place of residence.Materials and methods. The study involved two examinations of a group of 40 children attending a Centrę of Rehabilitation and Education in Rzeszów. The primary research tool was the PEDI scalę, which was used to evaluate the capacity for and performance of functional activities in three categories: independence, mobility and social functions.Results. Profoundly handicapped children and youth attained better results in independence and social function skills than persons with moderate and marked mental handicap. lmprovements in independence were seen in children aged 8-14 years from rural areas while improved social functions was seen in children aged 8-14 years living in urban areas and children in aged 15-17 years living in rural areas.Conclusions. The selection of therapeutic modalities should take into account the intellectual ability ofthe handicapped persons. The place of residence can influence the functions investigated in the study only up to a certain period oflife.
Key words:
children rehabilitation, mental handicap,musculosceletal disorders, PEDI scale
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Spinal column shape in pupils with mild, moderate and severe, idiopathic intellectual disability

Adrian Kużdżał, Andrzej Szczygieł, Robert Walaszek

Adrian Kużdżał, Andrzej Szczygieł, Robert Walaszek – Spinal column shape in pupils with mild, moderate and severe, idiopathic intellectual disability. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 37-48

Background. To date, no studies are available concerning the relationship between the shape of the spinal column and the level of mental retardation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the spinal column shape in children and adolescents with mild, moderate, and severe intellectual disability.Material and methods. 413 boys and girls aged eleven to thirteen were examined, including 204 persons with various levels of intellectual disability and 209 of their mentally healthy peers, who formed the control group. The Metrecom System, a computerised instrument for three-dimensional diagnostic studies of the musculoskeletal system, was used to examine the shape of the spinal column. 3-D anthropostereometric parameters obtained using the Metrecom System were used to de – scribe in detail and classify individual types of spinal column shape.Results. The intellectually disabled children and youth, in comparison to the healthy population, had much worse postures and an increased incidence of spinal column deformities. The degree of intellectual disability was correlated with the frequency and severity of spinal column deformities.Conclusions. Our results point to an urgent need to verify the current health care practice and improve health care policies, including appropriate methods of medical rehabilitation and corrective therapy of spinal column deformities that would account for the degree of intellectual disability.
Key words:
body posture, spinal column, intellectual disability, Metrecom System
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Poziom lęku a postawy fizjoterapeutów wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Justyna Wójcik, Małgorzata Starczyńska, Zofia Śliwińska

Z. Śliwiński, J. Wójcik, M. Starczyńska, Z. Śliwińska – The level of anxiety and the attitudes of physiotherapists towards mentally disabled children. FP 2014; 14(2); 40-50

Cel. Celem pracy jest analiza postaw fizjoterapeutów wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo oraz zbadanie tendencji wpływu postawy, jaki prezentuje badana grupa na poziom lęku.
Badaniu poddano 67 osób, w tym 37 studentów kierunku fizjoterapia oraz 30 fizjoterapeutów pracujących w placówkach specjalnych. Grupy poproszono o wypełnienie Kwestionariusza ISCL, który określa poziom lęku jako stanu i lęku jako cechy oraz autorskiej ankiety Skali Postaw Fizjoterapeutów Wobec Dzieci Upośledzonych Umysłowo.
Badane grupy prezentują pozytywne postawy wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo. Z badań wynika, iż bardziej pozytywne postawy wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo w porównywanych grupach prezentują fizjoterapeuci pracujący w placówkach specjalnych. Natomiast wyższy poziom lęku-stanu wykazują studenci kierunku fizjoterapia.
Lęk może wpływać na postawy fizjoterapeutów wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo. Można przypuszczać iż, im wyższy wynik w ocenie pozytywnej postawy wobec dzieci upośledzonych umysłowo, tym niższy poziom lęku wśród fizjoterapeutów i studentów fizjoterapii.

Słowa kluczowe:
lęk, postawa, upośledzenie umysłowe, fizjoterapeuta

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