The relationship between the shape of plantar surface of feet and body build features in females

Paweł Lizis

Paweł Lizis – The relationship between the shape of plantar surface of feet and body build features in females. Fizjoterapia Polska 2011; 11(1); 57-65

The function and performance of the feet depends on their morphology, and particularly on the longitudinal and transverse arch, and the position of the hallux and 5th toe. A number of publications have been devoted to foot morphology, mostly concerned with the relation between the longitudinal arch and morphological features. However, there is a dearth of studies of correlations between the transverse foot arch, and position of the hallux and the 5th toe and body build features. The aim was to determine relationships between longitudinal and transverse arches, hallux and 5th toe positioning and body features in females.Sixty-seven female workers aged 30-40 years from the Railway Hospital in Wilkowice-Bystra, Rehabilitation Non-Public Health Care Institution, and Social Rehabilitation-Education-Rehabilitation Centre in Radzionków were evaluated. The mean age of the participants was 36.5 years. Body weight, height, BMI, and WHR were measured. Plantography was used to determine the Clarke angle, Wejsflog index, and α and β angle.The longitudinal arch correlated with BMI and WHR, p<0.05; p<0.01; p<0.001. The transverse arch, hallux, and 5th toe did not correlate with body build. Investigations of relationships between foot morphology and body build need to be continued. By selecting the most significant features, therapies to counteract foot deformities in adults can be enhanced.The longitudinal arch of the feet correlates with the BMI and WHR indices. Therefore, a pyknic body build promotes flat foot. The transverse arch, hallux and 5th toe do not correlated with body build; thus somatic features do not influence the quality of the front part of the feet.
Key words:
body features, females, correlation, foot arches
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Anomalije stopala učenika prvih razreda s područja šleske županije

Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka

P. Głowacka, M. Przyłudzka – Foot defects in children attending first class of primary school in Silesian voivodeship. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 94-105

Introduction. Foot defects concern ever-greater social group. They develop due to muscle weakening and the instability of ligament-capsular apparatus, thus leading to static and functional foot disorders. The habits of maintaining incorrect body position, lack of education in this field and of preventive measures are the factors conditioning triggering of the issue.
The aim of the work. Static analysis of the feet using plantokonturography in children aged from 7 to 10 and presenting the dependencies among sex, body mass and height (BMI) and the mentioned parameters.
Material and methodology. 30 children took part in the diagnosis, 15 girls and 15 boys from primary schools of Silesian voivodeship. In plantokonturography analysis four parameters have been taken into consideration: Clark’s angle index, “W” Wejsflog index, gamma heel angle, and hallux valgus alpha angle.
Results. The statistically important correlation between BMI and increased alpha and gamma angles have been observed. Lowered values of Clark’s angle index have been observed with all the examined. Population.
Conclusions. 1. With all the examined population the lowered foot arches have been observed. 2. Body mass, BMI, play significant role influencing foot longitudinal and transverse arches.

Key words:
foot defects, plantokonturography, diagnosis, foot arch


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