Ocena skuteczności aktywności fizycznej w łagodzeniu bólu lędźwiowego odcinka kręgosłupa u kobiet w ciąży

Sławomir Motylewski, Dominika Terka, Elżbieta Poziomska-Piątkowska

S. Motylewski, D. Terka, E. Poziomska-Piątkowska – Assessment of physical activity effectiveness in pain alleviating of the lumbar spine pain during pregnancy. FP 2017; 17(4); 34-40


Spine pain is common affliction during pregnancy. It is caused by body mass increase, which creates additional burden for structures of lumbar-sacral spine section and pelvis. Centre of gravity and body position are changed, which causes balance disorder of motor system. Asymmetry in mobility of sacroiliac joints appears, as well as irritation of sacroiliac ligaments.
The treatment of this problem includes pharmacological methods, physiotherapy and most important, variety of physical exercises.
The main goal of this study was assessment of different therapies effectiveness on lumbar spine pain during pregnancy.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 41 women, who gave birth at least once. To gather information a survey method was used.
Results. Physical activity was pointed as one of the most efficient method of preventing spinal pain – 47,4. Hydrotherapy was chosen by 21% respondents, while massage and kinesiotaping only 15,8% both. According to 15,2% of questioned pain was gone as a result of systematical exercises.
Conclusions. Systematical physical activity before pregnancy was declared by the vast majority of respondents, while during pregnancy by half of questioned.
According to respondents, physical activity before and during pregnancy does not affect lumbar spine pain.

Key words:
physical activity, spin pain, pregnancy, physiotherapy

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