Assessment of the body posture of junior high school students in the context of their physical activity

Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marzena Dorosz, Anna Szczegielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak

Marta Gołdyn-Pastuszka, Marzena Dorosz, Anna Szczegielniak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak – Assessment of the body posture of junior high school students in the context of their physical activity. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 112-125


Introduction. Posture defects constitute a social problem and can cause negative changes in many aspects of our lives – in both physical and mental health. Prophylaxis and an appropriate degree of physical activity, which affects harmonious development, are very important here. Objective. The objective of the study was to assess the body posture of junior high school students and to determine the degree of their physical activity, and then to check whether there is a correlation between them. The study group consisted of 53 people from a junior high school in Wrocław, aged 14 to 17. Material and methods. To assess physical activity, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was used, which contains 7 questions regarding activity in the last 7 days. Body posture in the sagittal plane was examined using photogrammetry, and typology classification was based on Wolański’s method modified according to Zeyland-Malawka. Results. The results of the study were subjected to a statistical analysis, which shows that the studied group of adolescents is mostly characterized by a kyphotic type of body posture, while the least common is the balanced type. The level of physical activity of the study group can be described as sufficient, but it is worth noting that only 6% of the respondents are characterized by an insufficient level of physical activity, and only 7.5% are characterized by a high level of physical activity. Conclusions. In further analyses, it was examined whether there is a correlation between body posture and physical activity. It was found that there are no statistically significant differences between these two features in the study group.
Key words:
posture defects, body posture, physical activity, junior high school students
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The level of parents’ knowledge about body posture defects in early school age children

Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Weronika Niewiarowska, Anita Kulik, Magdalena Gębska, Agata Chilman, Łukasz Kołodziej

Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Weronika Niewiarowska, Anita Kulik, Magdalena Gębska, Agata Chilman, Łukasz Kołodziej – The level of parents’ knowledge about body posture defects in early school age children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 88-96


Objective. The main objective of the study is to assess the knowledge of parents/guardians about body posture defects in children at early school age. During the study, additional objectives were set regarding the determination of the level of parents’ knowledge in selected topics. These topics concerned the type of body posture defects in children, factors influencing their formation, as well as determining the knowledge of parents in the use of preventive measures.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 300 parents of children at early school age. The study was conducted on the basis of an original, anonymous questionnaire consisting of 24 questions. Respondents provided answers to questions concerning, among others, the source of obtaining information on posture defects, knowledge of individual posture defects and methods of prevention.
Results. The study showed that people living in larger towns/cities and having higher education have a wider range of knowledge in the field of body posture defects. In addition, respondents with higher education know and use posture defect prevention methods much more often than people with lower education. According to the respondents, wearing a backpack on one shoulder is one of the most common causes of posture defects. Parents who do not know whether their child has a posture defect relatively rarely use preventive methods.

Słowa kluczowe:
posture defect, physio prevention, education, student, body posture

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Restitution of the size of postural features in the frontal plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right and left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Restitution of the size of postural features in the frontal plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right and left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 6-21



Introduction. The analysis of the pupil’s environment is a set of stressors in the field of human ecology consisting not only of the genetic factor but also of the epigenetic one. Material and methods. The study of body posture was carried out in a group of 65 pupils at the age of 7, using the mora projection method in the following eight positions: (four positions for the right-hand thrust and four for the left-hand thrust): 1- habitual posture, 2 – posture after pulling a container with school supplies with one hand for 10 minutes, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. The measurement of physical fitness was performed using the Sekita test. Results. The significance of differences between measurement 1, 2, 3, and 4 was analysed to determine the restitution of the size of traits after loading and their correlation with physical fitness to examine the relationship with the studied differences. Conclusions. (1) After removing the load, statistically significant restitution occurred after the first and second minute. Restitution was incomplete. (2) In right-hand carriage by boys, endurance significantly correlated with restitution, and among girls it was additionally speed and agility. As regards girls, physical fitness revealed more frequent relationships with restitution. (3) In left-hand carriage by boys, after the first minute, restitution correlated with endurance, power, agility and overall physical fitness, and after two minutes, additionally with strength, while among girls with strength, power, and endurance. After two minutes, restitution correlated with speed and agility in addition to the abovementioned postural features. As far as girls are concerned, physical fitness more often correlated with restitution. (4) Due to incomplete restitution after one and two minutes, asymmetrical carriage is not recommended to children aged 7 years. Physical fitness demonstrated by children does not lead to full restitution of the examined postural features, which suggests its low level and immature correctional and compensational processes.

Słowa kluczowe:
schoolbags, body posture, mora projection, physical fitness, restitution

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The use of deep friction massage and Kinesiology Taping ® (KT) in school children with faulty body posture

Tomasz Nowakowski, Roksana Malak, Marta Woldańska-Okońska

Tomasz Nowakowski, Roksana Malak, Marta Woldańska-Okońska – The use of deep friction massage and Kinesiology Taping ® (KT) in school children with faulty body posture. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 6-14

Objective. 1. Performing tests and measurements on children, determining developmental, acquired or habitual abnormalities, 2. Conducting a therapy aimed at reducing or eliminating the diagnosed problems, and assessment of the effectiveness of the therapy.
Material and methods. 64 children were tested: 40 girls and 24 boys at age 6–14 years from Primary School in Krosinko. Three types of examinations were performed: Visual Body Posture Evaluation Test by Tadeusz Kasperczyk. Moreover, indicatory muscles length tests were conducted including: hamstring muscles, quadratus lumborum muscles, thigh adductor muscles, piriformis muscles and pectoralis major muscles and scoliometer measurement was acomplished. The comprehensive therapy was performed using several techniques: postisometric muscle relaxation, deep friction massage and Kinesiology Taping applications.
Results. Statistically significant relationships were found in the improvement of body posture before and after the therapy undertaken in both sexes. Also, statistically significant correlations were found between the correction of the foot arch, varus knee in both sexes and the assessment of posture, p < 0.05.
Conclusions. The performed therapy improves the assessment of body posture in children. Proven tendency of proper feet arch correction and correction of the varus knees in both genders.

Key words:
body posture, Visual Body Posture Evaluation Test by T. Kasperczyk, postisometric muscle relaxation, Kinesiology Taping

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Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes

Mirosław Mrozkowiak

Mirosław Mrozkowiak – Restitution of the size of postural features in the sagittal and transverse plane after loading with the weight of school items carried with the right or left hand in 7-year-old pupils of both sexes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 78-95

Material, methods. The study covered 65 pupils aged 7, using the mora projection method in four positions: 1 – habitual posture 2 – posture after pulling a container with supplies with right hand for 10 minutes, then with left hand, 3 – one minute after removing the load, 4 – two minutes after removing the load. Physical fitness was measured using the Sekita test. Significance of differences between measurement 2 and 3, and 3 and 4 was analysed to determine restitution of the size of traits after loading and correlation with physical fitness to examine the relationship with differences. Conclusions. (1) Having excluded the load of transported mass, statistically significant restitution occurred after one and two minutes. Restitution was incomplete and independent of gender. (2) In right-hand transport by boys, after one minute, speed and strength significantly correlated with restitution, and after two minutes, endurance, speed, strength and agility correlated with it. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, and after two minutes with endurance and strength. (3) In left-hand transport by boys, after one minute, restitution correlated with strength, power agility and overall fitness, and after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall physical fitness. Among girls, after one minute, restitution correlated with endurance, speed, strength and agility, after two minutes, with endurance, speed, agility and overall fitness. (4) Due to incomplete restitution of the size of posture, asymmetrical transport is not recommended to 7-year-old children. Physical fitness in children does not cause complete restitution of examined postural.
Key words:
schoolbags, body posture, mora projection, physical fitness, restitution
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Kinesitherapy in the treatment of juvenile thoracic kyphosis (Scheuermann’s Disease)

Anna Krawczyńska, Piotr Majcher, Marek Fatyga, Andrzej Skwarcz

Anna Krawczyńska, Piotr Majcher, Marek Fatyga, Andrzej Skwarcz – Kinesitherapy in the treatment of juvenile thoracic kyphosis (Scheuermann’s Disease). Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(3); 303-305


The course of juvenile thoracic kyphosis, known as Scheuermann’s Diseases, brings about static and dynamic changes within the spine, the shoulder girdle, and the pelvic girdle, negatively affecting the patient’s posture. Changes in the spine due to growth deformities in the vertebral bodies lead to musculo-capsular spasms and adynamia in overextended muscles and ligaments.The basic aim of kinesitherapeutic procedures in the treatment of juvenile thoracic kyphosis is to restore normal muscular equilibrium by stretching the contracted muscles and strengthening the weakened ones. There are also exercises intended to improve the range of joint movement and to teach the patient to assume and maintain proper body posture. In cases of radiologically confirmed growth disorders affecting the vertebral bodies, treatment by extending corrective braces is required. In such cases kinesitherapy and physicotherapy are intended to prepare the patient to obtain good correction in the orthopedic brace and reduce the so-called “plaster losses”. The authors point out the value of kinesitherapy in the process of treating patients with juvenile thoracic kyphosis. A program of exercises intended to reconstruct a normal is also discussed.

Key words:
musculo-capsular spasms, adynamiarange of mobility, posture
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The efficiency or the Hanke Method in the correction of scoliosis in the light of selected radiological parameters

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Dagmara Molicka

Tomasz Wolny, Edward Saulicz, Dagmara Molicka – The efficiency or the Hanke Method in the correction of scoliosis in the light of selected radiological parameters. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 35-39

Background. The Hanke Method, also known as „E-Technik” (Entiwicklungskinesjologischer Technik), is among the less wellknown methods used to treat neuromuscular disorders. Since the elements of methods with a strictly neurophysiological mechanism of action are rarely used in corrective procedures, and the possible efficiency of these elements is typically stated in purely descriptive form, the aim of this article is to trace the impact of the Hanke method on the changes in selected parameters of the radiological evaluation of malformation. Material and methods. The research involved a group of 17 children and youth aged 7-15 (x = 10,1 +/- 2,7) with clinical and radiological symptoms of scoliosis. With only one exception these were first-degree malformations. Before and after a 10-month period of rehabilitation enhanced by certain elements of the Hanke method, X-ray photographs were subjected to evaluation. The Cobb angles, the costovertebral angles, and the Harrington indexes were calculated. All the data collected in this way were statistically analyzed. Results. The reduction of the angular value of primary curvature, associated with the simultaneous leveling out of differences in the costovertebral angles on the concave and convex sides, was obtained in 11 cases (64,7% of the subjects). Only in one case was distinct progress of malformation noted (5o). Conclusions. The results obtained point to the considerable therapeutic value of the Hanke method. The possibility of direct control over reflex reactions, leading in effect to normalization (symmetrization) of muscle tension constitutes the hallmark effects obtained by the application of methods for stimulating by reflex the neurophysiological mechanisms for controlling body posture require further thorough research.

Key words:
E-Technik, neuromuscular disorders, muscle tone, Posture

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Epidemiology of lateral curvature of the spine in children and adolescents

Michał Dziewulski, Waldemar Szymanik

Michał Dziewulski, Waldemar Szymanik – Epidemiology of lateral curvature of the spine in children and adolescents. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 106-112

Background. The primary purpose of this article is to draw attention to the problem of lateral scoliosis in children and adolescents, a serious issue in orthopedics. This subject should be of interest not only to orthopedists, but also to pediatricians, rehabilitation specialists, physiotherapists, family physicians, and even specialists in internal medicine. The authors’ goal is to focus on the basic facts concerning this disorder, its classification, and the epidemiology. Material and methods. In our clinical work over the last 30 years we have observed patients treated at the Rehabilitation Center in Konstancin, Poland. The rate of occurrence of scoliosis has been calculated, and the data broken down by sex, age, and residence (urban or rural). The goal was to point out any possible predisposition by gender, to discover whether the residence had any impact on the likelihood of diagnosis due to better facilities, and to specify the age at which there occurs the greatest risk of occurrence. Results. Despite a systematic increase in the number of patients admitted to our Center, there has not been a proportional increase in the number of patients with scoliosis, and in fact the number has diminished. A distinct tendency for scoliosis to appear in girls was noticed. Scoliosis is more often diagnosed in urban children and adolescents. Conclusions. More precise examination and diagnosis of children is required in respect to the possible occurrence of lateral scoliosis, especially in rural environments. Other aspects, such as gender-related trends and the most common type of scoliosis, do not differ from the data reported in the literature.

Key words:
body posture, scoliosis, gender, early diagnosis

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Mobility and shaping of curvature of the spine in children with defective body posture

Andrzej Szczygieł, Anna Ślusarczyk

Andrzej Szczygieł, Anna Ślusarczyk – Mobility and shaping of curvature of the spine in children with defective body posture. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 261-271


Background. This article presents the problem of evaluating the anatomical structure (amount of curvature) and functional capacity of the spine in children with posture defects. This is a vitally important problem for the implementation of treatment. The article also presents selected stretching exercises using tapes, balls, and Thera Band accessories, on the basis of the results obtained. Material and methods. Our research involved a total of 194 children, of whom 91 formed the control group (no posture defects). Children whose examination results diverged from normal posture were assigned to the defective posture group. These children were tested at the Cracow School Sports Center, in the Department of Rehabilitation Gymnastics, where they participated in correctional exercises. The control group was tested at two selected Cracow primary and junior high schools. The subjects’ ages ranged from 10 to 13 years, with a mean of 11.3 years. The tests included the range of movement in the thoraco-lumbar spine in frontal projection left and front, as well as the depth of kyphosis in standing and prone position.Results. The results we obtained showed statistically significant differences in the tested spine parameters and the depth of thoracic kyphosis.Conclusions. The proposed exercises appear to be of considerable use for increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation for children with posture defects.

Key words:
spinal curvature, spinal range of motion, stretching, therapeutic exercises, body posture
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Analysis of selected features of body build and posture in a group of post-menopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis

A. Szczygieł, G. Materna, E. Ciszek

A. Szczygieł, G. Materna, E. Ciszek – Analysis of selected features of body build and posture in a group of post-menopausal women diagnosed with osteoporosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(4); 337-346


Background. The purpose of this article was to analyze the degree of osteoporosis-related changes in body build and posture and the characteristics of anterior-posterior curvature of the spine in the thoracic and lumbar segments. Material and methods. We studied 71 women aged 50-80 diagnosed with osteoporosis by densitometric testing. The research was conducted in the Locomotor Diagnostic Laboratory at the Cracow Academy of Physical Education, using a non-invasive computerized device – the Metrecom System – to obtain results of posturometric testing on three planes of reference. Results. Deviations and asymmetry were found (of varying extent in relation to physiological norms) in the body boild and posture of these osteoporotic women. Detailed analysis of the results showed that they fell within the normal range from 44% to 97%, with the exception of head position. From 66% to 78% of the results for a given parameter placed in the first category (mean +/- SD). No dependency was found between the age of the subject and the size or intensity of a given parameter, with the exception of the correlation coefficient for forward or rear head position in the sagittal plane, which came close to 0.3. Conclusions. The results we obtained confirm the suitability of this measurement technique in the diagnostics of osteoporosis.

Key words:
three-plane diagnostic, scurvature of the spine, body build, body posture
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