Sociodemographic conditions of families of children with Down syndrome born between 1980-2010 diagnosed and treated according to the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model. Twenty years of observations

Ludwika Sadowska, Ewa Gieysztor, Anna Markuszewska, Anna Maria Choińska

L. Sadowska, E. Gieysztor, A. Markuszewska, A. M. Choińska – Sociodemographic conditions of families of children with Down syndrome born between 1980-2010 diagnosed and treated according to the Wroclaw Rehabilitation Model. Twenty years of observations. FP 2016;16(2);74-83


Introduction. There is a number of socio-demographic factors, affecting development of children with the Down Syndrome (DS). Researching these factors provides therapists with knowledge, which increases their ability to help the people with disabilities and their caregivers.
Aim. The aim of this study is a retrospective assessment of the socio-demographic conditions of families, i.e. it specifies the location and conditions of their residence, characteristics of a given family, number of children, sources of income, employment and education of the parents, their health and the care they give their child.
Materials and Methods. The analysis includes documentation regarding 200 children with the DS, treated in the years 1980-2010 in the Independent Workshop for Development Rehabilitation (Samodzielna Pracownia Rehabilitacji Rozwojowej – SPRR) at the Department of Physical Therapy of the Medical University in Wrocław. The children participated in a rehabilitation program according to the Wrocław Rehabilitation Model (Wrocławski Model Usprawniania – WMU). Materials for the research have been divided into 3 groups, according to the decade, when the children were born. Group A has included 50 children born in the years 1980-1989 (28 girls and 22 boys), Group B – 100 children born in the years 1990-1999 (48 girls, 52 boys), and Group C – 50 children born in the years 2000-2010 (25 girls, 25 boys).
Results and Conclusions. Over the years, there have been observed an improvement in the sources of income of the families with the DS children, to which has contributed a higher education level of the parents, both mothers and fathers, growth among them of the employment rate in the private sector, full family status, in the majority of the families there have been at least two, three children and both parents have participated in the care of the child, in the good and very good residential conditions. The beneficial effect of the environment on the conditions for development, and the rehabilitation effects, are confirmed by obtaining by the children with Down Syndrome the social maturity and their functioning in the community.

Key words:
Down Syndrome, WMU, socio-demographic conditions

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