Zaburzenia mięśniowo-szkieletowe związane z pracą u nauczycieli szkolnych: czynniki ryzyka, wskaźnik występowania oraz związek z jakością życia związaną ze zdrowiem w Emiracie Szardża, w Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich

Alyazia Obaid Hassan Khudoum Almarashda, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy, Meeyoung Kim

Inas Gita Amalia, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Enggista Hendriko Delano, Abiyyu Amajida
– Work related musculoskeletal disorders in school teachers: risk factors, prevalence, and association with health-related quality of life in Emirate of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 217-226


Wstęp. Celem tego badania było określenie wskaźnika występowania bólu mięśniowo-szkieletowego (MSP) związanego z pracą oraz korelacji między czynnikami ryzyka, poziomem aktywności fizycznej, stresem i jakością życia wśród nauczycieli szkolnych w Szardży, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie.
Materiały i metody. Przeprowadzono badanie przekrojowe wykorzystujące wersję 23.0 programu SPSS do analizy statystycznej. Użyto testu Shapiro-Wilka, niezależnego testu t oraz jednoczynnikowej analizy wariancji ANOVA do porównania wyników jakości życia i poziomu stresu w zależności od zmiennych.
Wyniki. W sumie do badania rekrutowano 342 nauczycieli pracujących w szkołach prywatnych i publicznych. Wyniki wykazały wysoką częstość występowania MSP wśród nauczycieli. Najczęściej zgłaszane obszary to dolna część pleców, ramię i szyja, a następnie górna część pleców. Sugerowane przyczyny to długie godziny spędzane przed urządzeniami, przy średniej 6 do 9 godzin dziennie, duże obciążenie nauczania od 16 do 30 klas tygodniowo, starszy wiek większości uczestników (35 lat i więcej) oraz niska aktywność fizyczna. Co więcej, jakość życia jest niska wśród nauczycieli z znanymi przewlekłymi schorzeniami oraz pracujących w szkołach prywatnych. Stres był umiarkowany, gdy testowano wszystkie zmienne.
Wnioski. Bóle mięśniowo-szkieletowe związane z pracą są bardzo częste wśród nauczycieli szkolnych w ZEA. Wysokie występowanie jest związane ze starszym wiekiem, dłuższym czasem nauczania, większym obciążeniem dydaktycznym, słabą jakością życia i umiarkowanym stresem.

Słowa kluczowe
ból mięśniowo-szkieletowy, stres, jakość życia, nauczyciele

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Factors affecting physiotherapy clinical education: Perceptions of students and clinical educator

Senthilnathan Ramakrishnan, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy

Senthilnathan Ramakrishnan, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy – Factors affecting physiotherapy clinical education: Perceptions of students and clinical educator. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 92-100


Introduction. Clinical education is the cornerstone of physiotherapy education. Clinical educators play a pivotal role in shaping students’ attitude towards their future role as physiotherapist. But the implementation of physiotherapy clinical education varies significantly between institutions. Research has shown several factors influencing the clinical education.
Aim. To explore the factors affecting physiotherapy clinical education.
Methods. This research used mixed-methods approach and recruited participants through purposive and convenience sampling. Data was collected through a survey using questionnaire and face-to-face interviews. Thirty-four physiotherapy students completed a questionnaire after attending 12 weeks of clinical placements. Twenty-six clinical educators and 9 students participated in the interview. Descriptive statistics including frequency percentage, median and percentiles were used for quantitative data analysis. Thematic analysis method was used for qualitative data analysis.
Results. Quantitative study found greater student satisfaction in clinical education. But the qualitative study identified several factors affecting clinical education in the context of this study. These factors include student interest, learning style, culture, and ability to cope with challenges. In addition, clinical educator workload, teaching strategies, curriculum knowledge, academic-clinical partnership, peer learning, placement model and expectations were the other factors that influenced physiotherapy clinical education.
Conclusions. The findings of this study are useful to physiotherapy clinical educators, students, and faculty. It provides insight into various factors affecting physiotherapy clinical education. Furthermore, it recommends evidence-based strategies to neutralize those factors influencing clinical education.

clinical placements, clinical education, physiotherapy

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Immediate effects of kinesiotaping of the neck on lung function and respiratory muscle strength in stable COPD patients

Mira Abdelaziz Alsaeedi, Manjiri Suhas Kulkarni, Gopala Krishna Alaparthi, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy

Mira Abdelaziz Alsaeedi, Manjiri Suhas Kulkarni, Gopala Krishna Alaparthi, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy – Immediate effects of kinesiotaping of the neck on lung function and respiratory muscle strength in stable COPD patients. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 122-127

Background. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is complicated by the presence of frequent and recurrent acute exacerbations. The patients are asymptomatic and stable in the early stages. They develop weakness of primary respiratory muscles and use accessory muscles which lead to postural changes. The forward head posture in the neck is very common in COPD patients due to increased usage of accessory muscles and aging changes. The objective of this study is to determine the immediate effect of Kinesio-taping on lung function and respiratory muscle strength in stable COPD patients and age matched healthy individuals.
Methods. 20 stable COPD patients and 20 age matched asymptomatic participants were assessed for the pulmonary function test by Spiro lab machine and respiratory muscle strength using Micro RPM machine before applying the KT. The outcomes were repeated 30 minutes after applying the KT for correcting the forward head posture. The with-in group and between group comparison of the variables before and after the application of KT was done using student t-test.
Results. A significant correlation was found in the baseline parameters of age (p = 0.011); PEF (p = 0.004) and physical activity levels
(p = 0.039). The application of Kinesio tape proved to be beneficial by improving the lung and respiratory parameters of FVC (p = 0.002) and MEP (p = 0.22) among the COPD group.
Conclusions. Our study concluded that, application of kinesio-tape can be an adjunct to conventional breathing exercises for COPD patients. There is improved lung function and reduced rate of perceived exertion after application of kinesio-tape.
Key words:
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, kinesio-taping, forward head posture, lung function
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A structured pulmonary rehabilitation protocol for bi-lobectomy: A case report

Manjiri Suhas Kulkarni, Gopala Krishna Alaparthi, Shyam Krishnan, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy

Manjiri Suhas Kulkarni, Gopala Krishna Alaparthi, Shyam Krishnan, Kalyana Chakravarthy Bairapareddy – A structured pulmonary rehabilitation protocol for bi-lobectomy: A case report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 62-68

Clinical Case. An exclusively tailored exercise program which included chest physiotherapy and graded mobilization was given to a 34-year-old patient after bi-lobectomy for seven days as a part of an in-patient rehabilitation program. The cardiovascular and respiratory response, rate of perceived exertion and six-minute walk distance were recorded before and after the intervention. Range of motion and postural correction were also given equal attention. Descriptive statistics used in order to present the data.
Discussion. A pulmonary rehabilitation protocol after surgical interventions in bronchiectasis patients is beneficial, however, the short-term effects are not well documented. Bi-lobectomy being the less common resections performed, requires a structured rehabilitation protocol in order to overcome the complications faced in the post-surgical recovery period.
Summary. The number of bronchiectasis cases are increasing rapidly, with surgical repairs gaining priority and importance as management of this condition. Pulmonary rehabilitation is encouraged in order to maximise the benefits of the surgeries by reducing the post-operative complication. Pulmonary rehabilitation protocols structured for each individual depending on their difficulties will help in reducing complications, dependency and duration of the hospital stay.
Key words:
bronchiectasis, bi-lobectomy, pulmonary rehabilitation
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