Post-Covid-19 sveikatos skatinimas universitetuose: psichikos sveikata ir socialinių tinklų skatinimas

Danny Eka Wahyu Saputra, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sigit Nugroho, Panut Sumardi, Puji Asmawati

Danny Eka Wahyu Saputra, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sigit Nugroho, Panut Sumardi, Puji Asmawati – Post-Covid-19 health promotion in universities: mental health and social media promotion. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 85-94


Dėl Covid-19 pandemijos kilusios krizės pakeitė gyvenimo būdą, darbo ir mokymosi procesus. Vyriausybė išleido politiką, siekdama priimti naują užsakymo tvarką, kad sumažintų Covid-19 plitimą ir toliau keistų žmonių įpročius. Universitetai kaip švietimo centrai turi tarpdisciplininį, multidisciplininį ir transdisciplininį vaidmenį ir indėlį per sveikatos skatinimo tyrimus ir išplėtimo veiklas, imdamiesi vaidmens įveikiant Covid-19 pandemiją. Universitetai turi novatorišką vaidmenį rengiantis Covid-19 endemijai per jų darbą švietimo, tyrimų ir konsultavimo srityse. Su pandemija ir post-Covid-19 pasirengimais, universitetai intensyvina palaikymą teikiant sveikatos paslaugas akademinei bendruomenei, įskaitant tvaraus sveikatos skatinimo paslaugas. Sveikatos skatinimas universitetuose po Covid-19 pandemijos gali būti atliekamas įgyvendinant bendras sveikatos skatinimo strategijas, įskaitant 1) tarpsektorinį koordinavimą, 2) svarbumą ir tvarumą, 3) akademinės bendruomenės įgalinimą ir įtraukimą bei 4) lygybę. Mokinių ir mokytojų psichinė sveikata po nuotolinio mokymo yra labai svarbi. Socialinės medijos turi didelį potencialą skatinti sveikatą ir kitas sveikatos intervencijas, nes tai leidžia įveikti kai kurias tradicinio sveikatos komunikacijos ribas, didinant prieinamumą, sąveiką, įsitraukimą, įgalinimą ir prisitaikymą. Sveikatos skatinimas universitetuose, naudojant socialines medijas, turi keletą privalumų: prieinamumą, patogumą, mažas išlaidas, sąveiką su galutiniais vartotojais, lankstumą, statusą ir matomumą. Su socialinės medijos įsitraukimo geru momentu kartu su nauju sveikatos skatinimo dėmesiu, siūlymas teikti sveikatos skatinimo paslaugas naudojant skaitmenines medijas yra vienas iš galimų veiksmų. Skaitmeninės medijos turi didelę perspektyvą sveikatos skatinimo ir kitų sveikatos intervencijų veikloje.
sveikatos skatinimas, universitetas, Covid-19, socialinės medijos
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Studentų fizinės sveikatos atkūrimas: po pandemijos fizinės veiklos programų esminis vaidmu

Bafirman HB, Asep Sujana Wahyuri, Fiky Zarya, Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah, Faza Annasai


Bafirman HB, Asep Sujana Wahyuri, Fiky Zarya, Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah, Faza Annasai. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 226-232


Po COVID-19 pandemijos sąlygomis studentai neaktyviai dalyvauja fizinėje veikloje tiek mokykloje, tiek namuose, kas lemia studentų fizinės sveikatos kokybės mažėjimą. Šio tyrimo tikslas yra pagerinti studentų fizinę sveikatą, įgyvendinant gerai struktūrizuotą, tikslų, nuoseklų ir matuojamą fizinės veiklos programą, kartu stebint studentų vykdomas sporto veiklas. Šis tyrimas naudoja pseudekperimentalinę priešbandymo-pobandymo dizainą. Tyrimo imtis sudarė 117 studentų. Pasirinkta atrankos technika yra tikslinė atranka. Fizinės sveikatos vertinimo priemonė yra Indonezijos Fizinio Sveikatos Testas (TKJI). Duomenų analizės technika naudoja porinį imties t-testą. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad sporto veiklos programa turėjo reikšmingą poveikį studentų fizinės sveikatos pagerėjimui, su vidutiniu fizinės sveikatos balo padidėjimu 13% Junior High School 01, 11% Junior High School 39, 9% Junior High School 14 ir 5% Junior High School 24. Tai patvirtina t-testo rezultatai, naudojant porinį imties t-testą, su t-reikšme -3,754 ir reikšmingumo vertę p = 0,001 (p <0,05). Remiantis šiais rezultatais, galima daryti išvadą, kad sporto veiklos programų įgyvendinimas skirtingose pagrindinėse mokyklose Padango mieste reikšmingai pagerina studentų fizinę sveikatą po COVID-19 pandemijos.
Fizinė sveikata, sporto veiklos, COVID-19
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Prieš pradedant COVID-19 pandemijos trečiąjį metų gyventi Lenkijos ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje, atliktas pilotinis tyrimas dėl dusulio ir fizinės veiklos lygmens vertinimo

Monika Gałczyk, Anna Zalewska, Aneta Mierzejewska


Monika Gałczyk, Anna Zalewska, Aneta Mierzejewska – Assessment of dyspnoea and physical activity levels among Poles living in Poland and the United Kingdom in the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic – a pilot study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 6-17


Santrauka Tikslas.

Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo įvertinti dusulio lygį ir ryšį tarp dusulio ir fizinės veiklos tarp lenkų, gyvenančių Lenkijoje ir Jungtinėje Karalystėje, pandemijos COVID-19 trečiaisiais metais. Metodai. Pilotiniai tyrimai buvo atlikti sausio mėnesį 2023 m. Tyrimo autoriai gavo 200 apklausų iš respondentų, kurie buvo amžiaus nuo 18 iki 69 metų (104 iš Lenkijos ir 96 iš Jungtinės Karalystės). Dusulio lygį vertino naudojant MRC (Medicininio tyrimų tarybos Dusulio skalė) klausimyną. Fizinės veiklos lygį matavo Tarptautinės Fizinės Veiklos Klausimynas (IPAQ). Rezultatai. Daugumoje atvejų dusulys pasireiškė tik stipriu fizinio aktyvumo metu, o jo lygis didėjo su amžiumi ir didesniu COVID-19 atvejų skaičiumi. Pastebėta tendencija, kad dusulio lygis didėjo sumažėjus MET rezultatams vidutinio sunkumo fizinės veiklos metu. Respondentų gyvenamoji šalis nesusijusi su dusulio lygiu. Išvados. Atsižvelgiant į rekomendacijas, būtina stebėti dusulio lygį pacientams po COVID-19, ypač vyresnio amžiaus pacientams ir tiems, kurie kelis kartus sirgo COVID-19. Reguliarus fizinės veiklos įvedimas gali padėti sumažinti dusulio pojūtį.

Raktiniai žodžiai:

COVID-19, dusulys, fizinė veikla

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Występowanie zaburzeń w obrębie stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych podczas zarażenia COVID-19

Bernadeta Piwowar-Kuczyńska, Małgorzata Kulesa-Mrowiecka, Michał Zabojszcz, Mateusz Curyło

Bernadeta Piwowar-Kuczyńska, Małgorzata Kulesa-Mrowiecka, Michał Zabojszcz, Mateusz Curyło – The occurrence of temporomandibular joint disorders during COVID-19 infection. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 84-89


Wstęp. Pandemia SARS-CoV-2 spowodowała niekorzystne skutki dla zdrowia psychoemocjonalnego. Może to prowadzić do wystąpienia / nasilenia objawów ze strony stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było wykazanie, czy istnieje zależność pomiędzy zachorowaniem na COVID-19 a zaburzeniami występującymi w obrębie stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych i napięciowymi bólami głowy.
Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 368 osób (wykluczono 168 niespełniających kryteriów włączenia) w wieku od 25 do 55 r. ż. (średnia 38 lat ± 9,45), kobiety stanowiły 59,5%, a mężczyźni 40,5% badanej grupy. Wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety zamieszczony na portalu W celu przeprowadzenia analizy statystycznej posłużono się programem SPSS Statistics. Za poziom istotności statystycznej przyjęto p < 0,05.
Wyniki. Bruksizm występował u 66,1% osób zarażonych COVID-19, a napięciowe bóle głowy były powiązane z zarażeniem w 67,9%. Dodatkowo napięcie w obrębie mięśni twarzy występowało u 53,5% osób chorujących na COVID-19, a występowanie krepitacji w stawach u 48,6% zarażonych.
Wnioski. Wykazano, że zachorowanie na COVID-19 ma wpływ na zaburzenia skroniowo-żuchwowe oraz występowanie napięciowych bólów głowy.
Słowa kluczowe:
COVID-19, pandemia SARS-CoV-2, zaburzenia skroniowo-żuchwowe, bruksizm, napięciowe bóle głowy
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The SARS-CoV-2 virus contributes to disorders of the sense of smell, taste and vision by attacking many important structures in human body

Bernadeta Piwowar-Kuczyńska, Małgorzata Kulesa-Mrowiecka, Michał Zabojszcz, Mateusz Curyło


Bernadeta Piwowar-Kuczyńska, Małgorzata Kulesa-Mrowiecka, Michał Zabojszcz, Mateusz Curyło – The SARS-CoV-2 virus contributes to disorders of the sense of smell, taste and vision by attacking many important structures in human body. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 76-82


Aim of the study The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between COVID-19 infection and disorders of the sense of smell, taste and vision.
Material and methods The study included 368 subjects (168 who did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded) ranging in age between 25-55 years. (mean age 38 +/-9.45), women represented 59.5% and men 40.5% of the study group. An author’s survey questionnaire posted on was used. SPSS Statistics program was used for statistical analysis. The level of statistical significance was taken as p<0.05.
Results The collected data showed that loss of taste in the course of COVID-19 infection affected 66.1%, and loss of smell affected 58.9% of the study group. Symptoms lasted from 3-5 days and involved 31% loss of taste and 58.9% loss of smell. Respondents reported experiencing visual disturbances in 64%.
Conclusions COVID-19 infection has been shown to be significantly associated with loss of smell and taste. In addition, there are visual disturbances, the most common of which are decreased visual acuity and blurred vision.

Key words: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, sensory disorders

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Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková


Pavol Nechvátal, Lucia Demjanovič Kendrová, Tomáš Uher, Michal Macej, Gabriela Škrečková – Monitoring of functional ability, mobility and quality of life in seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 92-95



Aim. The aim of the work is to map the functional fitness, level of mobility and quality of life of seniors at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods. The study group consisted of 130 seniors from the Prešov Region, with an average age of 74.1 (max. 94, min. 65) years and an average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27.13 (max. 41.09, min 16.00). There were 54 men (41.5%), with an average age of 74.3 years and an average BMI of 26.78, women with an average age of 74.0 years and an average BMI of 27.37. In all seniors we assessed physical fitness by Senior Fitness Test, level of mobility by the Up & go test and quality of life and mental health by the WHOQOL-BREF test during the lockdown in COVID-19 pandemic.
Results. Seniors living in rural areas (t = -2,341; p = 0.020) and living alone (t = -2.05; p = 0.042) had slightly higher rate of mild obesity (according to BMI). Seniors living alone had a lower quality of life compared with seniors living partner or family member (t = 3.728; p < 0.001). Finally, seniors living in rurar areas had worse physical (t = 3.113; p = 0.002) and mental health status (t = 2.601; p = 0.010). Women had slightly worse mental health status than men (t = 2.308; p = 0.022).
Conclusions. Restrictions on movement due to the COVID-19 pandemic put seniors who live alone, at risk, especially women. Men show higher resistance to these measures, mostly in physical and psychological health area.
Key words:
COVID-19, movement activity, physical fitness, quality of life, seniors
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Post-COVID-19 rehabilitation in the post-hospitalization period – case study

Michał Polawski, Wiktor Obręcki, Magdalena Kościelniak, Rafał Trąbka

Michał Polawski, Wiktor Obręcki, Magdalena Kościelniak, Rafał Trąbka – Post-COVID-19 rehabilitation in the post-hospitalization period – case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 102-115


Aim of the research work. The main goal of the research work was to show an author’s plan of physiotherapeutic intervention for people suffering of COVID-19 in the post-acute stage. The therapeutic procedure highlighted pulmonary rehabilitation, aerobic and resistance training and patient’s education.
Case study. The research work was performed on a 62-year old woman, who was diagnosed with infection by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The patient was admitted to ICU with acute ARDS in a heavily severe condition. The medical history showed obesity, chronic ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension and cardiac arrest (2011). The patient was admitted to the rehabilitation unit in the post-acute stage of infection, and was using passive oxygen therapy with oxygen flow set to 4 l/min. During the qualification for therapy the patient was tested using a questionnaire which consisted of clinical tests such as 6MWT, MRC, 30CST and FIM scale. Furthermore, the lungs were examined using spirometry. Identical measurements were being used every 2 weeks of the therapy process. After 8 weeks of physiotherapeutic procedure there was a significant increase of score in 6-MWT which upgraded by 750%. Systematic improvement was also visible in dyspnoea and fatigue, which completely surceased after finishing the therapeutic process. Functional state of the patient improved considerably which is shown by 30CST score, improved by 380%. Spirometry score analysis shows FVC, FEV1 and Tiffeneau-Pinelli index improve respectively by 40%, 53% and 9.6%.
Summary. The therapeutic program based on pulmonary rehabilitation, aerobic and resistance training and patient’s education looks very promising. Implemented procedure contributed to the patient’s relatively quick recovery to a pre-COVID-19 state. Patient’s physical and pulmonary efficiency were noticed, exertional tolerance increased, dyspnoea and fatigue gave way which all combined led to improved functional efficiency. Pulmonary system function was also enhanced which was demonstrated by spirometry.

Key words:
SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, physiotherapy, rehabilitation

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Academic cognitive stress of undergraduate medical students during COVID-19 pandemic

Lamiaa K. Elsayyad, Hashma S. Aljaad, Shahad M. Aburas, Raghad I. Almatani, Haneen A. Al­Shehri, Amjad G. Al­Thagafy, Sara S. Alshehri, Hatem H. Allam

Lamiaa K. Elsayyad, Hashma S. Aljaad, Shahad M. Aburas, Raghad I. Almatani, Haneen A. Al­Shehri, Amjad G. Al­Thagafy, Sara S. Alshehri, Hatem H. Allam – Academic cognitive stress of undergraduate medical students during COVID-19 pandemic. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 94-100

Purpose of the study. To investigate the level of academic stress among Taif University medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine its sources. Also, to declare the difference between male and female students in this concern.
Methods. The current study was conducted at Taif University, from January 15 to March 1, 2021. The target population was undergraduate medical students. The Perception of Academic Stress Scale (PAS) was the used tool to evaluate academic stress and its sources. Four-hundred thirty-three students participated in the study, 177 (39.9%) males and 256 (60.1%) females.
Results. The total score of PAS indicated mild to moderate stress. Perceptions of workload were the highest significant source of stress (moderate to severe). Pressure to perform and time restraints were the second sources of stress with a non-significant difference between them, while they resulted in significantly higher stress than the academic self-perception which demonstrated the lowest level of stress. There were non-significant differences between males and females in all four domains and the total score.
Conclusion. Taif University medical students have mild to moderate academic stress. Perception of workload represents the main source of stress. There was no significant difference between the male and female sections.

Key words:
Academic stress, medical students, COVID-19

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Labour law for physiotherapists in Poland

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Prawo pracy dla fizjoterapeutów w Polsce. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 30-36

Every employee is responsible for their basic knowledge of labour law. Getting acquainted with relevant laws and regulations may save an unaware employee from being sued by the employer or provide grounds for pursuing their claims when the employer violates the employee’s interest. This is particularly important in the case of medical professionals. Physiotherapists, as employees of one of the medical professions, are covered by different regulations regarding, for example, working hours or remuneration for work outside working hours. The prevailing COVID-19 pandemic additionally contributed to the introduction of new regulations that would change the way medical employees perform work. The objective of this study is to present the most important information about labour law from the point of view of a physiotherapist.

Key words:
physiotherapy, labour law, COVID-19, medical professions

Article only in Polish language

Physiotherapist’s role in physical activity of people working from home

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Rola fizjoterapeuty w aktywności fizycznej u osób pracujących zdalnie. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 226-232

Introduction. COVID-19 pandemic introduced new restrictions and either forced or encouraged citizens to stay mostly in isolation, preferably at home. Many companies sent their employees to work from home. With fitness centers, gyms and other sport facilities closed by government, there were scarce chances and motivators to work out.
Objectives. This paper was dedicated to studying the possible outcomes of COVID-19 related isolation and decrease in citizen’s everyday activity. Proposed usage of telephysiotherapy is presented.
Methods. In this paper a literature review and a discussion is performed regarding the current work-from-home situation in Poland, drawbacks of prolonged isolation and areas where physiotherapists might help citizens.
Results. Reduction of physical activity has significant impact on individuals’ bodies and should not be ignored. Patients with specific diseases might use telephysiotherapy services and continue their treatment. However, there is a need to provide home office employees with a good source of motivation and properly prepared sets of exercises to remain healthy and fit. Physiotherapists have an occasion to provide such services and use their professional knowledge in this area.
Conclusions. Physiotherapistscan provide services like telephysiotherapy with sets of exercises provided for specific groups of users. This allows for a win-win situation: physiotherapists earn money on a slightly different type of tasks and patients have a professional source of profitable exercises.
Key words:
COVID-19, telephysiotherapy, physical activity, working from home

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