Laser Acupuncture for Relieve Peri-Cranial Tenderness with Tension-Type Headache Patients: a Randomized Control Trial

Ehab Nasser Mahmoud, Salah Abd-Elmonem Sawan, Amany Abass, Ahmed Mokhtar Al-kharbotl

Ehab Nasser Mahmoud, Salah Abd-Elmonem Sawan, Amany Abass, Ahmed Mokhtar Al-kharbotl – Laser Acupuncture for Relieve Peri-Cranial Tenderness with Tension-Type Headache Patients: a Randomized Control Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(2); 138-143

Aim. The aim of this study was to study the effect of Laser acupuncture (low-level laser therapy, infra-red) and placebo laser on patients with tension-type headache who suffered from peri-cranial tenderness. Materials and Methods. Thirty patients (14 males and 16 females) were diagnosed as having tension-type headache associated peri-cranial tenderness. Diode laser with wavelength 905 nm laser diode, hand pointer laser displays, continuous and pulsed mood operation. Each patient received 15 sessions from real and sham groups for five weeks by three sessions every week every other day according to acupuncture points related to their trigger points (Trps) of peri-cranial tenderness related to tension-type headache directly to the acupuncture points. Evaluation methods were total tenderness score, duration of peri-cranial tenderness with tension-type headache. Episodes recorded to measure the total antioxidants capacity (TAC) in their urine. Results. Results obtained from the actual laser study group revealed significant relief of peri-cranial tenderness pain, a decrease in duration of peri-cranial tenderness episodes and an improvement in the status of total antioxidants. Conclusion. This study concluded that acupuncture application using the low-level laser in infrared range with wavelength 905 nm, is a physical therapy modality for relieving peri-cranial tenderness with tension-type headache patients. Also, improvement in life quality, activity daily living and psychological status observed.
Key words:
pericranial tenderness, tension type headache, low level laser, trigger points and acupuncture points
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