The Brace 2008

Jacques Cheneau

Jacques Cheneau – The Brace 2008. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 335-343

Since 1987, the scoliotic patient is no more locked up in a kind of cage on parts of which pressure pads are fixed. There are now only pressure parts on humps, up to 15, and up to 30 junction strips crossing over expansion areas. All those 45 pressure and expansion zones have become a number. There are two main kinds of scoliosis patients: those with three curves and iliac crests bulging on the left side, and those with four curves and iliac crests bulging on the right side. The pressure part has to press only on one apex vertebra, not over or under it. The problem of hollow back is efficiently solved. Adjustments are made by removing the maladjusted part, placing it in an appropriate location on the patient and fixing it again.Gymnastics has to be combined with elective breathing: breathing out with humps and breathing in with concave parts. Failures are shown and are often committed. They compromise results. Angle results are similar to those of the best World Series, and all iatrogenic effects are avoided. The strong idea of the concept is the presence of deep and great concave sided expansion spaces.
Key words:
scoliosis, brace, pressure parts, expansion spaces
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