Usporedba kineskih i međunarodnih istraživanja o tjelesnoj pismenosti u obrazovanju – vizualna analiza temeljena na CiteSpaceV

Wenting Dong, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Azni Yati Kamaruddin, Changqing Xiang, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Panggung Sutapa, Manil Karakauki

Wenting Dong, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali, Azni Yati Kamaruddin, Changqing Xiang, Kukuh Wahyudin Pratama, Panggung Sutapa, Manil Karakauki – Comparison of Chinese and international research on physical literacy in education – a visual analysis based on CiteSpaceV –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 285-296


U svrhu istraživanja usporedbe kineskih i međunarodnih istraživanja na rubnim područjima i trendova razvoja u području tjelesne pismenosti u obrazovanju (PLIE), koristili su se kao istraživački objekti 118 istraživačkih članaka uključenih u Kinesku nacionalnu infrastrukturu znanja (CNKI) i 1439 istraživačkih članaka uključenih u Web of Science (WOS) osnovnu kolekciju povezanu s „tjelesnom pismenosti u obrazovanju“. CiteSpace V (verzija 5.8.R3 – 64 bita) koristi se za stvaranje vizualne karte znanja ovog istraživačkog područja te analizu vremenske distribucije, autora, institucija i ključnih riječi. Rezultati pokazuju da je vremenska distribucija istraživačkih faza u Kini općenito usklađena s onom međunarodnih istraživanja. Iako je kinesko istraživanje na ovom području također među vodećima u svijetu, distribucija autora i institucija homogenija je nego u međunarodnim istraživanjima, a suradnja između autora i institucija vrlo je slaba. Što se tiče distribucije dobi studijske populacije, međunarodne studije obuhvaćaju gotovo sve dobne skupine i raznovrsnije su u sadržaju istraživanja. Za razliku od toga, kineska istraživanja ograničena su na fokus na adolescente i studente, a sadržaj istraživanja uglavnom se odnosi na tjelesno obrazovanje i školsko tjelesno obrazovanje. Još uvijek postoji jaz između Kine i međunarodne napredne razine u području istraživanja PLIE-a, te je potrebno ojačati longitudinalna i interdisciplinarna istraživanja u budućnosti. Koncept tjelesne pismenosti treba dodatno istražiti i definirati te je potrebno objaviti više istraživačkih rezultata u utjecajnim časopisima kako bi se proširio utjecaj područja istraživanja PLIE-a i u Kini i međunarodno.
Ključne riječi
usporedba, tjelesna pismenost, obrazovanje, vizualna analiza, CiteSpaceV
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The level of parents’ knowledge about body posture defects in early school age children

Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Weronika Niewiarowska, Anita Kulik, Magdalena Gębska, Agata Chilman, Łukasz Kołodziej

Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Weronika Niewiarowska, Anita Kulik, Magdalena Gębska, Agata Chilman, Łukasz Kołodziej – The level of parents’ knowledge about body posture defects in early school age children. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 88-96


Objective. The main objective of the study is to assess the knowledge of parents/guardians about body posture defects in children at early school age. During the study, additional objectives were set regarding the determination of the level of parents’ knowledge in selected topics. These topics concerned the type of body posture defects in children, factors influencing their formation, as well as determining the knowledge of parents in the use of preventive measures.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 300 parents of children at early school age. The study was conducted on the basis of an original, anonymous questionnaire consisting of 24 questions. Respondents provided answers to questions concerning, among others, the source of obtaining information on posture defects, knowledge of individual posture defects and methods of prevention.
Results. The study showed that people living in larger towns/cities and having higher education have a wider range of knowledge in the field of body posture defects. In addition, respondents with higher education know and use posture defect prevention methods much more often than people with lower education. According to the respondents, wearing a backpack on one shoulder is one of the most common causes of posture defects. Parents who do not know whether their child has a posture defect relatively rarely use preventive methods.

Słowa kluczowe:
posture defect, physio prevention, education, student, body posture

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Selected aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation

Ryszard Rutkowski, Joanna Rutkowska, Krzysztof Rutkowski, Zenon Siergiejko

Ryszard Rutkowski, Joanna Rutkowska, Krzysztof Rutkowski, Zenon Siergiejko – Selected aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2009; 9(1); 21-30

Our review article summarizes current knowledge on medical rehabilitation with special emphasis on rehabilitation in respiratory conditions. Medical rehabilitation entails a multidisciplinary approach to chronically ill and disabled patients sen/ing to restore the highest possible physical, mental and professional capacity allowing patients to function actively and independently within the limitations placed upon them by their disorder The beneficial effects of rehabilitation depend considerably on careful planning of action to be taken in the course of treatment of chronic functional disorders and the feasibility of its continuation in the community The American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) recommend pulmonary rehabilitation in the therapy of chronic respiratory conditions. It has been defined as a multidisciplinary approach providing an indMdually designed multi-speciality programme incorporating the diagnosis, treatment, education and psychological techniąues to stabilise and/or re-vert the physiological and psychopathological symptoms of chronic respiratory conditions. A well designed pulmonary rehabilitation programme encompasses educating patients and their relatives, healthy life style and nutritional (weight correction) advice as well as appropriate psychological intentions. Patient education is the cornerstone of comprehensive pulmonary rehabilitation and remains the shared duty of patients, their families, GPs and all other members of the therapeutic team. Counselling and nutritional advice are important components of the educational programme as they influence patients’ general well-being and fitness.
Key words:
pulmonary rehabilitation, education, asthma, COPD, cystis fibrosis
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Following the recommendations concerning pulmonary rehabilitation by parents of children with cystic fibrosis

Oktawia Kuna, Halina Woś, Bożena Kordys-Darmolińska, Agnieszka Ciukszo, Jacek Durmała, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marcin Mikos, Jan W.Raczkowski, Mateusz Curyło

Oktawia Kuna, Halina Woś, Bożena Kordys-Darmolińska, Agnieszka Ciukszo, Jacek Durmała, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marcin Mikos, Jan W.Raczkowski, Mateusz Curyło – Following the recommendations concerning pulmonary rehabilitation by parents of children with cystic fibrosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 178-186


Introduction. When performed according to the most recent standards, rehabilitation and nebulization enable the prevention of progression of cystic fibrosis.
Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the parents’ knowledge concerning the disease, education of pro-health attitudes, taking care of pulmonary rehabilitation equipment, and following the recommendations on how to perform inhalations correctly.
Materials and methods. Seventy-four parents with at least one child affected by cystic fibrosis participated in a survey, where we applied our own questionnaire.
Results. A majority of the parents claim to possess knowledge about the disease and to be familiar with the specialist terminology; however, a control question does not confirm that. Only 50% of the respondents take advantage of a positive influence of physical effort on the respiratory function, whereas 50% of the children assume incorrect positions during nebulization, and merely half of the parents maintain nebulization equipment in the right way.
Conclusions. Parents still need further education concerning their children’s condition, the principles of their rehabilitation, hygiene, the ways of properly maintaining the equipment, as well as dosing the suitable amount of physical activity on a daily basis.
Key words:
cystic fibrosis, rehabilitation, nebulization, physical activity, education
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The situation of mothers raising children with intellectual disabilities in relation to selected sociodemographic and clinical factors

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Aleksandra Rokosz, Izabela Zbrońska, Sabina Lizis

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, A. Rokosz, I. Zbrońska, S. Lizis –The situation of mothers raising children with intellectual disabilities in relation to selected sociodemographic and clinical factors. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 110-124

Background. The diagnosis of a child’s intellectual disability may trigger different emotions in parents, as a result of which the family may be strengthened, unified or weakened and destabilized. The aim of the study was to assess the situation of mothers raising children with disabilities depending on their age, living environment, education level and the degree of intellectual disability of the child.
Material and methods. The Chi-square test analyzed the results of 103 questionnaires from a diagnostic survey carried out in rehabilitation and educational facilities among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities.
Results. Statistically significant correlations between the age of mothers and the forms of education chosen for children (p = 0.021) and the type of extra classes (p = 0.015) were found. The level of education of mothers showed relationships with the type of sources of information about the specificity of child disorders (p = 0.043), and the degree of disability of the child with the frequency of receiving support from loved ones (p = 0.038), using institutional material help (p = 0.002), the type of factors that are most difficult to accept (p = 0.021), and feelings about the future of children (p = 0.002).
Conclusions. The mothers’ age determines the forms of education and the type of extra-curricular activities. The living environment does not determine the situation of families raising a child with intellectual disability. The mothers’ level of education determines the frequency of using sources of information about the specificity of a child’s disorder. The degree of intellectual disability of a child determines the frequency with which mothers can count on the support of the loved ones, the frequency of using material assistance provided by institutions, as well as the most difficult to accept factors and feelings about the future.

Key words:
disability, support, acceptance, education

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Analiza wybranych czynników determinujących wiedzę o stanie zdrowia osób po urazie rdzenia kręgowego

Jarosław Pokaczajło, Tomasz Tasiemski

J. Pokaczajło, T. Tasiemski – Analysis of selected determinants of knowledge about the health in persons with spinal cord injury. FP 2016; 16(3); 106-116

Cel pracy. Głównym celem pracy była analiza wybranych czynników determinujących poziom wiedzy na temat stanu zdrowia osób po urazach rdzenia kręgowego (URK). Wybrane zmienne podzielono na dwie grupy: 1) socjodemograficzne: wiek w dniu badania, płeć, stan cywilny, poziom wykształcenia, miejsce zamieszkania oraz 2) związane z URK: wiek w dniu urazu, czas od urazu, udział w obozach Aktywnej Rehabilitacji (AR), obraz kliniczny, tj. paraplegia/tetraplegia.
Materiał i metodyka. Badaniami objęto 100 osób po URK (22 kobiety oraz 78 mężczyzn) uzależnionych w codziennym funkcjonowaniu od wózka inwalidzkiego. Narzędziem wykorzystanym do przeprowadzenia badań był test wiedzy na temat stanu zdrowia osób po URK.
Wyniki. Średni wynik uzyskany przez respondentów w teście wiedzy wyniósł 27,11 pkt. (zakres:10-45 pkt.), co wskazuje na dostateczną znajomość stanu zdrowia osób po URK. Najlepszą wiedzę badani wykazali w zakresie odżywiania/diety. Obszarami, na temat których posiadali najmniejsza wiedzę było uzyskiwanie pomocy oraz zaopatrzenie ortopedyczne. Do czynników istotnie różnicujących poziom wiedzy na temat stanu zdrowia osób po URK należały: udział w obozach AR, wiek w dniu urazu oraz czas od urazu.
Wnioski. Dostateczna ogólna ocena wiedzy oraz niedostateczne wyniki w obrębie poszczególnych obszarów funkcjonowania osób po URK wskazały zagadnienia, którym w trakcie procesu rehabilitacji i edukacji pacjentów należy poświęcić szczególną uwagę.

Słowa kluczowe:
wiedza, uraz rdzenia kręgowego, edukacja, rehabilitacja

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