The low-frequency alternating magnetic field prevention of osteoporosis

Włodzisław Kuliński, Andrzej Misztela, Tomasz Rybak, Józef Mróz

Włodzisław Kuliński, Andrzej Misztela, Tomasz Rybak, Józef Mróz – The low-frequency alternating magnetic field prevention of osteoporosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(3); 268-270


Background. Osteoporosis is one of the most importance diseases of contemporary civilization, diagnosed in over 25% of women and 10% of men over the age of 60. This article describes the negative impact of the growth of civilization on the development of osteoporosis. Recommendations are given for proper nutrition. The article also discusses the mechanisms governing the potential impact of physical exertion, one of the strongest stimuli of osteogenesis, on the prevention of osteoporosis. The authors suggest the possibility of preventing osteoporosis by daily exposure, 15-20 minutes long, ultraviolet light in patients with risk factors caused by the use of drugs (steroids). This article evaluates the therapeutic efficacy of a low-frequency alternating magnetic field (LFAMF) in the prevention of bone mass loss in patient’s long-term steroid treatment. Material and methods. Our research involved 25 men with chronic obturative pulmonary disease (COPD) receiving long-term steroid therapy. The patients were administered a program of LFAMF therapy, receiving 2-3 month-long treatment courses within a one-year period. Before and after LFAMF therapy the patients were evaluated for the degree of pain intensity and the number of COPD exacerbations, and their BMD and T-scores were compared densitometrically. Results. In all patients after two years of treatment we found less pain, a more than two-fold reduction number in the number COPD exacerbations, and increased bone mass.

Key words:
low-frequency alternating magnetic field, Osteoporosis, prophylaxis
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Problems in physico- and physiotherapy of patients in the course of HIV infection and AIDS infection

Włodzisław Kuliński, Anna Muszyńska, Jerzy Kruszewski

Włodzisław Kuliński, Anna Muszyńska, Jerzy Kruszewski – Problems in physico- and physiotherapy of patients in the course of HIV infection and AIDS infection. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 68-70

In 1989, the first case was diagnosed of the disease later called acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). According to WHO data, by the end of 1998 over 30 million persons around the world were known to be infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); every day 16,000 new cases of HIV infection are reported, and several million people have died of AIDS. In Poland, by the end of 1999 several thousand persons had been infected with HIV, of whom several hundred had been diagnosed with AIDS. From the moment of infection to the full development of the disease takes about ten years. AIDS is spreading on an epidemic scale. Pharmalogical treatment is imperfect and only serves to slow the progress of the infection and delay the onset of AIDS. In the development of the disease we observe the appearance of changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems, caused directly by the action of the virus and by the worsening impairment of cell immunity. Multi-focal leukoencephalopathy is found in the brain, and in the peripheral nervous system there are symptoms of sensory polyneuropathy, followed by demyelinating neuropathy and symptoms of damage to multiple peripheral nerves. In practice, peripheral neuropathy occurs in conjection with subacute encephalitis and paresis of the cranial nerves, primarily V, VII and VIII. Lesions in the vicinity of the spinal cord cause weakening of muscle strength, sphincter disorders, and progressive plegia of the limbs. In many patients we also observe symptoms in the joints. In the physico- and physiotherapeutic treatment of these patients we recommend variable low-frequency magnetic fields for subacute encephalitis with involvement of the cranial nerves (the article specifies the parameters for the procedures and the exposure time, also for patients with symptoms of peripheral neuropathy and limb plegia). The possibilities of selective physicotherapy by other means is discussed. Physical therapy procedures are also presented in the course of joint disorders, and kinesitherapeutic procedures are discussed. In the balance of the article the detailed rules for personal hygiene in handling these patients are discussed. The risk of transmitting HIV infection during physio- and physiotherapeutic procedures has been estimated at 5-10%. We have not had much experience in Poland with managing this group of patients. This article should be regarded as an attempt to raise problems which should be solved in cooperation.

Key words:
Physical Medicine, rehabilitation, prevention

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The PNF method in the treatment of intervertebral disc disease

Anna Olczak, Włodzisław Kuliński, Janusz Domaniecki

Anna Olczak, Włodzisław Kuliński, Janusz Domaniecki – The PNF method in the treatment of intervertebral disc disease. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(3); 241-252

Background. Low back pain syndromes are a social and medical problem affecting 40-50% of the population. The most common cause of low back pain syndromes is changes within the intervertebral disc. The abnormalities may affect the stability of the motion segment. The aim of this work is an analysis of the application of selected procedures of the PNF method and McKenzie method in the treatment of 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd- degree L4/L5 or L5/S1 intervertebral disc injury. Material and Method. Patients were divided into two homogeneous groups. The experimental group (30 people) was subjected to exercises according to the PNF and McKenzie methods and the control group (30 people) utilised only McKenzie exercises. Treatment efficacy was estimated during and on completion of the treatment, and 6 months after completion on the basis of the pattern of pain, range of motion in the sagittal plane, evaluation of the strength of trunk flexors and extensors and the rate of relapse. The results were subjected to a statistical analysis. Results. There was more rapid pain reduction, improvement of range of motion, strength and fewer relapses in the experimental group. The positive effects of the treatment were sustained over the six-month follow-up. Conclusion. The combined application of the two methods in the experimental group was associated with superior efficacy compared to the control group.
Key words:
intervertebral disc disease, treatment, PNF method
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Evaluation of physiotherapeutic management of patients with multi-level cervical discopathy after interbody implant surgery

Włodzisław Kuliński, Wojciech Haładyna, Arkadiusz Wilk, Jan Podgórski, Marzenna Bazan, Józef Mróz, Paweł Leśniewski

Włodzisław Kuliński, Wojciech Haładyna, Arkadiusz Wilk, Jan Podgórski, Marzenna Bazan, Józef Mróz, Paweł Leśniewski – Evaluation of physiotherapeutic management of patients with multi-level cervical discopathy after interbody implant surgery. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(2); 149-155

Cervical discopathy is a serious medical and social problem. Displacement of the intervertebral disc into the vertebral canal compresses spinal nerve roots and/or the spinal cord. Cage fusion and the implantation of a mobile disc prosthesis have recently been introduced in surgery. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic management of patients with multi-level cervical discopathy treated by microdiscectomy and cage fusion. A group of 23 patients was followed up over six weeks, including 20 patients after two-level surgery (Group A) and 3 after three-level surgery (Group B). The progress of rehabilitation was evaluated on the basis of :- muscle strength (Lovett test), – range of motion, – regression of pain (VAS scale) and paraesthesiae. In Group A, neck pain disappeared in 18 patients, and paraesthesiae in the upper limbs disappeared in 12 patients; 14 patients fully recovered muscle strength in the limbs, and 16 patients recovered the full range of motion in the shoulder joints. In group B, two patients reported regression of the neck pain, one fully recovered muscle strength, and two recovered the full range of motion in the shoulder joints. Conclusions1. The physiotherapy of patients with multi-level cervical discopathies following cage fusion surgery was an effective adjunctive treatment in this group of patients. 2. Early institution of appropriate procedures may result in full motor recovery
Key words:
cervical discopathy, implants, physiotherapy
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Physiotherapy following hip arthroplasty: treatment analysis

Włodzisław Kuliński, Rafał Pilichowski

W. Kuliński, R. Pilichowski – Physiotherapy following hip arthroplasty: treatment analysis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(5); 30-42


Background. Hip osteoarthritis (HOA) is an important clinical and social problem and is considered a civilisation disease. HOA is a chronic condition causing joint cartilage damage. Its symptoms increase slowly, resulting in considerable limitations in hip joint mobility and severe pain. Advanced degenerative changes constitute one of the main indications for arthroplasty.
Aim. To assess the effects of hip arthroplasty and physiotherapy on patient functioning.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 30 patients after arthroplasty procedures at the Regional Polyclinical Hospital in Kielce in 2019. The patients completed WOMAC survey questionnaires twice, before and after rehabilitation.
Results. All patients showed a considerable improvement in physical performance and reported resolution of pain during everyday activities.
Conclusions. Arthroplasty and comprehensive rehabilitation performed in the study patients improved the ranges of motion in the hip joints, which contributed to improvements in gait, functioning, and physical performance, and to a significantly better quality of life.

Key words:
hip osteoarthritis, arthroplasty, physiotherapy
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Wpływ hipoterapii na wybrane czynniki fizyczne i psychiczne u dzieci z autyzmem

Włodzisław Kuliński, Łukasz Bomba

W. Kuliński, Ł. Bomba – The effect of hippotherapy on children with autism – physical and psychological factors. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 142-156

Wstęp. Autyzm jest uznawany za zaburzenie rozwojowe, prawdopodobnie determinowane biologicznie i przejawiające się w różnych sferach funkcjonowania dziecka.
Cel. Celem badań była ocena wpływu rocznej hipoterapii na funkcjonowanie fizyczne i psychiczne u dzieci z autyzmem w wybranych obszarach.
Materiał i metody. Rodzice i dzieci chore na autyzm w wieku 5–7 lat, którzy w ostatnich 2 latach przebyły terapię z wykorzystaniem hipoterapii. W celu dokonania oceny wpływu rocznych oddziaływań wychowawczo-edukacyjnych na poszczególne sfery rozwojowe dzieci z autyzmem skorzystano ze zmodyfikowanej skali PEP-R, uzupełnionej kwestionariuszem własnej konstrukcji na temat cech demograficzno-społecznych oraz w zakresie przebiegu choroby. W analizie statystycznej stosowano test t-Studenta oraz współczynnik korelacji Pearsona. Za statystycznie znamienne przyjmowano te wyniki testów, dla których poziom istotności był mniejszy lub równy 0,05 (p < 0,05).
Wyniki. W toku rocznego procesu terapeutycznego z wykorzystaniem hipoterapii nastąpiła poprawa w rozwoju motoryki i reakcji emocjonalnych u dzieci z autyzmem. Wysoka motoryka dzieci z autyzmem ma pozytywny wpływ na sferą emocjonalną. Niższy stopień autyzmu cechuje wyższy poziom funkcjonowania fizycznego i psychicznego dzieci z autyzmem niż dzieci z umiarkowanym i dużym stopniem autyzmu.
Wnioski. Hipoterapia jest jednym z obszarów terapii osób z autyzmem.
Słowa kluczowe:
autyzm, leczenie, hipoterapia
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Physiotherapy in patients after myocardial infarction

Włodzisław Kuliński, Sylwia Pająk

W. Kuliński, S. Pająk – Physiotherapy in patients after myocardial infarction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 6-22

Background. Myocardial infarction is a serious social and health problem of modern society. Cardiac rehabilitation is a very important part of management in this group of patients.
Aim. To assess the efficacy of rehabilitation and its effects on cardiovascular and respiratory performance in patients after myocardial infarction.
Materials and methods. The study assessed a group of 30 patients who participated in 3-week day-care cardiac rehabilitation at the District Health Care Institution in Starachowice.
The effectiveness of rehabilitation was analysed using an original study card, divided into two parts (history taking and physical examination). The first part included personal and medical history and a scale for subjective assessment of exertion during daily activities, similar to the Borg scale. The other part included daily blood pressure and pulse measurements taken before and 5 minutes after cycle ergometer training. Dependent variables were verified before rehabilitation and after 15 days of rehabilitation.
Results. After rehabilitation, patients showed permanent cardiovascular adaptation to more intense exercise, reflected by reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure values and a lower heart rate.
Conclusions. 1. Cardiac rehabilitation helped improve physical performance in patients after myocardial infarction. 2. Systolic pressure was reduced as early as after the first training and permanent cardiovascular adaptation to more intense exercise was seen in study patients, which was reflected by normal blood pressure and pulse values. 3. Rehabilitation had a positive influence on patient functioning in everyday life.

Key words:
myocardial infarction, physiotherapy


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Kinezyteraphy in the cerebral palsy – clinical aspects

Włodzisław Kuliński, Barbara Dulnik

W. Kuliński, B. Dulnik – Kinezyteraphy in the cerebral palsy – clinical aspects. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 106-116

Background. Cerebral palsy (CP) is a motor and postural disorder resulting from permanent brain damage that occurred at an early stage of development. It is the most common cause of disability in children, who grow up to become adults, but their functional performance decreases over time.
Aim. To present the importance of kinesiotherapy in CP patients.
Material and methods. The study included 20 patients (12 women and 8 men aged 20 to 60 years) with CP who participated in motor rehabilitation sessions conducted at the Occupational Therapy Workshop in Sędek and the Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Health Promotion Centre in Raków. Their clinical presentation was dominated by manifestations of motor and postural abnormalities caused by upper motor neuron and corticospinal tract damage. A diagnostic survey was used as the research method. The study used a survey questionnaire that collected information about problems associated with everyday life and functioning of the study patients and assessed their rehabilitation programme.
Results. The results emphasise the role of kinesiotherapy in the rehabilitation of patients with CP. Systematic motor rehabilitation contributed to an improvement in their physical fitness and everyday functioning.
Conclusions. Physiotherapy allows patients to achieve their maximum functional level and prevents the development of complications associated with CP.

Key words:
cerebral palsy, kinesitherapy

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Fizjoterapia u chorych zakażonych HIV/AIDS – demonstracja przypadku, zasady profilaktyki

Włodzisław Kuliński

W. Kuliński – Physiotherapy in HIV/AIDS infected patients – case presentation, principles of prevention. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 6-10


Wstęp. Od chwili rozpoznania w 1981 roku pierwszych przypadków choroby nazwanej zespołem nabytego upośledzenia odporności (AIDS) do chwili obecnej zarejestrowano wg danych WHO na świecie ponad 35 milionów ludzi zakażonych wirusem HIV. Szacuje się, że w Polsce jest około 35000 zakażonych. W rozwoju choroby pojawiają się zmiany w ośrodkowym i obwodowym układzie nerwowym oraz w narządzie ruchu. Do leczenia fizykalnego kierowani są chorzy z powodu: niedowładu kończyn dolnych, zaburzeń funkcji zwieraczy i koordynacji, uporczywych bólów stawowych.
Materiał i metody. Przedstawiono postępowanie fizykalno-usprawniające prowadzone u chorych zakażonych HIV w poszczególnych typach w/w zaburzeń. Omówiono zasady zapobiegania zakażeniu HIV u personelu wykonującego zabiegi u chorych. Przedstawiono profilaktykę zakażeń HIV u personelu.
Wniosek. Stosowanie zasad zapobiegania i w porę podjęte działania profilaktyczne mogą uchronić personel przed zakażeniem HIV.

Słowa kluczowe:
zakażenie HIV/AIDS, fizjoterapia, zasady zapobiegania

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Fizjoterapia w ciężkich postaciach zespołu Guillaina-Barrego – demonstracja przypadków, analiza postępowania

Włodzisław Kuliński

W. Kuliński – Physical therapy in severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome – case presentation, management. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(2); 6-10

Wstęp. Zespół Guillaina-Barrego (GBS) jest ostro przebiegającą neuropatią z zachorowalnością od 0,6 do 2,2 przypadków na 100 000 osób. Etiologia GBS nie jest do końca wyjaśniona. 20% chorych nie odzyskuje pełnej sprawności.
Materiał. Przedstawiono obraz kliniczny oraz prowadzone postępowanie fizykalno-usprawniające u 2 chorych o szczególnie ciężkim przebiegu.
Wyniki. Obydwaj chorzy wyszli z Kliniki Rehabilitacji odpowiednio po 6 i 18 miesiącach leczenia i powrócili do pracy.
Wnioski. 1. Chorzy z GBS pomimo niekiedy bardzo ciężkiego przebiegu schorzenia rokują całkowite wyleczenie.
2. Intensywne postępowanie fizykalno-usprawniajace należy prowadzić konsekwentnie od początku schorzenia, nawet wtedy gdy przez okres kilku miesięcy nie obserwujemy najmniejszej poprawy.

Słowa kluczowe:
Syndrom Guillaina-Barrego, postępowanie fizykalno-usprawniające

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