The evaluation of the imapct of flexion and extension angles and lateral torso flexion on the selected spine and pelvis parametres

Mirosław Mrozkowiak, Alicja Kaiser

M. Mrozkowiak, A. Kaiser – The evaluation of the imapct of flexion and extension angles and lateral torso flexion on the selected spine and pelvis parametres. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 24-34

The aim of the research was to assess the impact of flexion and extension angles and lateral torso flexion on the selected spine and pelvis parameters among the population of children aged between 7 and 15 years.
Material and methods. The research was conducted in randomly selected kindergartens and schools in the Warmia and Masuria region and the Pomerania region during six semi-annual editions. The study population consisted of 2,361 children. This allowed to record 16,608 observations of 31 parameters describing body posture using the photogrammetric method.
Results. The analysis of multiple regression with selection of the subset of the optimal set of variables included four parameters affecting the following: flexion angle and extension angle in the sagittal plane, angle of flexion to the left and to the right in the frontal plane. The set of variables included the parameters of the pelvis-spine complex.
1. Spinal parameters are significantly and positively affected by the angle of torso extension in the sagittal plane and the angle of flexion to the left in the frontal plane and negatively influenced by the flexion angle in the sagittal plane.
2. The values of torso extension and flexion angles in the sagittal plane and torso flexion to the left and right in the frontal plane have a significant and positive impact on the total length of the spine (C7-S1) and the percentage of growth (DCK%), the Delta angle and the height of lumbar lordosis. The inclination angle of the lumbosacral spine, the total spinal length and the percentage of body height and the height of lumbar lordosis account for the parameters that are most dependent on the angles describing vertical orientation of the axial organ.
3. The significant negative impact on the spine parameters is remarkably lower. The most negatively dependent parameters include: lumbosacral inclination angle, the length and angle of thoracic kyphosis, and lumbar lordosis angle.
4. Hardly any influence of the analysed angles on pelvis parameters demonstrated herein requires further studies on the impact of foot parameters on the parameters of pelvis and spine.
5. The significant correlations of flexion and extension angles in the sagittal plane as well as the flexion angle in the frontal plane should be taken into consideration in the process of correcting body posture defects and errors.

Słowa kluczowe:
mora projection, spine and pelvis parameters

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Wpływ środowiska, wieku, płci, wysokości i masy ciała na wielkość cech zespołu miednica – kręgosłup

Alicja Kaiser, Mirosław Mrozkowiak

A. Kaiser, M. Mrozkowiak – Impact of the environment, age, gender, height and weight on the size of spinal-pelvic syndrome features. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 64-74

1. 环境、性别、身高和体重对选定身体姿势特性的影响是全向和多样化的。
2. 对身体姿势的具实质正面影响的包括性别、身高,再来是体重、环境和年龄。对身体姿势的实质负面影响的包括环境,然后是身高和体重,再来是性别和年龄。
3. 对 α 角大小的实质正面影响为体重和身高及环境,负面影响为性别和年龄。对胸椎后凸长度的负面影响为体重和身高及环境,而正面影响为性别和年龄。对腰椎前凸的正面影响为身高和环境,而负面影响为体重。


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