Computer-assisted rehabilitation of aphasia in the assessment of Polish patients – the results of a proprietary survey

Anna Obszyńska-Litwiniec, Dariusz Boguszewski, Monika Lewandowska, Izabela Korabiewska, Maria Kłoda, Andrzej Ochal, Dariusz Białoszewski

A. Obszyńska-Litwiniec, D. Boguszewski, M. Lewandowska, I. Korabiewska, M. Kłoda, A. Ochal, D. Białoszewski – Computer-assisted rehabilitation of aphasia in the assessment of Polish patients – the results of a proprietary survey. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 188-194

Objective. The objective of the study was to determine the general level of acceptance for the use of the AfaSystem computer tool to assist in aphasia rehabilitation among Polish patients, as well as to learn patients’ subjective opinions about the positive and negative aspects of working with the program.
Material and methods. 32 patients covered by 2-month therapy using AfaSystem participated in a proprietary survey concerning the level of satisfaction with the use of software in therapy. In the first part of the survey, patients made an overall assessment of the program on a scale of 1 to 5. In the second part, they indicated the most important advantages of such therapy and the difficulties encountered.
Results. Patients indicated that their level of satisfaction with the use of the program was very high. The most important advantages were the increased motivation to exercise, therapy attractiveness, low rehabilitation costs, as well as the ease of use of the program. The disadvantages included limited possibilities of material individualization, the lack of video material and the lack of interactivity.
1. The use of the AfaSystem computer tool in the rehabilitation process is accepted by patients with post-stroke aphasia.
2. Patients handle the program well and find it attractive.
3. It is advisable to supplement the functionality of the software with high-quality audiovisual materials, extensive individualization of the exercise material, as well as interactivity.

Key words:
aphasia, speech rehabilitation, computer program

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Anna Obszyńska-Litwiniec, Monika Lewandowska, Dariusz Boguszewski, Izabela Korabiewska, Maria Kłoda, Dariusz Białoszewski

Anna Obszyńska-Litwiniec, Monika Lewandowska, Dariusz Boguszewski, Izabela Korabiewska, Maria Kłoda, Dariusz Białoszewski – Impact of computer-assisted speech therapy on naming skills in patients with post-stroke aphasia . Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 156-161

材料和方法。该项研究涵盖73名失语症患者,住院后患者被分入实验组(n = 36)或对照组(n = 37)。两组均使用波士顿命名测验(BTN)来进行诊断测试,实验组患者接受为期2个月的AfaSystem强化康复计划,对照组患者则接受标准语言治疗,治疗结束后所有患者均再度接受波士顿命名测验,然后在干预结束前后将所取得的结果进行比较,以统计分析评估结果。
结果。为期2个月的计算机辅助治疗结束后,实验组在波士顿命名测验量表上获得的命名能力改善比对照组的患者显著,其差异p = 0.0044具统计学意义。
结果。1. 使用Afasystem 工具进行强化康复治疗可改善中风后失语症患者的命名能力。2. 使用失语症计算机辅助治疗工具可提供高强度的康复治疗,为有效治疗语言障碍的必要条件。


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