
Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Iwona Serwin, Robert Serwin, Marek Kiljański

J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, I. Serwin, R. Serwin, M. Kiljański – Characteristics of injuries and injuries of water polo players. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 94-101

前言。运动伤害通常被称为损伤,为进行运动性质的体能活动时可能经历的,主要发生在训练和比赛期间,因而造成运动伤害,导致被暂时或完全排除体育活动的参与。研究目的。研究目的在评估水球选手受伤发生的特性。材料和方法。该研究以作者设计的诊断调查法为基础,在教练和选手同意下进行。问卷包括20个开放性问题及受访者资料的问题,这些问题涉及其受伤情况及理疗方式。该研究涵盖52名15至30岁间的波兰体育俱乐部选手,加入水球训练的时间超过5年。结果 参与研究的选手的职业生涯中受伤次数在15以下,然而100%的选手至少都受伤过一次,选手最常受伤的状况为水中训练时,达75%,可惜受伤的球员中高达42%未接受物理治疗师的协助。受试水球选手最常遭受的伤害为肩关节损伤,达35.1%,手指受伤为26.4%,手腕17.5%而手肘占10.5%。
1. 受伤最常发生在水中训练时,此意味球员的热身不足且运动方式不正确
2. 身体最容易受伤的部位为肩关节、手腕和手指
3. 水球是一种接触性游戏,容易造成关节囊、韧带拉伤及这些身体部位肌肉伤害的运动。
4. 提高意识并接受专业理疗将使运动员更快回到受伤前的状态并避免再度受伤。


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The impact of myofascial manipulation on gout remission duration

Iwona Serwin, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Marek Kiljański

I. Serwin, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, M. Kiljański – The impact of myofascial manipulation on gout remission duration. FP 2017; 17(3); 38-50


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the impact of myofascial manipulation on the frequency of gout attacks in patients undergoing conservative treatment for joint lesions.
Materials and methods. The study included 30 gout patients, who were suffering from restricted joint mobility and pain symptoms in the foot and the big toe, and who experienced recurrent gout attacks 3-4 times a year on average. The participants were randomly distributed into two groups: the experimental group and the control group. All of the participants underwent a 10-day physical therapy regimen in form of low-frequency magnetic field therapy and therapeutic ultrasound. The experimental group was additionally treated with myofascial manipulation of the lower extremity.
Results. Analysis of results has revealed that myofascial manipulation of the lower extremity used in the experimental group has improved the functional mobility of gout patients with lesions of foot joints.
Conclusion. Study participants, whose physical therapy regimen included myofascial manipulation (apart from the magnetic field therapy and therapeutic ultrasound), showed improved gait quality, increased tissue elasticity, decreased frequency of gout attacks, and prolonged remission duration from 3-4 months to 10-12 months.

Key words:
Gout, myofascial manipulation, prolonged remission duration

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