The effect of qualification method on effect of physiotherapy of COPD patients

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Szczegielniak – The effect of qualification method on effect of physiotherapy of COPD patients. FP 2017; 17(2); 112-120



Objective. The study was aimed at the assessment of qualification of COPD patients participating in the pulmonary rehabilitation program covering models A, B, C, D and E.
Materials and methods. 174 COPD patients treated  were included in the study. Exercise tolerance was assessed in all patients, based on a treadmill test or 6-minute walk test. The physiotherapy program was based on efficiency trainings of intensity determined individually for each patient. A result of the exercise test constituted a basis for qualification for an appropriate rehabilitation model and for individual selection of intensity level. The exercise test was repeated three weeks later, after the end of the physiotherapy program.
Results. Results of pre- and post-rehabilitation tests in both groups were statistically analysed. Intra-group assessments used t-Student test for dependent samples. Mean values of individual indexes, standard deviations and mean growth of all indexes were calculated. A chart frame area plot of all variables was used for the analysis of test results.
Conclusions. 1. A significant improvement of exercise tolerance was observed after a physiotherapy program both in patients assessed using the modified Brice’s protocol and in those assessed using the 6-minute walk test
2. The study demonstrated that the assessment of exercise tolerance is a basis for selection of exercise intensity level.
3. Efficacy of physiotherapy of COPD patients participating in pulmonary rehabilitation programs was demonstrated.

Key words:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, modified Bruce’s protocol test, 6-minute walk test, qualification for physiotherapy, effects of physiotherapy

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Evaluation of the Efficacy of Local Cryotherapy in Patients with the Degenerative Knee Joint Disease

Marek Woszczak, Katarzyna Bogacz, Magdalena Józefowicz-Korczyńska, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Woszczak, K. Bogacz, M. Józefowicz-Korczyńska, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, J. Szczegielniak – Evaluation of the Efficacy of Local Cryotherapy in Patients with the Degenerative Knee Joint Disease. FP 2017; 17(2); 48-59


Introduction. Pain, swelling and deformities of joints are the typical symptoms of a degenerative disease. The disease affects more than 60% of persons over 60 years of age. Due to this condition, every thirteenth person takes painkillers on a daily basis. Etiology of the degenerative knee joint disease comprises most often of micro traumas, injuries, overstrain, previous inflammatory conditions, improper weight distribution and congenital anomalies in the joint structure.
Research Goal. The aim of our study has been to evaluate the efficacy of local cryotherapy in patients with the degenerative knee joint disease.
Materials and Methods. The study has been carried out on a group of 86 persons, 20 to 45 years old, treated in the Rehabilitation Unit of the University Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Medical University in Łódź. The patients have been randomly assigned to group A (40 persons) and B (46 persons.) In all the patients, there have been diagnosed degenerative changes in knee joints. In the study participated persons professionally active, able to walk.
Prior to application of treatment, all the patients were interviewed, had undergone physical and clinical examinations and were asked to fill out the WOMAC (Western Ontario and McMaster) questionnaire. An important purpose of the interview was to gather information about the patients’ lifestyle, their diet, addictions, physical activity and the potential epidemiological threats arising from the type of work they do.
Before and after completing the cycle of 10 treatment sessions, the patients were also examined physically by visual inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation, measurements of lengths and perimeters, testing of muscle strength and functional tests. The patients were asked to anonymously fill out a questionnaire.
For all the patients were applied same treatments: ultrasounds, magnetic field, self-assisted exercises, knee joint load relief exercises. The differentiating factor in the study were the knee joint local cryotherapy treatments applied additionally for patients in group B. The evaluation was made on the basis of examinations before and after the physiotherapy treatments.
Results. Based on the examinations it can be concluded, that there has been achieved statistically significant reduction in pain according to VAS in both, group A and group B. There has also been a reduction in exudate and temperature of the joint.. There has also been registered an increase in the mobility ranges. Based on results of the test of Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index, we have also observed an improvement in functional capacities in executing daily activities, i.e. for example climbing/descending stairs or putting on/taking off socks.
Conclusions. While interpreting the results, it has been observed that the degree of improvement in the above listed factors in group B, in which the additional local cryotherapy was applied, was statistically significantly higher than in group A, in which the treatment was not used.

Key words:
cryotherapy, degenerative knee joint disease, physiotherapy

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Possibilities for respiratory biofeedback aplication in physiotherapy of patients with COPD

Witold Pawełczyk, Janina Bajowska, Bogusława Wójtowicz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Sirek, Jan Szczegielniak

W. Pawełczyk, J. Bajowska, B. Wójtowicz, K. Bogacz, T. Sirek, J. Szczegielniak. Possibilities for respiratory biofeedback aplication in physiotherapy of patients with COPD. FP 2013; 13(4); 12-18

Wstęp. Dotychczas brak kompleksowych badań z zastosowaniem biofeedbacku oddechowego, a wnioski wypływające z niewielu prac z wykorzystaniem tej techniki u chorych na POCHP nie są jednoznaczne.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było porównanie wpływu standardowej fizjoterapii oraz fizjoterapii wzbogaconej o ćwiczenia prowadzone metodą biofeedback na amplitudę oddechu, wyniki 6-minutowego testu marszowego oraz wybrane wskaźniki określające czynność wentylacyjną płuc u chorych na POCHP w trakcie stacjonarnej fizjoterapii.
Materiał i metody badań. Zbadano 32 chorych w łagodnym i umiarkowanym stadium POChP. Chorzy zostali podzieleni losowo na 2 grupy. Badani chorzy z grupy A poddani byli standardowej fizjoterapii, a chorzy z grupy B uczestniczyli dodatkowo w ćwiczeniach prowadzonych metodą biofeedback. Przed i po zastosowanym programie fizjoterapii u wszystkich badanych chorych zbadano amplitudę oddechu, wykonano test marszowy oraz badanie spirometryczne.
Wynik. Stwierdzono istotny statystycznie przyrost wartości amplitudy brzusznego toru oddechowego w grupie B po fizjoterapii, który wyniósł 0,74 j.w. (±0,53, p<0,05).
Przyrost wartości wskaźnika FEV1 w grupie B po fizjoterapii był istotny statystycznie i wyniósł 3,38% (±4,34, p<0,05).
1. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie ćwiczeń oddechowych prowadzonych metodą biofeedback w fizjoterapii chorych na POCHP istotnie zwiększa amplitudę ruchu oddechowego określającego brzuszny tor oddychania.
2. Wykazano, że trening metodą biofeedback stosowany u chorych na POCHP wpływa na istotną poprawę wartości wskaźnika FEV1.

Słowa kluczowe:
biofeedback, POChP, fizjoterapia

Artykuł dostępny tylko w j. polskim

Directions of physiotherapy in the scientific ranking of Polish academic universities

Jan Szczegielniak, Barbara Szaro, Marek Kiljański

J. Szczegielniak, B. Szaro, M. Kiljański – Kierunki fizjoterapii w rankingu naukowym polskich uczelni akademickich. FP 2014; 14(1); 68-73

The aim of the work was to show the directions of physiotherapy conducted at universities, included in the available rankings of universities, including those covering scientific activities (25 out of 440 private and state universities), taking into account both indexing of academic achievements of universities and the most cited articles in a given field.
Material and methods. Selected rankings of Polish academic universities (“Perspektywy”, “Rzeczpospolita”, “Wprost”, “Polityka”, CSIC) were analyzed, including universities providing physiotherapy.
Conclusions. One should evaluate positively and distinguish all 25 universities covered by the analysis, conducting the field of physiotherapy. However, the results presented do not present a gradation of physiotherapy directions, but only approximate the forms of existing university rankings.

university ranking, physiotherapy, training of physiotherapists

Impact of elastic therapeutic tape on final effects of physiotherapy in patients with Colles’ fracture

Marcin Krajczy, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Dybek, Piotr Kiczyński, Edyta Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Krajczy, J. Łuniewski, K. Bogacz, T. Dybek, P. Kiczyński, E. Krajczy, A. Szczegielniak, J. Szczegielniak – Impact of elastic therapeutic tape on final effects of physiotherapy in patients with Colles’ fracture. FP 2014; 14(1); 42-49


Background. Fractures of the distal radius constitute a serious clinical problem. It seems that appliance of elastic therapeutic tape may be an effective method of physiotherapy among patients suffering from the forearm’s fracture.Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to assess the impact of selected elastic therapeutic tape applications on physiotherapy’s effects among patients treated conservatively after Colles’ fracture. Material and methods. The study included 38 patients treated in the Rehabilitation Department of Health Care Centre in Nysa in the period from January 2012 until November 2013. Participants were randomly divided into 2 groups. A study group (SG) consisted of 20 patients (16 women and 4 men), while a control group (CG) was composed of 18 patients (15 women and 3 men). Therapy for all of the participants was based on usage of the Hand Tutor device. Additionally, after a preliminary examination, patients from the  study group received selected applications of elastic therapeutic tape as follows: muscular – toning for the wrist’s flexors and ligamentous or corrective for the wrist area. Applications were replaced every 4 days. Physiotherapy lasted 10 days. According to the established protocol, during and after completion of physiotherapy regular checkups were conducted. Results. Elastic therapeutic tape’s applications used in the process of physiotherapy in SG’s patients increased range of motion for both active and passive movements and improved quality of them compared to the patients from CG. It was also observed that deficit of movements (difference between range of passive and active motions) decreased more in the SG’s patients.
Conclusions: 1. In the final study no significant differences has been showed in the studied parameters between the groups. Research has presented wrist’s functions improvement in the frequency of active movements and range of motion in both groups. 2. Significantly higher results in the final examination of the frequency and wrist’s mobility in general were shown in comparison to the initial results.

Key words:
Colles’ fracture, physiotherapy, elastic therapeutic tape, biofeedback, Hand Tutor

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Gait analysis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Sebastian Rutkowski, Anna Rutkowska, Jacek Łuniewski,
Jan Szczegielniak

S. Rutkowski, A. Rutkowska, J. Łuniewski, J. Szczegielniak – Gait analysis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. FP 2014; 14(4); 24-33


The aim of the study was the analysis of gait parameters of patients with COPD. It was decided to examine whether the diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects the gait parameters during a 6-minute walk test.
The research material consisted of 33 COPD in patients (27 males, 6 females) of MIAA Specialistic Hospital in Głuchołazy, who were treated there from February 2011 to May 2011. Control group consisted of 48 healthy (9 males, 35 females).
It was found that the average distance reached in the test group was 538,97m ±176,32m, while in the control group 546,7m ± 85,7m. Patients with COPD during the test were moving at a slower speed, achieved shorter steps during longer step time
Analysis of the results showed that COPD patients presented deteriorated the value of indicators describing the gait parameters during the 6-minute walk test

Key words:
gait analysis, COPD, 6MWT

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The profile of patients referred for systemic rehabilitation

Karol Wojciechowski, Marek Kiljański, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Wojciechowski, M. Kiljański, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, J. Szczegielniak – The profile of patients referred for systemic rehabilitation. FP 2015; 15(1); 48-56


The aim of the paper is to create a_profile for patients referred for systemic rehabilitation treatment in inpatient care. The efficiency of the rehabilitation used for these patients has also been analysed.
The research material consisted of data provided by 24 Systemic Rehabilitation departments providing inpatient care, which have agreements with the Łódzki Regional Branch of the National Health Fund. All services were performed in 2013.
The analysis of the provided research material indicated that a_significant number of patients undergoing systemic rehabilitation in stationary conditions included patients in the 46-85 age group (89.48% of all respondents). The analysis of the provided research material indicated that “other spondylosis” was the most commonly reported diagnosis for patients aged between 46-75 years. The analysis of hospital discharge cards from the rehabilitation departments indicated that the discharge mode “Patient referred for further treatment in outpatient therapy” and “Completion of the therapeutic or diagnostic process” constituted approximately 50% of the total reported discharges.

Key words:
systemic rehabilitation, profile of patients, efficiency of rehabilitation

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Analysis of intramural cardiac rehabilitation services

Karol Wojciechowski, Marek Kiljański, Krzysztof Mirecki,
Jan Szczegielniak

K. Wojciechowski, M. Kiljański, K. Mirecki, J. Szczegielniak – Analysis of intramural cardiac rehabilitation services. FP 2015; 15(2); 100-108


The aim of this paper was to make an attempt at characterizing a profile of patients referred for intramural systemic rehabilitation therapies. The analysis covered also an assessment of effectiveness of the rehabilitation applied to the patients.
The research material were data reported by five departments of intramural cardiac rehabilitation which had signed contracts with the Lodz Voivodeship Department of the National Health Fund. All the services had been performed in 2013.
The research showed that the largest group of patients subjected to intramural cardiac rehabilitation in the area of Lodz voivodeship in 2013 were the patients aged 56-75 (68,02% of all the researched).
The research analysis showed that the most commonly reported diagnosis was “unspecified heart failure” (58,04% of the whole of the research material).
The analysis of the modes of discharge from rehabilitation units showed that the mode of “completion of therapeutic or diagnostics process” accounted for 76,75% of all the researched patients.
It was noted that the vast majority of the patients subjected to cardiac rehabilitation were men (67,17% of the whole).

Key words:
cardiac rehabilitation, main diagnoses, discharge mode

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The characteristics of patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation

Karol Wojciechowski, Marek Kiljański, Krzysztof Mirecki, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Wojciechowski, M. Kiljański, K. Mirecki, J. Szczegielniak – The characteristics of patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation. FP 2015; 15(3); 78-89

The present paper is an attempt to characterize the profile of a patient referred for neurological rehabilitation.
The research material included data collected from nine units of intramural neurological rehabilitation which had signed contracts with the Lodz Voivodeship Department of the National Health Fund.
The analysis of research material with respect to the age of patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation has shown that the most commonly rehabilitated patients were those aged between 56-75 which constitutes 59.74% of all patients.
The research has shown that the most commonly reported diagnosis was “spastic hemiplegia” (40.58% of all patients) and “hemiplegia, unspecified” (21.19% of all patients).

Key words:
neurological rehabilitation, main diagnoses

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Physiotherapy after a hand surgery performed with a diagnostic and functioerformed with a diagnostic and functional therapy device. Case study

Marcin Krajczy, Edyta Krajczy, Anna Szczegielniak, Jacek Łuniewski, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Dybek, Piotr Kiczyński, Jan Szczegielniak

M. Krajczy, E. Krajczy, A. Szczegielniak, J. Łuniewski, K. Bogacz, T. Dybek, P. Kiczyński, J. Szczegielniak: Physiotherapy after a_hand surgery pm przypadku / Physiotherapy after a hand surgery performed with a diagnostic and functioerformed with a diagnostic and functional therapy device. Case study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2015;15(3);46-54


Background. Surgical treatment after fingers flexor tendons’ injury requires a consequent physiotherapy of the handthat is basedonwell-establishedessential procedures. There are no reports on comprehensive hand physiotherapy treatment aftertraumatic injuries of the tendons, blood vessels and nerveswith an application of theHand Tutorsystem in the therapeutic process.
Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to present a comprehensive hand physiotherapy after surgery and revision of the tendonswith a rehabilitation system with biofeedback- Hand Tutor TM, which is a modern system designed for the therapy of sensory, motor and cognitive disorders of the hand.
Materials and methods. The study presents a case of a 42 year-old man. The patient suffered from the injury of a right hand with a significant damage of tendons, artery and ulnar nerve,  operatet on 2012. Complications after the performed surgery were observed during the recovery (inflammation, swelling and tissue adhesions). In the therapy early comprehensive hand physiotherapy was introduced (with an application of the system for hand physiotherapy with biofeedback – Hand Tutor TM).
Results. The study shows that introduction of an early, comprehensive physiotherapy together with the Hand Tutor device was successful in terms of the wound healing process and significant improvement in hand function after surgery. It appears that appropriately selected physiotherapy procedures may positively influence the effectiveness of the general therapy. Final results showed significant improvement in passive and active range of motion of the injured hand as well as in the speed of the movements. The study also showed a reduction of the subjective levelof the pain and the return of the ulnar nerve function.

Key words:
early comprehensive physiotherapy, Hand Tutor, traumatic tendon injury

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