Wpływ dynamicznego plastrowania w połączeniu z krioterapią miejscową na zakres ruchomości oraz dolegliwości bólowe odcinka lędźwiowego wśród pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową kręgosłupa

Żaneta Ciosek, Łukasz Kopacz, Karolina Kot, Iwona Rotter, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

Ż. Ciosek, Ł. Kopacz, K. Kot, I. Rotter, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – The influence of Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy on the range of motion and low-back pain in patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. FP 2017; 17(2); 36-46


Introduction. The back pain is frequently caused by spine ligament weakness, changes associated with intervertebral joints, overload, degenerative disc disease and degeneration in the elderly. One of the most crucial results of the local cryotherapy on the surgical area is an analgesic effect. Kinesiology Taping method is based on the alignment of muscle tone on the application area. This technique contributes to increase range of motion and muscle strength.
Material and methods. The study group included 90 patients with degenerative disease of the lumbar spine. They were from Rehabilitation Clinic in Szczecin. All subjects underwent the examination of mobility of the spine and were asked to rate their pain on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) on the first and fifteenth day of treatment. The I group was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method and local cryotherapy 15 times. We used fascia technique in accordance with the methodology. The patients from the II groups were also subjected to local cryotherapy. The III group consisted of the patients who were waiting for the treatment. They underwent the examination of mobility of the spine at the same time as the other groups.
Results. We observed significant pain reduction and significant improvement in motion of lumbar spine in the I group, which was subjected to Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy. In the group which was subjected to local cryotherapy, a slight improvement in motion of lumbar spine and in reduction in pain could be observed.
In the III group, which consisted of the patients awaiting the treatment, we observed no significant improvement in flexion or extension of lumbar spine.
Conclusions. Kinesiology Taping method in conjunction with local cryotherapy results in the improvement of lumbar spine mobility. The use of the Kinesiology Taping method together with local cryotherapy has a significant influence on decreasing the intensity of pain.  The application of local cryotherapy alone has significantly lower therapeutic effects than its application together with Kinesiology Taping method.

Key words:
local cryotherapy, spine, Kinesiology Taping

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Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in symptomatic treatment of patients with shoulder joint pain syndrome

Łukasz Kopacz, Żaneta Ciosek, Karolina Kot, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marek Kiljański

Ł. Kopacz, Ż. Ciosek, K. Kot, D. Lietz-Kijak, E. Kijak, Z. Śliwiński, M. Kiljański: Therapeutic value of local cryotherapy in symptomatic treatment of patients with shoulder joint pain syndrome. FP 2015;15(4);54-62


Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of the cryotherapy treatment on the mobility of the shoulder joint of the patients with osteoarthritis. We took into consideration the motion of flexion and extension. Additionally, the potential changes in the pain complaints were analyzed.
Material and methods. We examined 54 patients in the study, including 31 women and 23 men. They were put through the local cryotherapy on the shoulder joint 15 times daily. Before participating, all patients gave their informed consent to take part in the study and they were asked to rate their pain in the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The range of motion in the shoulder joint of every patient was measured  by goniometer before and after cryotherapy.
Results. All patients who underwent the series of cryotherapy had significant improvement of flexion and extension in the shoulder joint. Taking into consideration the general analysis of pain rated in the VAS score by the participants, we observed a significant reduction in the values of VAS indicated by the patients after the series of treatments.
Conclusions. Local cryotherapy is a reliable method that reduce pain and improve range of motion in the patients with pain syndrome of the shoulder joint.

Key words:
cryotherapy, shoulder joint, cold therapy

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