The study of postural control using a treadmill rehabilitation, assessment of the relaibility and credibility of measurements

Magdalena Goliwąs, Lech Furmaniuk, Jacek Lewandowski

Magdalena Goliwąs, Lech Furmaniuk, Jacek Lewandowski – Badanie kontroli postawy przy użyciu bieżni rehabilitacyjnej, ocena rzetelności i wiarygodności pomiarów. FP 2013; 13(2); 22-27

Wstęp. Zadaniem pracy jest ocena rzetelności pomiaru różnych parametrów ruchu środka nacisku stóp przy użyciu bieżni rehabilitacyjnej w warunkach statycznych.

Materiał i metoda. Ocena stabilności posturalnej przy oczach otwartych i zamkniętych w staniu obunóż została przebadana przez dwóch badaczy, w dwóch terminach. Pomiar dokonywany był pięciokrotnie przy oczach otwartych i zamkniętych. Odstęp między terminami pomiaru wyniósł 14-21 dni. Przebadano 31 studentów III roku AWF Poznań, kierunku fizjoterapia. Parametry ruchu środka nacisku stóp rejestrowała bieżnia rehabilitacyjna Zebris FDM-TDL.

Wnioski. Ocena stabilności posturalnej przeprowadzona na bieżni rehabilitacyjnej wykazała dużą korelację pomiarów między badaczem I a badaczem II. Wyniki uzyskiwane przez poszczególnych badaczy wykazały również dużą rzetelność pomiaru. Wykazano, że metoda zaproponowana do oceny stabilności posturalnej może być oceniana przez dwóch badaczy z zachowaniem rzetelności pomiaru.

Słowo kluczowe
stabilność posturalna, posturografia, COP

Angle of trunk rotation in 10-year-old primary school children in Poznań

Katarzyna Adamczewska, Marzena Wiernicka, Łukasz Michałowski, Lech Furmaniuk, Magdalena Goliwąs, Marta Flis-Masłowska, Jacek Lewandowski

K. Adamczewska, M. Wiernicka, Ł. Michałowski, L. Furmaniuk, M. Goliwąs, M. Flis-Masłowska, J. Lewandowski – Angle of trunk rotation in 10-year-old primary school children in Poznań. FP 2017; 17(3); 96-102


Introduction. Changes in spinal geometry should be assessed in three planes, and accounting for the movement of spinous processes. An assessment of the angle of trunk rotation allows for early and non-invasive detection of scoliosis and its prevention.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to assess the angle of trunk rotation (ATR) in the population of 10-year-old primary school children in Poznań.
Materials and methods. The participants included 1533 children aged 10 years (759 girls and 774 boys). The ATR was measured with the Bunnell scoliometer at three levels of the spine: Th1-Th4, Th5-Th12, Th12-L4. On the basis of the measurements conducted in this study, a group of children with ATR at 0, 1-3˚, 4-6˚ and ≥ 7˚ (including rotation to the left and to the right) was identified.
Results: The lowest values of ATR in both groups (boys and girls) were found at the level of Th1-Th4 with ATR ≥ 7˚ occurring in 0.2% of the participants. 4% of all participants also presented with a clinical suspicion of lateral curvature of the spine. Values of the ATR measured at the Th5-Th12 and Th12-L4 levels increased considerably. At the Th level of the spine, 10% of the participants presented with a clinical suspicion of scoliosis, and the diagnosis was confirmed for 2.5% of all primary school children. At the lowest level of the spine, 9% of the participants were identified as being at an increased risk of scoliosis, and 2.7% of children exhibited an ATR ≥ 7˚.
1. The highest angle of trunk rotation (ATR ≥ 7˚) was found in girls at the Th5-12.level of the spine. Both genders exhibited primarily rotation to the right.
2. Scoliosis poses a significant diagnostic challenge in a school environment. If left untreated, it increases the risk of pathological changes in the trunk and disease progression.
3. The Bunnell scoliometer allows for early and non-invasive assessment of the angle of trunk rotation, and should be permanently included in screening procedures.
4. Using appropriate instruments for posture assessment is necessary for diagnosing musculoskeletal disorders accurately.

Key words:

angle of trunk rotation, scoliometer, scoliosis, posture in children

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Effect of sensorimotor foot stimulation on the body postural, function and load of the lower limb in patients in the late phase after stroke

Magdalena Goliwąs, Piotr Kocur, Marzena Wiernicka, Ewa Kamińska, Jacek Lewandowski

M. Goliwąs, P. Kocur, M. Wiernicka, E. Kamińska, J. Lewandowski – Effect of sensorimotor foot stimulation on the body postural, function and load of the lower limb in patients in the late phase after stroke. FP 2017; 17(2); 24-35


There are few studies which assess the impact of stimulation of the foot in after-stroke patients. The study involved an assessment of the effects of sensorimotor foot stimulation in patients after ischemic stroke. Patients (post-stroke duration > 1 year) were randomized to the experimental group (n = 20) and control group (n = 17). Both groups completed a standard six-week rehabilitation programme. In the experimental group, the standard rehabilitation programme was supplemented by sensorimotor foot stimulation training. The analysis included: postural stability, balance, motor function, muscle tone, sensation. In both groups have not significantly changed the following parameters: center of foot pressure (COP) area and COP length. Significant changes have been observed in the experimental group with and without visual control for the following parameters: total load of lower limb directly and indirectly covered by a stroke. Symmetry Index has shown a reduction ratio in the experimental group by 13.2% in the test with and by 15.1% without visual control. In the experimental group significant functional changes have been demonstrated in motor function and balance as well as in the assessment of muscle tone within the ankle. Sensorimotor foot stimulation with standard rehabilitation procedure is a better form of physiotherapy than use standard rehabilitation only.

Key words:
Sensorimotor foot stimulation, Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale, Symmetry Index

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Balance Versus Postural Stability and Its Disorders in Patients after Ischemic Stroke – Theoretical Study

Magdalena Goliwąs, Ewa Kamińska, Marta Flis-Masłowska,
Marzena Wiernicka, Jacek Lewandowski

M. Goliwąs, E. Kamińska, M. Flis-Masłowska, M. Wiernicka, J. Lewandowski – Balance Versus Postural Stability and Its Disorders in Patients after Ischemic Stroke – Theoretical Study. FP 2017; 17(1); 38-44

The aim of this study is to explain the differences between balance and postural stability, and the changes which occur in these traits in patients after stroke.
Human being has the natural ability to stand on two feet and to move on the two feet across an unfamiliar terrain. However these abilities do constitute a big challenge for the balance control system, which is being controlled through the three separate systems, two of which are sight, responsible for planning of the locomotion activity, vestibular system, responsible for spatial orientation of the human body. The third, and the most complex is the sensory system (composed of proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors). In terms of biomechanics the balance is defined as the ability to maintain the center of gravity of the human body above the supporting plane.
One of the most important determinants of the correct body posture is the postural stability, which wider concept and denotes the ability to recover the balance. This is possible thanks to three strategies. Patients after a stroke have a problem with the ability of spontaneous kinesthetic response. The distribution of pressure forces of the plantar side of a foot on the ground changes, it becomes difficult to maintain balance, and the consequences are frequent falls, femur fractures and problems with the basic activities of daily living.

Key words:
Postural stability, balance, stroke

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Functional assessment of movement patterns in selected martial arts and sports contestants, using the test Functional Movement Screen™

Ewa Kamińska, Sonia Porzucek, Marzena Wiernicka, Magdalena Goliwąs, Jacek Lewandowski

E. Kamińska, S. Porzucek, M. Wiernicka, M. Goliwąs, J. Lewandowski – Functional assessment of movement patterns in selected martial arts and sports contestants, using the test Functional Movement Screen™. FP 2016; 16(3); 42-49

Purpose of this study. Functional Movement System™ is a concept created by Cook and Burton, that allows functional evaluation of movement patterns. The purpose of this study was to compare movement patterns in contestants of the three sports disciplines, determination of weak links in the cinematic chain.   Additionally, it was attempted to determine which motor organ is most exposed to incorrect movement patterns in contestants of individual disciplines.
Material and methods. In the study evaluation included movement patterns of 60 contestants that train box, judo and kickboxing by means of FMS™, including 20 women and 40 men, at the age from 18 to 30 years. The investigated persons were divided in three groups, where qualification criterion for each group was type of trained martial art or sport and training seniority.
Results. Difference between boxers, kickboxers and judokas were observed only within individual movement patterns. Their global quality was comparable for all persons.
Conclusions. Final results of FMS™ test were not statistically significantly different due to type of trained martial art or sport. In judokas it the most asymmetry was during individual tests, as many as 30% of investigated receive the lowest average result in FMS™ tests, that suggest implementation of corrective training. The areas that were most exposed in boxers and kickboxers appeared to be spine lumbar section and shoulder joint area, and in boxers only spine lumbar section.

Key words:
injury prophylactics, FMS™, box, judo, kickboxing

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