Physiotherapist – a medical profession of public trust. Do the rules for preparing physiotherapeutic documentation contradict this…?

Tomasz Pęcherz, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski, Monika Urbanik

Tomasz Pęcherz, Mateusz Curyło, Marcin Mikos, Katarzyna Placek, Dariusz Lusina, Jan W. Raczkowski, Monika Urbanik – Fizjoterapeuta – zawód medyczny zaufania publicznego. Czy zasady sporządzania dokumentacji fizjoterapeutycznej temu przeczą…?. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 102-105


The Act on the profession of physiotherapist constitutes the profession of physiotherapist as a medical profession of public trust, the authors subject to legal analysis whether, in accordance with this Act, other legal acts properly qualify the above competences granted under the Act.

Key words:
act on the profession of physiotherapist, medical profession of public trust, medical documentation, medical law in physiotherapy

Article only in Polish language

Medical devices prescribed in the practice of physiotherapy

Mateusz Curyło, Marlena Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, Marcin Mikos, Marek Kiljański, Zbigniew Śliwiński, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Curyło, M. Rynkiewicz-Andryśkiewicz, M. Mikos, M. Kiljański, Z. Śliwiński, J. W. Raczkowski – Wyroby medyczne wydawane na zlecenie w praktyce fizjoterapeuty. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 180-183


The act on the profession of physiotherapy was a long-awaited legal regulator regulating the profession of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy became not only an independent medical profession, but also a profession of public trust.
The provisions of the act on the profession of physiotherapy have resulted in the introduction of further legislative changes, including those regarding the possibility of prescribing medical devices.
In practice, this regulation filled the gaps in the scope of competences of physiotherapists. Pursuant to the new regulations, the list of medical devices that can be prescribed by physiotherapists with the right to independently provide physiotherapeutic services has been extended, with simultaneous differentiation of competences in this area for masters of physiotherapy and specialists in the field of physiotherapy.
Key words:
medical devices, act on the profession of physiotherapy, competences of physiotherapists, list of medical devices
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Ocena sytuacji prawnej fizjoterapeutów w zakresie kontynuacji uprawnień zawodowych


The profession of physical therapist is subject to specific legal regulation under the Act on the Profession of Physical Therapist of 25 September 2015, the adoption of which was motivated by the need to introduce comprehensive legal solutions taking into account the specific social character of that profession. Until that act took effect, i.e. until 31 May 2016, Poland had had no statutory provisions regulating the principles of pursuing that profession.
Analysis of the adopted legal regulations indicates numerous doubts that make it difficult to issue an unequivocal legal assessment of the factual conditions occurring in practice. The above statement refers, in particular, to the persons meeting the statutory criteria that want to continue the acquired professional qualifications.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate the doubts resulting from the adopted normative provisions, to attempt to explain them, and to formulate the de lege ferenda conclusions that would allow to respect that condition.

Key words:
physical therapy, act on the profession of physical therapist, act on medical activity, right to pursue the profession of physical therapist


“Long march” to a bill defining the profession of physiotherapist as an individual occupation

Katarzyna Wierdak,  Marek Kiljański

K. Wierdak,  M. Kiljański. “Long march” to a bill defining the profession of physiotherapist as an individual occupation. FP 2015;15(4);108-115

The aim of the article is to present the history of the stages of development and implementation of the bill on the Profession of Physiotherapist. Since 1998 and the first attempts to regulate the profession of physiotherapist standards, through 2004, when the occupation was placed on the 223,903 position on the list of professions and specialties, to the most important event – signing the Project Bill of Physiotherapist by President of Poland Andrzej Duda on 26th October 2015. For the representatives of the Polish Society of Physiotherapy, working on the bill and effective processing meant hours spent with experts from various industries; long struggle with the medical lobby and the Supreme Council of Physicians who were against finalizing the legislative procedure; meetings in the Ministry of Health and Social Policy; talks with parliamentarians; The Polish Ombudsman; public consultation and publicizing the issue in the media. And the last step, which was to activate the physiotherapists’ environment, which lead to successful voting in the Parliament on the bill issued by Polskie Stronnctwo Ludowe one of the Polish political parties.
Conclusions. Thanks to the persistent and determined position of the Polish Society of Physiotherapy after more than 20 years since the first signs of the need, the physiotherapist occupation was pronounced an independent medical profession. Such issues as training, duties of the governing association and professional responsibility were established to prevent from performing the job by unqualified people. Everything was done for the sake and safety of Polish patients.
Scientific method. Enquiry of records devoted to physiotherapy and health safety including a bill defining the profession of physiotherapist from parliamentary sessions, media programs and articles plus publications in trade press

Key words:
profession of physiotherapist

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