Effect of combining inspiratory and expiratory training on pulmonary function and health status in patients with COPD: a randomized controlled trial

Basant Hamdy Elrefaey, Hagar Ahmed Elhadidy, Heba Ahmed Moussa

Basant Hamdy Elrefaey, Hagar Ahmed Elhadidy, Heba Ahmed Moussa – Effect of combining inspiratory and expiratory training on pulmonary function and health status in patients with COPD: a randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 70-74


Objectives. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patients suffers from respiratory muscle dysfunction. The current study aimed to assess the effect of combined respiratory muscle training (both inspiratory and expiratory) on pulmonary function and health status of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Methods. Sixty men (40-60 years old) with (COPD) were enrolled. They were assigned randomly with 30 patients allocated to the control group and 30 patients allocated to the experimental group. The control group received a guideline protocol chest physiotherapy, whereas the experimental group received the same program in addition to respiratory muscle training using power lung device. Both groups received the treatment sessions three times per week for 3 successive months. Measurement of ventilatory function, respiratory muscle strength and the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) was done before and after the intervention. Results. Both groups demonstrated significant improvements in ventilatory function and respiratory muscle Strength after treatment, with significantly greater improvements seen in the experimental group. No significant difference was detected between groups regarding (CAT). Conclusions. Training both inspiratory and expiratory muscles improves pulmonary function and health status in in patients with COPD.

Słowa kluczowe: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, health status, pulmonary function, respiratory muscle training

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Acute aerobic Exercise Induced Irisin Release in Type 2 Diabetic patients: Randomized Clinical Trial

Basant Hamdy Elrefaey, Heba Ali Abd EL-Ghaffaar,Doaa Mohammed Mahmoud Allam, Mohamed Abd EL-Motaal Safa

Basant Hamdy Elrefaey, Heba Ali Abd EL-Ghaffaar,Doaa Mohammed Mahmoud Allam, Mohamed Abd EL-Motaal Safa – Acute aerobic Exercise Induced Irisin Release in Type 2 Diabetic patients: Randomized Clinical Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 58-63

背景。2型糖尿病受试者的鸢尾素水平较低, 鸢尾素的发现为能量稳态提供了现代化途径并为代谢障碍的治疗成分提供发展机会。目的。本研究目地在探讨2型糖尿病患者对两种不同类型的有氧训练模式的急性鸢尾素反应。方法。31名年龄在45和60岁间的2型糖尿病患者被随机分为两个运动组:(EX1) 组 (n = 16) 接受连续有氧运动,(EX2) 组 (n = 15)接受间歇有氧运动。两组的计划均为以跑步机步行60分钟的形式,在基线和单次有氧运动后即进行初期结果(鸢尾素)的血液采集及氧饱和度(血氧)和心率(HR——评估,6MWT用于确定每个受试者的单独训练强度。
结果。单次有氧运动后,两组的鸢尾素有显著增加(分别为P = 0.0001, 0.01),EX1组HR增加(两组均为p = 0.0001)和血氧降低(p = 0.002),两组间运动后HR和血氧的平均值无显著差异(p < 0.05),然而两组在鸢尾素水平的显著差异有利于EX1组(p = 0.03)。结论。剧烈的有氧运动能有效改善2型糖尿病的鸢尾素水平,而在鸢尾素改善上,持续运动比间歇运动有效,需要进一步研究来找出,除了有氧运动外,不同类型的运动方案对2型糖尿病的鸢尾素回应。


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