The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature

Jacek Lorkowski, Oliwia Grzegorowska, Ireneusz Kotela

J. Lorkowski, O. Grzegorowska, I. Kotela – The use of pedobarographic examination in children – own experience and review of literature. FP 2014; 14(4); 46-51


A non-invasive method, that can be used to describe the underfoot pressure distribution during stance and gait, is pedobarography. This examination helps to describe biomechanics of motor system, especially foot pathologies, among children and adults. It has been used to assess and monitor the progress and effectivness of undergone treatment. In this article we describe chosen issues of pedobarographic examination in diagnostics and treatment of the motor system in children, in whom an appropriate therapy can be more effective than in adults.
In our opinion, pedobarography should be used more often and widely than now. Together with clinical and radiological examination, it can simply complement standard diagnosctics.

Key words:
foot, diagnostics, pressure, gait, children

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