Metody manualnej rehabilitacji oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego

Przemysław Pasiak, Tomasz Tomaszewski

P. Pasiak, T. Tomaszewski – Methods of manual rehabilitation and assessment of their effectiveness on the example of a patient after temporomandibular joint dislocation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 108-114

Wstęp. W pracy przedstawiono metody rehabilitacji stosowane przy schorzeniach w obrębie twarzoczaszki, a także omówiono najczęstsze przyczyny predysponujące do zwichnięcia stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego. Zaburzenia te są problemem wielopłaszczyznowym. W ich procesie leczniczym, na różnych etapach, konieczny jest udział zarówno specjalistów chirurgii twarzowo-szczękowej, jak i ortodontów, logopedów, psychologów oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było omówienie metod fizjoterapii stosowanych w leczeniu zaburzeń w obrębie stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego.
Materiały i metody. W pracy opartej na opisie pacjenta, który zgłosił się do gabinetu fizjoterapii, u którego doszło do zwichnięcia prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego, przedstawiono postępowanie lecznicze stosowane przez specjalistów z zakresu chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Wyniki. Wdrożenie rehabilitacji przyniosło następujące efekty: zwiększenie zakresu ruchomości żuchwy, zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych, redukcję obrzęku, rozluźnienie mięśni.
Wnioski. Fizjoterapia powinna być jednym z elementów kompleksowego leczenia pacjentów z zaburzeniami w obrębie stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych.
Słowa kluczowe:
staw skroniowo-żuchwowy, rehabilitacja, chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa
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Lymphatic kinesiology taping technique as the method of treatment against the swelling of a face after surgeries in the craniofacial area – preliminary report

Marta Tyndorf, Marcin Kozakiewicz, Jakub Winerowicz

M. Tyndorf, M. Kozakiewicz, J. Winerowicz – Lymphatic kinesiology taping technique as the method of treatment against the swelling of a face after surgeries in the craniofacial area – preliminary report. FP 2016;16(1);88-98

The contemporary maxillofacial surgery aims not only to restore the functions of the stomatognathic system and the face, but also to restore their harmony and to improve aesthetics. Constantly increasing pace of life and the desire of patients to regain the full fitness as quickly as possible, make the therapeutic teams to always look for the new ways to reduce the time of rehabilitation, and this includes the ways to reduce the swelling. There are a number of methods to fight the lymphedema, but often not only they are not efficient enough, but also they raise the risk of several serious side effects. Therefore, the new methods for reducing the swelling are being searched for constantly, and one of them is the lymphatic kinesiology taping technique.
Objective. Evaluation of the impact of the lymphatic kinesiology taping technique on the dynamics of the facial swelling, in patients after surgeries due to injuries and defects of the craniofacial area.
Materials and Methods. In the study participated the patients of the Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of the University Clinical Hospital of WAM-CSW in Łódź, who had been treated due to injuries and gnathic defects, during the period from 31.08.2013 to 30.06.2014. Based on randomization, there had been formed the test group of 22 persons and the control group of 19 persons. In the test group the lymphatic kinesiology taping technique had been applied, and then in both groups the facial swelling measurements were taken – on the 1st, 2nd, 5th and the 10th day after the surgery. The statistical analysis of the results had been made.
Results. The group of patients was predominantly male (68%), with the mean age of 34.2 years. A significant impact of the kinesiotaping on the dynamics of the postoperative edema formation had been demonstrated. The kinesiotaping resulted in the gradual reduction of the swelling, up to the 75% of improvement on the 10th day after the surgery, while in the control group the swelling initially escalated and its reduction was much less pronounced in the final phase of the research.
Conclusions. Lymphatic kinesiology taping technique has a positive impact on the reduction of the postoperative edema of the face, and it seems advisable to further study the effects of this treatment method on the rehabilitation of the patients, who have undergone a surgery in the craniofacial area.

Key words:
swelling, maxillofacial surgery, kinesiology taping, fracture, orthognathic surgery

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