Physiotherapy tacticsafter hip joint resurfacing

Karol Ochocki, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Maciej Szczęśniak, Szymon Szymański, Kamil Dworak, Wojciech Gąsior, Michał Czarnecki, Rafał Szczygieł, Bogdan Koczy

Karol Ochocki, Jarosław Pasek, Tomasz Stołtny, Maciej Szczęśniak, Szymon Szymański, Kamil Dworak, Wojciech Gąsior, Michał Czarnecki, Rafał Szczygieł, Bogdan Koczy – Physiotherapy tacticsafter hip joint resurfacing. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 148-157

Hip resurfacing arthroplasty (capoplasty) is a surgical procedure involving the replacement of diseased articular surfaces. Renal failure, female reproductive period, allergy to metal, acetabular diameter below 46 mm in preoperative planning are now absolute contraindications for capoplasty. The available literature shows that this procedure is performed in young, physically active people, usually under 55 years of age. The growing expectations of patients regarding the return to professional and sports activity mean that appropriate and systematic physiotherapy is important after the procedure. In the paper, the authors present the current position on the physiotherapeutic procedure after hip resurfacing arthroplasty.
Key words:
hip resurfacing, operation treatment, physiotherapy, physical movement, physical therapy
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Paweł Gąsior

P. Gąsior – Comparison of the effectiveness of physical treatments with central stabilization training in the treatment of patients with lower back pain syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 80-91

研究结果。关于以VAS量表验证下腰疼痛主观评估的结果无显著差异,与治疗前的结果比较,两组在治疗后的疼痛感均显著降低(p < 0.01)。根据实验组的不同,ODI问卷调查证实在日常生活的舒适性上无显著差异(p < 0.05),两组治疗前后的结果比较有显著差异(p < 0.01)。尽管患者肯定此二种治疗对舒适度有所改善,然而皆无法更有效地改善日常生活的舒适度。


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Porównanie skuteczności terapii przy użyciu pola elektromagnetycznego wysokiej częstotliwości i terapii falą ultradźwiękową w przebiegu chorób zwyrodnieniowo – przeciążeniowych układu narządu ruchu

Lidia Kościelny, Krystyna Stanisz-Wallis, Bożena Latała, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk

L. Kościelny, K. Stanisz-Wallis, B. Latała, M. Wilk-Frańczuk – Comparison between the effectiveness of therapy using a high-frequency electromagnetic field and the therapy using ultrasound waves in the degenerative and overload diseases of the locomotor system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 6-13


Objective. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of treating degenerative diseases of the locomotor system using a high-frequency electromagnetic field in comparison with ultrasound treatment.
Materials and methods. 77 people aged 42-84 with exacerbation of pain ailments and limitation of motor skills resulting from degenerative diseases, were qualified for the study. The patients were divided into 3 groups. The following procedures were performed in group I (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group II (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, ultrasounds and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group III (23 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, high-frequency electromagnetic field, kinesiotherapy. The procedures were performed for 10 days in all the groups. There was applied the motor skill assessment survey and pain assessment. The tests were performed on the 1st and 10th day of the procedures.
Results. In each group, the treatment applied occurred to be effective, which was statistically relevant. In group III, the median difference was highest. Similarly, the change in pain was most significant in group III, the therapy using an electromagnetic field occurred most effective.
Conclusions. A significant difference between the initial and final pain was noted in the 3 tested groups. A significant difference in the level of pain appeared in the 3 tested groups. The higher effectiveness of electromagnetic field therapy was demonstrated.

Key words:
rehabilitation, degenerative lesions, physical therapy

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