
Danny Eka Wahyu Saputra, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sigit Nugroho, Panut Sumardi, Puji Asmawati

Danny Eka Wahyu Saputra, Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Sigit Nugroho, Panut Sumardi, Puji Asmawati – Post-Covid-19 health promotion in universities: mental health and social media promotion. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 85-94


由于Covid-19大流行引发的危机影响了生活方式、工作和学习过程。政府已经颁布政策,采用新的习惯秩序来抑制Covid-19的传播,并继续转变人们的习惯。大学作为教育中心,通过健康促进研究和外展活动,在克服Covid-19大流行中担当跨学科、多学科和跨学科角色和贡献。大学在为Covid-19地方性流行病的准备中扮演着创新的角色,通过其在教育、研究和咨询方面的工作。随着大流行和后Covid-19的准备,大学正在加强支持,提供学术界健康服务,其中包括可持续的健康促进服务。Covid-19大流行后,校园内的健康促进可以通过采纳一般健康促进策略来实施,包括1) 跨部门协调,2) 重要性与可持续性,3) 学术界的赋权与参与,以及4) 公平性。在线教学后学生和教师的心理健康非常重要。社交媒体具有促进健康和其他健康干预措施的巨大潜力,因为它克服了传统健康沟通的一些局限,提高了可访问性、互动性、参与度、赋权和适应性。大学利用社交媒体进行健康促进有几个优势,即可访问性、方便性、低成本、与终端用户的互动、灵活性、地位和可见性。随着社交媒体参与度的良好势头,再加上新的健康促进焦点,提供基于数字媒体的在线健康促进服务是可能的行动之一。数字媒体对健康促进和其他健康干预活动有重大的前景。
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Knowledge of physiotherapists on health promotion

Damian Durlak

Damian Durlak – Knowledge of physiotherapists on health promotion. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 158-163

Introduction. A high level of knowledge of physiotherapists in the field of health promotion and proper body parameters is necessary for the correct transmission of information to patients. Physiotherapists should also use their lifestyle to set a good example to patients and encourage them to change their habits and know correct body parameters. A disturbingly small percentage of physiotherapists promoted a healthy lifestyle among patients. The answers to most of the questions were correlated with sociodemographic features.
Conclusions. Additional programmes promoting the transfer of knowledge to patients by physiotherapists should be introduced in most medical facilities. Physiotherapists should be encouraged to share their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle.
Key words:
physiotherapists, health promotion, body parameters
Article only in Polish language