Effect of Cryolipolysis Versus Quadri-polar Radiofrequency on Abdominal Skin Laxity in Post Natal women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Hala Mohamed Emara, Hend A. Saad Ata, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel

Hala Mohamed Emara, Hend A. Saad Ata, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel – Effect of Cryolipolysis Versus Quadri-polar Radiofrequency on Abdominal Skin Laxity in Post Natal women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(4); 198-202


Purpose. This study was conducted to detect the effect of Cryolipolysis and Quadri-polar Radiofrequency on Post-Natal women with Abdominal Skin Laxity. Materials and methods. Forty post natal women complained of postnatal abdominal skin laxity selected randomly from El Kasre El Ainy University hospital in Cairo. They were divided into two equal groups group (A) (n = 20) and group (B) (n = 20), group A treated by eight sessions of cryolipolysis for 8 weeks (1session per/ week to abdominal area) the duration of each session is 20 minutes, while group (B) treated by non-invasive quadri-polar radiofrequency for 8 weeks (1session per/ week to abdominal area) the duration of each session is 20 minutes. BMI (kg/m2), Waist and hip circumference measurements were used for Whole body evaluation while two-point discrimination and photographic scale were used for Skin laxity evaluation before and after intervention. Results. There was significant reduction (p < 0.05) in BMI, waist hip ratio and two-point discrimination at both groups in the post treatment condition compared with the pretreatment. Also there was significant difference of two-point discrimination between both groups in favor to group B. Also There was a significant improvement in the Photographic scale at post-treatment in compared to pre-treatment in both groups (p < 0.05) and there was a significant improvement of the distribution of Photographic scale in favor of group B in compared to group A at post treatment (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Quadri-polar radiofrequency is yield more improvement than cryolipolysis in treating postnatal women with abdominal skin laxity.


Key words:

postnatal, skin laxity, cryolipolysis, radiofrequency

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Atef Mohamed Atef, Hala Mohamed Emara, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel

Atef Mohamed Atef, Hala Mohamed Emara, Hossam El Din Hussein Kamel – Effect of Visceral Decongestion of True Pelvis on Primary Dysmenorrhea. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 46-52

主题。从开罗Al Azhar 大学的Said Galal大学附设医院随机选出经由妇科医生诊断出有原发性痛经的50名女孩参与本研究,他们的年龄介于16至25岁之间,体重指数范围为18.5至25 kg/m2。女性们患有可能引起继发性痛经的妇科疾病,例如:子宫内膜异位症、子宫线肌病、子宫肌瘤、息肉和骨盆炎性疾病等,研究中不包括已婚和非处女的女孩,该研究于2017年5月至2018年8月间进行。
设计:实验研究前后。她们被均分为两组,A组以NASAIDS治疗(Brufen 400 mg),经期期间每日两粒,仅仅持续三个月;B组采与A组相同的药物治疗,另采真骨盆内脏减充血术,在预期的月经日两天前至经期结束,每周三次。所有患者在一个月内接受4次疗程,进行三个月经周期。


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