Influence of extremely low temperatures on selected human motor activities

Joanna Łuczak, Joanna Michalik

Joanna Łuczak, Joanna Michalik – Influence of extremely low temperatures on selected human motor activities. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 206-211

Background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of extremely low temperatures (-100°C, -130°C, -160°C) on selected motor skills: flexibility, equilibrium, speed and dynamic abdominal muscles power. Material and methods. The study group covered 300 men, who permanently, by reason of their occupation, practice sports professionally. Participants were randomized into 3 groups attending to whole-body cryotherapy in following temperature: A -100°C, B -130°C and C -160°C. During each procedure patients were treated for 2 minutes in the cryochamber and then by 20 minutes exercise therapy. Before and after program consisted of 10 procedures 4 motor skills of patients were estimated and results were statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon test. Differences of motor skills were calculated separately for each person and findings of each study group were compared using Kruskal-Wallis test. Results. No statistically significant differences were found after matching of flexibility test results between groups treated in 3 different temperatures. Greatest improvement of equilibrium was noticed in group of patients attending to procedures in -160°C temperature (p<0.01). Change of speed was highest in the group of patients treated in -100°C, but average values was twice upper from other groups (p<0.0001). Increase of dynamic abdominal muscles power was also highest in group A — values were twice high from group C (p<0.001). Conclusions. Whole-body cryotherapy positively effects on selected human motor skills. The results of the short-term study not allowed choosing clearly from used temperatures which induced more positive improvement. A long-term research and the economic calculation are necessary to perform complete analysis.

Key words:
cryotherapy, whole-body cryotherapy, cryochamber, human motor skills

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Joanna Łuczak, Agata Wolska, Joanna Michalik

J. Łuczak, A. Wolska, J. Michalik – Determinants of physical activity students of the College of Engineering and Health. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 158-167

结果。女学生们的AF总水平为2524 MET-分钟/每周,其中步行1463、密集作用力540
适度作用力521,经调查后确认有运动者的AF水平高,此与工作或日常活动(p < 0.0001)无关。具高AF者过去除了体育课外(p < 0.05)还进行其他运动,且他们的家庭中,父母或祖父母(p < 0.001)也运动。
1. 工程和健康学院美容学系的女学生中,17.6%的体力活动不足,52.21%足够,而30.112%具高水平。
2. 研究组中定期运动者具高水平的体能活动,然而活动水平与学业模式或学业与工作结合无关。
3. 在小学、初中和高中时,除了体育课外还进行其他运动者在大学期间也较常运动。
4. 家庭的传递模式非常重要,成人时期进行运动者的祖父母或父母往往也运动。


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