An assessment of analgestic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pains of umbosacral spine in office workers

Marlena Drężewska, Aleksander Sieroń, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Drężewska, A. Sieroń, Z. Śliwiński – Ocena efektów analgetycznych terapii wibroakustycznych w leczeniu dolegliwości bólowych części lędźwiowo-krzyżowej kręgosłupa u pracowników biurowych. FP 2013; 13(3); 8-13


Introduction. The objective of the research was to assess analgesic effects of vibroacoustic therapy in treating pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.
Materials and methods. The participants of the research were 52 female office workers from Ostroleka, aged 34-58, with chronic pain of lumbosacral spine caused by overstrain and/or spondylosis. The patients underwent 10-days vibroacoustic therapy which was conducted by means of VITAFON-T device. To assess the effects of the therapy there was used VAS analogue pain scale and a modified pain rates according to Laitinen questionnaire.
Results. There was noted a substantial statistic difference in the average value of pain assessment before and after therapy (p<0.05). The mean value of pain before therapy according to VAS scale amounted to 5.81, and after therapy it constituted 3,38. The total score obtained from the Laitinen questionnaire amounted to 316, and after therapy – 194.
Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the vibroacoustic therapy is effective in achieving analgesic effects in the treatment of pain in the lumbosacral spine among office workers.

Key words:
vibroacoustic therapy, VAS scale, Laitinen quesfionnaire

The Assessment of Impact of the Kinesiology Taping on Changes in the Selected Motor Skills in the Hypermobile Female Dancers

Marlena Drężewska, Ewa Frączek, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Drężewska, E. Frączek, Z. Śliwiński – The Assessment of Impact of the Kinesiology Taping on Changes in the Selected Motor Skills in the Hypermobile Female Dancers. FP 2016;16(1);6-22

Background. Both physical and mental effort undertaken in pursuit of perfection in the dance makes improving the quality of motor skills for dancers is just as important as the development of skills. In the literature there are reports that Kinesiology Taping facilitates muscle activity which contributes to increase their strength. The aim of the study was to eval-uate the effectiveness of KT application in improving muscle strength in female dancers with joint hipermobility after injury.
Material and methods. The research involved 44 jazz female dancers with musculoskeletal pain in lower part of the body. Average age of dancers was M = 20,12; SD = 2,88; Min = 18; Max = 25. All patients reported joint hipermobility by Sachse. In the dancers KT applications for three weeks, three times were used for selected groups of muscles, peripheral joints and spine after a screening test. Before and after treatment muscle strength of selected muscles were measured using a dynamometer MicroFet2.
Results. The analysis results indicate that the use of KT applications significantly contributed to the increased muscle strength following: quadratus lumborum, piriformis, gluteus medius, gluteus maximus, iliopsoas, biceps femoris, semitendinosus ald semimembranosus and adduc-tors (p < 0,005). There was no statistically significant difference in muscle strength after ap-plications for: latissimus dorsi, rectus femoris and tensor fascie late (p > 0,05).
Conclusions. Applications KT of dancers hypermobility of musculoskeletal pains have sub-stantial impact on the muscle tone and strength of muscle examined.

Key words:
Kinesiology Taping, dance, muscle strength, hipermobility

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