
Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Ali Satia Graha, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama, Mela Suhariyanti


Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Ali Satia Graha, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama, Mela Suhariyanti – Effects of massage therapy and exercise therapy on recovery of shin splints injury in women’s long distance running athletes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 122-127

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A590

运动员高强度的训练导致过度训练,而那些没有做适当的拉伸和冷却下来的运动员可能会导致胫骨骨裂损伤。这无疑会干扰运动员在训练和比赛中的表现。本研究旨在确定按摩疗法和运动疗法对女性长跑运动员(大师组别)胫骨骨裂损伤康复的影响。这种研究采用准实验方法,研究设计采用一组前后测试的单组设计。数据收集技术采用测试和测量,使用关节活动度仪来测量关节活动范围,使用疼痛评分来确定疼痛程度。本研究的人口对象是年龄在42岁及以上的女子马拉松运动员。数据分析技术采用成对T检验,在先前经过正态性测试和同质性测试后进行。结果表明,按摩疗法和运动疗法的治疗存在显著差异,即疼痛减轻和关节活动度增加,p值为0.000(p < 0.05)。
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Extensive interval training as alternative exercice for increase VO2max of police candidate

Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama , Mela Suhariyanti

Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama , Mela Suhariyanti – Extensive interval training as alternative exercice for increase VO2max of police candidate. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 128-133

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DFA52

The police is an agency of the state government whose job is to maintain security, order and public order (arresting people who break the law). The police play a role in maintaining public order and security, enforcing the law, and providing protection, protection and service to the community. To be successful as a police officer, special preparation is required to achieve the desired results. So far, the training program for police candidates has only focused on time-paced running. There has been no variety of interval training developed. Extensive Interval Training is an alternative exercise that police recruits can do to pass the Aptitude Test. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of extensive interval training in increasing aerobic endurance (VO2max) in prospective police students. Experiments were used in the design of this study. This study used only one experimental group, and the treatment was modified interval training. police subjects are candidates aged 19–21 years who attended 18 sessions of Extensive Interval Training. Coopert’s test (12 minutes run) is the instrument used in data collection. In this study, Kolmogorov sminov was used to calculate data normality to ensure that the sample groups came from the same population. The hypothesis was tested using the SPSS 23 program by comparing the results of the first test with the final test, namely the 12 minute running test. The results of the study proved that there was an increase in the aerobic endurance of POLRI candidates after being given Extensive Interval Training, namely an increase in the percentage of aerobic endurance of police candidates after being given interval training of 10.21%.
Key words: extensive interval training, VO2max
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