
Mohamed I. Roheym, Mona E. Morsy, Mahmoud Saber, Alaa A. Balbaa, Abdullah M, Al-Shenqiti


Mohamed I. Roheym, Mona E. Morsy, Mahmoud Saber, Alaa A. Balbaa, Abdullah M, Al-Shenqiti – Comparative study of the effectiveness of high-power laser and ketoprofen phonophoresis in chronic knees osteoarthritis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 196-201

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A657

方法。选择了30名男女患者,年龄在50-65岁之间,被诊断出患有双侧膝关节骨关节炎,并随机分为两组。A组接受高能激光NDYAG 1064nm的单次应用。B组接受声波导入的单次应用。疼痛、困难和关节积液通过超声学结果和西安大略和麦克马斯特大学(WOMAC)骨关节炎指数在10次治疗前后进行测量。
结果。采用成对样本t检验进行统计分析,结果显示两组都有显著改善。因此,A组和B组之间存在显著差异,显示高能激光组A在疼痛、僵硬、功能和超声学结果方面比B组更有效(p <0.05)。
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Porównanie krioterapii i fonoforezy kortykosteroidowej w leczeniu blizn keloidowych: Randomizowane badanie kliniczne

Mai Mahmoud Abo Sabee, Amal Mohamed Abd El Baky, Tarek Ahmed Amer, Nessrin Afify Abd El Rasheed

Mai Mahmoud Abo Sabee, Amal Mohamed Abd El Baky, Tarek Ahmed Amer, Nessrin Afify Abd El Rasheed – Cryotherapy versus corticosteroid phonophoresis in the treatment of keloid scars: A randomized clinical trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 70-75

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143318

Wstęp. Blizny keloidowe negatywnie wpływają na fizyczne i psychiczne samopoczucie pacjentów, powodując ból i świąd. Istnieje wiele metod leczenia blizn keloidowych poprzez modulację i poprawę ich charakterystyki.
Cel. Badanie i porównanie efektów krioterapii i fonoforezy kortykosteroidowej u pacjentów z bliznami keloidowymi.
Metody. Badanie było randomizowanym badaniem klinicznym. Sześćdziesięciu pacjentów – zarówno mężczyzn (28) jak i kobiet (32) z bliznami keloidowymi – podzielono na dwie równe grupy. Grupa A otrzymywała krioterapię przez 12 tygodni (n=30), podczas gdy Grupa B była poddawana fonoforezie kortykosteroidowej przez ten sam okres czasu (n=30). Oceny przeprowadzono przed leczeniem, po 6 tygodniach i po 12 tygodniach leczenia.
Wyniki. Porównania po leczeniu między dwiema grupami wykazały istotne statystycznie zmniejszenie VSS zarówno po 6 tygodniach, jak i po 12 tygodniach leczenia na korzyść Grupy A (p < 0,05).
Wnioski. Krioterapia wykazała znacząco lepszy wpływ na pomiary blizn u pacjentów z bliznami keloidowymi niż fonoforeza kortykosteroidowa.

Słowa kluczowe:
krioterapia, fonoforeza, blizny keloidowe

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Comparative study of the effectiveness of phonophoresis and low-level laser therapy on myofascial trigger points of upper fibers of the trapezius muscle

Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed, Rania Reda Mohamed, Noha Gohdan Hussein, Mona Ebrahim Morsy

Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed, Rania Reda Mohamed, Noha Gohdan Hussein, Mona Ebrahim Morsy – Comparative study of the effectiveness of phonophoresis and low-level laser therapy on myofascial trigger points of upper fibers of the trapezius muscle. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 214-221

Background. Myofascial trigger points and hypersensitive taut bands within the muscles can be a very distressing condition. It’s linked to regional muscular spasms, tightened related joints, and a restricted range of motion. Purpose. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of phonophoresis and low-level laser therapy on trigger points of the upper fibers of the trapezius. Methods. It was a randomized controlled trial that conducted on forty-five patients from both genders, with their age ranging from 20-40 years that had myofascial trigger points in the upper trapezius, selected from El-Ahram physical therapy center, Giza and randomly assigned into three groups. All groups received traditional treatment in addition to low-level laser therapy in group (A), phonophoresis in group (B), and a combined treatment of low-level laser therapy and phonophoresis in group (C). Cervical range of motion was measured by cervical range of motion device and pain intensity by pressure algometer before and after 12 sessions of the treatment. Results. All groups saw a significant increase in cervical range of motion (P = 0.0001) and a significant decrease in pain after treatment.The improvement in pain level and left side bending motion range was in favor of group (C) than group (A) and (B). Conclusion. According to the findings, both low-level laser and phonophoresis are helpful in enhancing cervical range of motion and decreasing pain intensity in upper trapezius myofascial pain, with the combination therapy being superior in reducing pain and improving left side bending.
Key words:
low level laser therapy, phonophoresis, myofascial pain syndromes
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Phonophoresis of Azelaic Acid Gel Versus Tazarotene Gel in Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: a single blind randomized controlled trial

Ibrahim Yousef Ibrahim Zidane, Wafaa Hussien Borhan, Adel Abd El Hamid Nosseir, Abeer Abd El–hakam Hodeib, Walid Ahmed Ibrahim Abouelnaga

Ibrahim Yousef Ibrahim Zidane, Wafaa Hussien Borhan, Adel Abd El Hamid Nosseir, Abeer Abd El–hakam Hodeib, Walid Ahmed Ibrahim Abouelnaga – Phonophoresis of Azelaic Acid Gel Versus Tazarotene Gel in Treatment of Acne Vulgaris: a single blind randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(3); 68-73

Purpose. To compare between therapeutic efficacy of Azelaic acid 15% gel phonophoresis and Tazarotene 0.1% gel phonophoresis in treatment of acne vulgaris. Materials and methods. 80 patients with mild to moderate acne vulgaris with ages ranged from 18 to 25 years were randomly divided into four equal groups. Group (A): phonophoresis of Azelaic acid 15% gel. Group (B): phonophoresis of Tazarotene 0.1% gel. Group (C): (placebo ultrasound) topical Azelaic acid 15% gel without powered ultrasound. Group(D): (placebo ultrasound) topical Tazarotene 0.1% gel without powered ultrasound. Treatment administered (3 sessions / week) for 8 weeks. Acne count was determined at the beginning of treatment, after 4 weeks and after 8 weeks of treatment. Acnes count was measured using Digital Camera and the degree of improvement was determined using Investigator’s Global Assessment. Results. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA showed that there was a significant decrease in acne count at post II compared with that of pre treatment in the group A, B, C and D (p < 0.001). The percent of decrease in acne count at post II of group A, B, C and D were 59.54, 78.31, 42.22 and 57.93% respectively. There was a significant difference in degree of improvement distribution between group A, B, C and D (p = 0.0001). group A (40%) moderate and (60%) marked, group B (15%) moderate and (85%) marked improvement, group C: (35%) mild, (60%) moderate and (5%) marked improvement, group D were (10%) mild, (35%) moderate and (55%) marked improvement. Conclusion. Phonophoresis of Tazarotene gel is more effective than Azelaic gel in reducing acnes count and improving cosmetic appearance of acne vulgaris patients.
Key words:
Acne vulgaris, Phonophoresis, Azelaic acid gel, Tazarotene gel, Investigator’s Global Assessment
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