Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jacek Łuniewski, Marcin Krajczy, Bartosz Pańczyszak, Jan Szczegielniak, Marek Kiljański

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Łuniewski, M. Krajczy, B. Pańczyszak, J. Szczegielniak, M. Kiljański – Eligibility of COPD patients for physiotherapy based on a six minute walk test and treadmill test; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 96-106

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0768F5


Objective. The aim of the paper was to assess the results of physiotherapy of COPD patients whose elgibility for the relevant rehabilitation model was assessed with the help of the 6-MWT test and the treadmill test according to the modified Bruce protocol.
Materials and methods. 80 individuals suffering from COPD treated as in-patients at the MSWiA Specialist Hospital in Głuchołazy between May 2017 and September 2017 were examined. After a 3-week comprehensive physiotherapy, the exercise stress test, spirometry test and dyspnoea assessment on the modified 10-point Borg scale were repeated in both groups of COPD patients.
Results. Calculations were performed using the IBM SPSS software. In order to assess consistency between the distribution of the results with the normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. As the distribution differed from the normal distribution, nonparametric methods were used for further analysis. In order to assess the significance of differences between the two groups in terms of quantitative variables, Mann-Whitney tests were used, while Wilcoxon tests were used for dependent samples to assess the significance of changes over time in the same patients (bound pairs). The statistical significance threshold was set at p < 0.001.
1. A significant improvement was noticed in the level of exercise stress tolerance after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
2. A significant improvement was shown in the values of spirometric indicators after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.
3. A significant decrease was shown in the level of dyspnoea after physiotherapy both among patients assessed according to the modified Bruce test and patients assessed with the 6-minute walk test.

Key words:

COPD, modified Bruce protocol, 6-MWT test, physiotherapy

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The effect of qualification method on effect of physiotherapy of COPD patients

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Szczegielniak – The effect of qualification method on effect of physiotherapy of COPD patients. FP 2017; 17(2); 112-120

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0D9304


Objective. The study was aimed at the assessment of qualification of COPD patients participating in the pulmonary rehabilitation program covering models A, B, C, D and E.
Materials and methods. 174 COPD patients treated  were included in the study. Exercise tolerance was assessed in all patients, based on a treadmill test or 6-minute walk test. The physiotherapy program was based on efficiency trainings of intensity determined individually for each patient. A result of the exercise test constituted a basis for qualification for an appropriate rehabilitation model and for individual selection of intensity level. The exercise test was repeated three weeks later, after the end of the physiotherapy program.
Results. Results of pre- and post-rehabilitation tests in both groups were statistically analysed. Intra-group assessments used t-Student test for dependent samples. Mean values of individual indexes, standard deviations and mean growth of all indexes were calculated. A chart frame area plot of all variables was used for the analysis of test results.
Conclusions. 1. A significant improvement of exercise tolerance was observed after a physiotherapy program both in patients assessed using the modified Brice’s protocol and in those assessed using the 6-minute walk test
2. The study demonstrated that the assessment of exercise tolerance is a basis for selection of exercise intensity level.
3. Efficacy of physiotherapy of COPD patients participating in pulmonary rehabilitation programs was demonstrated.

Key words:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, modified Bruce’s protocol test, 6-minute walk test, qualification for physiotherapy, effects of physiotherapy

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Possibilities for respiratory biofeedback aplication in physiotherapy of patients with COPD

Witold Pawełczyk, Janina Bajowska, Bogusława Wójtowicz, Katarzyna Bogacz, Tomasz Sirek, Jan Szczegielniak

W. Pawełczyk, J. Bajowska, B. Wójtowicz, K. Bogacz, T. Sirek, J. Szczegielniak. Possibilities for respiratory biofeedback aplication in physiotherapy of patients with COPD. FP 2013; 13(4); 12-18

Wstęp. Dotychczas brak kompleksowych badań z zastosowaniem biofeedbacku oddechowego, a wnioski wypływające z niewielu prac z wykorzystaniem tej techniki u chorych na POCHP nie są jednoznaczne.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było porównanie wpływu standardowej fizjoterapii oraz fizjoterapii wzbogaconej o ćwiczenia prowadzone metodą biofeedback na amplitudę oddechu, wyniki 6-minutowego testu marszowego oraz wybrane wskaźniki określające czynność wentylacyjną płuc u chorych na POCHP w trakcie stacjonarnej fizjoterapii.
Materiał i metody badań. Zbadano 32 chorych w łagodnym i umiarkowanym stadium POChP. Chorzy zostali podzieleni losowo na 2 grupy. Badani chorzy z grupy A poddani byli standardowej fizjoterapii, a chorzy z grupy B uczestniczyli dodatkowo w ćwiczeniach prowadzonych metodą biofeedback. Przed i po zastosowanym programie fizjoterapii u wszystkich badanych chorych zbadano amplitudę oddechu, wykonano test marszowy oraz badanie spirometryczne.
Wynik. Stwierdzono istotny statystycznie przyrost wartości amplitudy brzusznego toru oddechowego w grupie B po fizjoterapii, który wyniósł 0,74 j.w. (±0,53, p<0,05).
Przyrost wartości wskaźnika FEV1 w grupie B po fizjoterapii był istotny statystycznie i wyniósł 3,38% (±4,34, p<0,05).
1. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie ćwiczeń oddechowych prowadzonych metodą biofeedback w fizjoterapii chorych na POCHP istotnie zwiększa amplitudę ruchu oddechowego określającego brzuszny tor oddychania.
2. Wykazano, że trening metodą biofeedback stosowany u chorych na POCHP wpływa na istotną poprawę wartości wskaźnika FEV1.

Słowa kluczowe:
biofeedback, POChP, fizjoterapia

Artykuł dostępny tylko w j. polskim

Gait analysis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Sebastian Rutkowski, Anna Rutkowska, Jacek Łuniewski,
Jan Szczegielniak

S. Rutkowski, A. Rutkowska, J. Łuniewski, J. Szczegielniak – Gait analysis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. FP 2014; 14(4); 24-33


The aim of the study was the analysis of gait parameters of patients with COPD. It was decided to examine whether the diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease affects the gait parameters during a 6-minute walk test.
The research material consisted of 33 COPD in patients (27 males, 6 females) of MIAA Specialistic Hospital in Głuchołazy, who were treated there from February 2011 to May 2011. Control group consisted of 48 healthy (9 males, 35 females).
It was found that the average distance reached in the test group was 538,97m ±176,32m, while in the control group 546,7m ± 85,7m. Patients with COPD during the test were moving at a slower speed, achieved shorter steps during longer step time
Analysis of the results showed that COPD patients presented deteriorated the value of indicators describing the gait parameters during the 6-minute walk test

Key words:
gait analysis, COPD, 6MWT

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Fullerton test in the assessment of patients with COPD

Anna Rutkowska, Sebastian Rutkowski, Witold Pawełczyk,  Jan Szczegielniak

A. Rutkowska, S. Rutkowski, W. Pawełczyk,  J. Szczegielniak: Fullerton test in the assessment of patients with COPD. FP 2015;15(4);90-97


The aim of this study was to assess the physical fitness using Fullerton test in COPD patients over 60 years old. Study group consisted of 53 patients with COPD. Control group consisted of 34 healthy individuals students of the University of the Third Age in Głochołazy. To assess the physical fitness Fullerton test was used. There was a reduced physical fitness in patients with COPD, compared to the control group.

Key words:
Fullerton test, COPD, physical fitness

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