Development and validation of an e-health module – PregEx to support antenatal exercise and education

Janani C., B. Sathya Prabha

Janani C., B. Sathya Prabha – Development and validation of an e-health module – PregEx to support antenatal exercise and education. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 122-127



Background. Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are major life phases in a woman’s life. During these phases, not only do women experience physiological changes but they are also adjusting to their new roles and responsibilities as mothers. The World Health Organization has declared that the benefits of e-health should be considered among the fundamental components of any strategy and most important programs for the collection of pregnancy healthcare information. Hence this study aimed to develop an e-health module to support antenatal exercise and education for pregnant women.

Aim. To develop and validate an e-health module to support antenatal exercise and education.

Methodology. The development of an e-health module was prepared using the structured antenatal exercise protocol. Face and content validation was done by expert opinion and feedback on the application was obtained. Feedback from the usability evaluation was used to revise the app. The application was named as PregEx. The developed application (PregEx) was validated among fifty antenatal mothers. They were instructed to follow up on antenatal exercises and education and were on follow-up for 2 weeks. Then the feedback on the mobile application was collected from the mothers using a mobile application rating scale (MARS).

Results. The overall quality mean scores of the MARS scale was 4.08 ± 0.39. The ratings of MARS app specific responses had shown about 80% were on awareness creating, 90% were knowledge oriented, 71% of the mothers found this app as a help-seeking and satisfaction and about 67% felt it improves the mothers on behavior change.

Conclusion. The mobile app (Preg Ex) was user-friendly and feasible for antenatal mothers to understand easily and practice antenatal exercise and education.


Keywords: mHealth app, mobile application, educational applications, pregnant women, Pregnancy exercises and antenatal care

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Evaluation of the effectiveness of massage performed by a partner in reducing low back pain in pregnant women.

Dariusz Boguszewski, Daria Sałata, Jakub Adamczyk, Izabela Korabiewska, Anna Cabak

Dariusz Boguszewski, Daria Sałata, Jakub Adamczyk, Izabela Korabiewska, Anna Cabak – Evaluation of the effectiveness of massage performed by a partner in reducing low back pain in pregnant women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 379-387

Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem of pregnant women. The aim of the study was the assessment of the impact of classic massage on LBP among pregnant women. The group of 57 pregnant women was included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups. The women in Group 1 (n=28) were subjected to a series of classic massage treatments, performed by their partners (after instruction during antenatal classes). Women in Group 2 (n=29) did not change their lifestyle. The applied research tools were the following: The Numerical Pain Rating Scale (VAS), Roland-Morris Questionnaire, Spielberger’s Questionnaire and the authors’ tailored survey. Mann-Whitney U- test was used for comparison of the results between the groups. The minimum level of signi­ficance was set at p<0.05.After the series of treatments, the LBP (measured by VAS) was significantly lower in the research group (p=0.018). A po­sitive impact of massage performed by the partner on the functional activity (p=0.041) as well as and on self-esteem and psychological state (p=0.014) was proved. 1. Massage reduces LBP in pregnant women. 2. Massage performed by pregnant women’s partners may fa­vourably affect the women’s mental condition and improve their general well-being.
Key words:
pregnant women, massage, lower back pain
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