Metody manualnej rehabilitacji oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego

Przemysław Pasiak, Tomasz Tomaszewski

P. Pasiak, T. Tomaszewski – Methods of manual rehabilitation and assessment of their effectiveness on the example of a patient after temporomandibular joint dislocation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 108-114

Wstęp. W pracy przedstawiono metody rehabilitacji stosowane przy schorzeniach w obrębie twarzoczaszki, a także omówiono najczęstsze przyczyny predysponujące do zwichnięcia stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego. Zaburzenia te są problemem wielopłaszczyznowym. W ich procesie leczniczym, na różnych etapach, konieczny jest udział zarówno specjalistów chirurgii twarzowo-szczękowej, jak i ortodontów, logopedów, psychologów oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Cel pracy. Celem pracy było omówienie metod fizjoterapii stosowanych w leczeniu zaburzeń w obrębie stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego oraz ocena ich skuteczności na przykładzie pacjenta po zwichnięciu prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego.
Materiały i metody. W pracy opartej na opisie pacjenta, który zgłosił się do gabinetu fizjoterapii, u którego doszło do zwichnięcia prawego stawu skroniowo-żuchwowego, przedstawiono postępowanie lecznicze stosowane przez specjalistów z zakresu chirurgii szczękowo-twarzowej oraz fizjoterapeutów.
Wyniki. Wdrożenie rehabilitacji przyniosło następujące efekty: zwiększenie zakresu ruchomości żuchwy, zmniejszenie dolegliwości bólowych, redukcję obrzęku, rozluźnienie mięśni.
Wnioski. Fizjoterapia powinna być jednym z elementów kompleksowego leczenia pacjentów z zaburzeniami w obrębie stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych.
Słowa kluczowe:
staw skroniowo-żuchwowy, rehabilitacja, chirurgia szczękowo-twarzowa
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Availability and application of pedobarography within services offered by the guaranteed healthcare benefits fund and private sector — possibilities and limitations; part 1

Aleksandra Bitenc-Jasiejko, Krzysztof Konior, Katarzyna Kordus, Monika Brzózka, Andrzej Garstka, Marek Kiljański, Danuta Lietz-Kijak

A. Bitenc-Jasiejko, K. Konior, K. Kordus, M. Brzózka, A. Garstka, M. Kiljański, D. Lietz-Kijak – Availability and application of pedobarography within services offered by the guaranteed healthcare benefits fund and private sector — possibilities and limitations; part 1. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(2); 160-176

Changes resulting from incorrect plantar foot pressure distribution can lead to degenerative changes of hard and soft tissues. Especially clear connection can be noticed between excessive pressure on feet and occurrence of ulcers and chronic wounds, especially those secondary to diabetes and motor and sensory neuropathy. Pedobarography is widely used to assess the value as well as time and space parameters of pressure when standing and walking. This means that this procedure can prove useful in many fields, including orthopaedics, rehabilitation, orthopaedic appliances as well as in traumatology and treating bad posture.
Pedobarography is a diagnostic procedure that is not highly specialist (besides physicians, it can be performed by non-physician practitioners) that is why it can be used by specialists of many fields. In most countries where prophylactics of feet disorders, especially the diabetic foot syndrome, is highly developed, pedobarography is one of the basic diagnostic procedures of the guaranteed healthcare services. In Poland, it is included in the list of guaranteed healthcare benefits of the National Health Found since 2011. However, there are grounds to think that pedobarography is not commonly used, mainly due to insufficient knowledge of medical staff on this method. Considering the fact that this diagnostic procedure plays an important role in preventing disorders resulting from incorrect pressure migration, it is crucial to analyse directions of its application and factors influencing its development. The aim of this paper was to assess availability of pedobarography and to analyse factors facilitating and limiting its development.

Key words:
pedobarography, orthopaedics, rehabilitation, traumatology, bad posture, ulcerations, Charcot’s neuro-osteoarthropathy, custom-made orthopaedic insoles


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Roxolana Nesterak, Igor Vakalіuk, Jacek Łuniewski, Jan Szczegielniak

R. Nesterak, I. Vakalіuk, J. Łuniewski, J. Szczegielniak – Clinico-hemodynamic and psycho-cognitive parallels of internal picture of health correction in the process of restorative treatment and rehabilitation of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 158-166


心机梗塞, 康复, 心理学

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Wpływ lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego na funkcję ręki u kobiet z reumatoidalnym zapaleniem stawów

Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Paulina Murdzyk, Sławomir Jandziś, Marek Kiljański

E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, P. Murdzyk, S. Jandziś, M. Kiljański – The effects of health resort treatment on hand function in female rheumatoid arthritis patients; Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 74-82


Introduction. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic, chronic, immune-mediated disease of connective tissue. The disease mostly affects the hand joints, leading to weaker hand grip and functional limitations, which in many cases hinders everyday functioning and makes the patients dependent on the assistance of others. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of health resort treatment on improving hand function in female RA patients in comparison with a group of female patients receiving ambulatory treatment.
Materials and methods. The study included a group of 120 women between 35 and 45 years of age suffering from RA, 60 of which were rehabilitated in the “Ziemowit” Health Resort in Rymanów-Zdrój. The other 60 female patients received ambulatory care in the Occupational Health Center in Sanok. Both pinch grip and key grip tests were performed as well as the Grind test. The analyses were conducted with the aid of the Wilcoxon test and the Pearson non-parametric chi-square test of independence.
Results. After the treatment was completed, the number of women who were capable of correctly performing the pinch and key grips and did not feel pain in the carpometacarpal joint of thumb in the Grind test increased in both groups. A statistically significant increase in the scores (in accordance with the adopted binary system) of the respective tests, which indicates an improvement in the outcome measures, was also observed.
Conclusions. The comprehensive health resort treatment and ambulatory care have similar effects on the improvement of hand function parameters in female RA patients.

Key words:

rheumatic diseases, functional limitations, rehabilitation

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Porównanie skuteczności terapii przy użyciu pola elektromagnetycznego wysokiej częstotliwości i terapii falą ultradźwiękową w przebiegu chorób zwyrodnieniowo – przeciążeniowych układu narządu ruchu

Lidia Kościelny, Krystyna Stanisz-Wallis, Bożena Latała, Magdalena Wilk-Frańczuk

L. Kościelny, K. Stanisz-Wallis, B. Latała, M. Wilk-Frańczuk – Comparison between the effectiveness of therapy using a high-frequency electromagnetic field and the therapy using ultrasound waves in the degenerative and overload diseases of the locomotor system. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(1); 6-13


Objective. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of treating degenerative diseases of the locomotor system using a high-frequency electromagnetic field in comparison with ultrasound treatment.
Materials and methods. 77 people aged 42-84 with exacerbation of pain ailments and limitation of motor skills resulting from degenerative diseases, were qualified for the study. The patients were divided into 3 groups. The following procedures were performed in group I (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group II (27 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, ultrasounds and kinesiotherapy. The following procedures were performed in group III (23 persons): cryotherapy, laser therapy, high-frequency electromagnetic field, kinesiotherapy. The procedures were performed for 10 days in all the groups. There was applied the motor skill assessment survey and pain assessment. The tests were performed on the 1st and 10th day of the procedures.
Results. In each group, the treatment applied occurred to be effective, which was statistically relevant. In group III, the median difference was highest. Similarly, the change in pain was most significant in group III, the therapy using an electromagnetic field occurred most effective.
Conclusions. A significant difference between the initial and final pain was noted in the 3 tested groups. A significant difference in the level of pain appeared in the 3 tested groups. The higher effectiveness of electromagnetic field therapy was demonstrated.

Key words:
rehabilitation, degenerative lesions, physical therapy

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Isokinetic testing and exercises in physiotherapeutic practice

Andrzej Czamara, Katarzyna Krzemińska, Aleksandra Królikowska, Łukasz Szuba, Marek Kiljański

A. Czamara, K. Krzemińska, A. Królikowska, Ł. Szuba, M. Kiljański – Isokinetic testing and exercises in physiotherapeutic practice. FP 2017; 17(4); 6-17


The aim of the paper was to present the attitude to measurements and exercises performed under isokinetic conditions during physiotherapeutic procedures, based on the literature review and the authors’ experience. The authors discuss basic issues of the physiology of muscles, types of muscle contractions and activity, and changes in muscle tension. They presents the principles of torque value measurement and the assessment of other biomechanical parameters, carried out under conditions of maximal isometric tension tone as well as under dynamic-isokinetic conditions. The exercises performed under isokinetic conditions and isometric (static) conditions are described in various aspects of clinical physiotherapy. Attention is focused on the indications and contraindications to using such kind of tests and exercises in physiotherapy, as related to other branches of medicine.

Key words:
kinesitherapy, isometry, dynamics, rehabilitation

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The assessment of effect of early post-hospital rehabilitation on the lung ventilation function in patients with cardiovascular disease

Katarzyna Bogacz, Marek Woszczak, Jan Szczegielniak

K. Bogacz, M. Woszczak, J. Szczegielniak – The assessment of effect of early post-hospital rehabilitation on the lung ventilation function in patients with cardiovascular disease. FP 2017; 17(2); 132-139



Objective. An assumption as made that tests performed before and after a 3-week cardiovascular rehabilitation would allow the assessment of its effect on the lung ventilation function in patients post MI and CABG.
Material and methods. The analysis involved determination of mean values of all spirometric values and comparing them with expected values before and after the rehabilitation program. In order to check if mean values of both tests were significantly different, they were compared using the t Student test for paired samples, and mean increases of all indexes were calculated.
Test results. Lung function tests performed in study subjects gave results allowing precise analysis of lung ventilation function in patients post MI and CABG, and an assessment o the effect of comprehensive cardiovascular rehabilitation, including respiratory exercises, on ventilation function of those patients. t-Student test was applied for the assessment of differences with the significance level of p < 0.01.
Conclusions. The program of cardovascular rehabilitation involving respiratory exercises, accounts for improved lung ventilation function in patients post MI and CABG, and should be used at each stage of rehabilitation of those patients.

Key words:
Cardiovascular disease, rehabilitation

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Muscle energy techniques after total hip replacement

Maria Mazepa, Renata Szczepaniak, Wojciech Kiebzak,
Zofia Śliwińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Mazepa, R. Szczepaniak, W. Kiebzak, Z. Śliwińska, Z. Śliwiński – Muscle energy techniques after total hip replacement. FP 2014; 14(1); 18-26


Introduction.  Surgical procedure involving total hip alloplasty is a common consequence of the absence of progress of rehabilitation in patients with significant degenerative lesions accompanied by severe pain and significantly limited mobility. An individual program for patient rehabilitation is established during the first 24 hours after the procedure. This is of particular importance as proper planning and implementation of physiotherapy allows to relieve pain and to achieve full functional joint mobility as well as to strengthen the muscles. We make sure that the proper muscle control and stability within the joint will restore patient’s locomotion and self-care both at the initial and later stages of rehabilitation. There are many ways and methods to improve the above mentioned parameters. Muscle energy techniques, which represent a non-invasive therapy in patients with total hip replacement, are one of these methods. These techniques, including poizometric relaxation of contracted muscles as well as active relaxation of hip joint muscles, myofascial techniques, also in combination with elements of PNF techniques, allow for effective treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of standard physiotherapy in patients after cemented hip arthroplasty with those of physiotherapy using muscle energy techniques.
Materials and Methods. A total of 66 patients with advanced degenerative arthritis of the hip, who received surgical treatment in the form of endoprosthetics, were qualified for the study between 2013 and 2014. The patients were divided into two groups  (group I and II), 33 subjects each. Pain level, the range of hip motion as well as muscle strength were assessed in each patient. Group I received muscle energy techniques, including poizometric relaxation of muscles, active muscle relaxation and elements of PNF method. Also, myofascial techniques targeting muscles with different strengths and direction of pressure were used. Group II received standard physiotherapy.
Results. Significant improvement of pain, an increase in the range of functional motion as well as a significant improvement of muscle control of the joint were observed in the group receiving muscle energy treatment, which had beneficial effects on the locomotion of patients.
Conclusions. Muscle energy techniques had significant effects on the improvement of muscle function and stabilization in the pelvic girdle of the joint with endoprosthesis. Poizometric relaxation combined with elements of the PNF method as well as myofascial techniques effectively improved balance, coordination and gait pattern. In conclusion, physiotherapy using muscle energy techniques was shown to be a more effective method in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis as compared to the method based on standard rehabilitation program.

Key words:
arthroplasty, rehabilitation, muscle energy techniques

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Biomechanical aspects of elbow joint action in rheumatoid arthritis

Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Janusz Błaszczyk, Krzysztof Gieremek, Wojciech Cieśla, Jacek Polechoński

J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, J. Błaszczyk, K. Gieremek, W. Cieśla, J. Polechoński – Biomechanical aspects of elbow joint action in rheumatoid arthritis. FP 2014; 14(1); 6-16


Functional limitations associated with RA-induce changes within the elbow joint and result in biomechanical disturbances. Objective data on the mobility of the affected articulation would facilitate the assessment of disease severity, selection of optimal physiotherapy interventions. Materials and Methods. Our study participants performed cyclic forearm extension and flexion elbow movements with different angular velocities. Biomechanical assessment comprised of spatiotemporal properties of cyclic movements. Spatial analysis of movement included the determination of movement direction (flexion, extension) and amplitude whereas the temporal analysis included the duration of particular movement phases as well as time-frequency analysis of a movement cycle. Results. The obtained results indicate that movement parameters in patients with rheumatoid arthritis differ significantly compared to normal ranges. Movement speed and amplitude as well as frequency and duration of movement are decreased. RA patients also exhibited considerable asymmetry of cyclic flexions and extensions of the elbow joint. Conclusion. It can be concluded that a biomechanical analysis using a manipulandum apparatus is a valuable diagnostic tool allowing objective evaluation of elbow function in rheumatoid arthritis. The measurements are highly sensitive, and hence, if performed in a larger patient population, they might help develop a classification of movement dysfunction in rheumatoid arthritis of the elbow joint. The analysis might also facilitate the assessment of hand dysfunction at various stages of RA development.

Key words:
rehabilitation, elbow, biomechanical, rheumatoid arthritis

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Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function

Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek, Joanna Cieślińska-Świder, Krzysztof Gieremek, Wojciech Cieśla, Jacek Polechoński

J. Rojczyk-Chmarek, J. Cieślińska-Świder, K. Gieremek, W. Cieśla, J. Polechoński – Assessment of the effects of rehabilitation interventions for patients with rhematoid arthritis using biomechanical analysis of elbow function. FP 2015; 15(1); 36-47


Background. The aim of the investigations was to verify the effectiveness of a method of elbow function evaluation in patients with rhematoid arthritis. The method was expected to allow monitoring of disease progression and to help assess the effects of rehabilitation interventions.
Material and Methods. Cyclic flexion-extension movements in the elbow joint were examined in 82 individuals. The measurements were carried out with a computer-controlled unit for studying elbow movements (manipulandum). The study participants performed movements 1) of minimum speed, ie., the slowest possible movement, 2) of preferred speed consistent with patient preferences and habits, and 3) of maximum speed. The measurements were carried out before and after a 3-week rehabilitation program.
Results. The obtained results indicate that the rehabilitation intervention caused improvement in several parameters of the investigated movements. Movement amplitude (range of movement),  angular velocity (especially angular velocity of elbow extension) increased, the symmetry index decreased while no changes were observed in movement cycle duration for preferred and maximum speed.
Conclusions. The results indicate that this method of isokinetic movement evaluation allows objective assessment of articular pathologies and rehabilitation/pharmacotherapy outcomes. Our investigations suggest that, in order to obtain reliable information on the patient’s functional status, the measurements should be performed during preferred and maximum speed elbow movements. Information thereby obtained might be of considerable importance for selection of appropriate physiotherapy interventions.

Key words:
rehabilitation, elbow, biomechanical, rheumatoid arthritis

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