Improvement of spinal joint mobility and relief of low back pain by soft tissue massage of the spine

Maciej Szubzda, Urszula Kaźmierczak, Wojciech Hagner, Maciej Dzierżanowski

Maciej Szubzda, Urszula Kaźmierczak, Wojciech Hagner, Maciej Dzierżanowski -Improvement of spinal joint mobility and relief of low back pain by soft tissue massage of the spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(2), 165-170


Background. The aim of this paper is an evaluation of the effect of remedial massage on the improvement of mobility and reduction of pain in the lower back. Material and method. The study enrolled 25 outpatients treated at the Therapeutic Mobilization Laboratory, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration Medical Centre in Olsztyn. Of the 25 patients, 13 were diagnosed with cervical discopathy, including 4 with brachial neuralgia (with pain radiating to the arm in 2 patients and to the forearm in the other two), and 12 with lumbar discopathy, including 8 with pain radiating to the foot. Sources of data comprised linear measurements of spine mobility and a modified Melzack Pain Questionnaire. The data were obtained on the first medical day and at the end of a course of 10 procedures. Dry massage was applied to the entire spinal column with heavier pressure on the area where the pain originated. Results. The results indicate a statistically significant increase in mean spinal range of movement after the course of massage procedures. After the massage treatment, a definite change occurred in the location of pain in the patients with left-sided and right-sided sciatic neuralgia. There was also a definite improvement in the patients with brachial neuralgia. Conclusions. The massage treatment brought about a reduction in the pain and altered its quality.

Key words:

massage, spine mobility, pain syndrome

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Evaluation of the effect of station-based corrective exercises on changes in parameters of musculoskeletal system function in chiidren with Grade 1° scoliosis

Katarzyna Barczyk, Magdalena Łata, Arletta Hawrylak, Dominika Zawadzka, Dorota Wojna

Katarzyna Barczyk, Magdalena Łata, Arletta Hawrylak, Dominika Zawadzka, Dorota Wojna – Evaluation of the effect of station-based corrective exercises on changes in parameters of musculoskeletal system function in chiidren with Grade 1° scoliosis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2010; 10(1); 49-59

Background. The aim ofofthe study was to evaluate the influence of station-based corrective exercises in the gym setting in children with idiopathic scoliosis. Materiał and methods. The study group comprised 67 children aged 10-12 years with single-arch left-sided idiopathic thoracolumbar Grade 1° scoliosis. Children were evaluated three time: before beginning corrective exercises (Examination I), and after 3 months (Examination II) and 6 months (Examination III) ofexercises. Station-based exercises using the SYNKOPA system and Thera-Band taping. Spinał mobility in the sagittal, frontal and horizontal piane, and shoulder and pelvic girdle mobility was evaluated in all children.Results. The comparison ofconsecutive examinations revealed statistically significant differences. Significant differences between Examinations I and II were revealed with respect to spinał mobility in all planes and mobility of the shoulder girdle and the pelvic girdle in some planes. Significant differences between Examinations I and III were revealed with regard to all parameters studied.Conclusions. Station-based corrective exercises increased mobility of the spine and of the shoulder and pelvic girdles in all planes.
Key words:
scoliosis, station-based systems, spinal mobility, pelvic girdle, shoulder girdle
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