Use of selected soft tissue therapy techniques in menstrual pain syndromes

Łukasz Skibiński, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek

Łukasz Skibiński, Jolanta Rojczyk-Chmarek – Use of selected soft tissue therapy techniques in menstrual pain syndromes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(1); 166-182

Introduction. One of the more common ailments of young women in the reproductive period is dysmenorrhea (MSM). More than 50% of women complain of menstrual pain, and 10% of them are forced to give up their daily activities for the first 1-3 days of the menstrual cycle.
Objective of the work. The aim of the research was to check to what extent the selected techniques on soft tissues in strictly defined places will reduce the intensity of pain sensations occurring in the painful menstruation syndrome.
Material and methods. 23 women aged 19 to 48 participated in the study. Women with cyclical IBM-related pains that had been repeated for at least a year were invited to the study. Pain complaints were examined according to the VAS scale, which allows the assessment of pain on a scale of 1-10. Each visit began with the completion of a questionnaire. Thanks to it, pain sensations and other ailments or observations related to the menstrual cycle for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles were checked.
Results. The most common complaints were pain in the area of the lower abdomen, lumbar spine or head. There was a positive difference in the assessment of pain scale, pain duration and the assessment of improvement in health during menstruation. There was also a significant decrease in pain medication intake from 86 at the first treatment meeting, where only 21 was indicated at the last meeting.
Conclusions. The results of the presented studies have shown that the therapy of soft tissues at specific points has a positive effect on chronic menstrual pain and the reduction of painkillers. The author, through a detailed analysis of the subject of UBM, hopes that the presented content will increase the prevention and awareness of patients in the subject of UBM.
Key words:
menstruation, menstrual pain, visceral therapy, menstrual cycle, soft tissue therapy
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Evaluation of the manual therapy effect on hand functional efficiency in the patients with systemic sclerosis – case description

Mateusz W. Romanowski, Maja Špiritović, Agata Zdanowska, Anna Kwaśniewska

M. W. Romanowski, M. Špiritović, A. Zdanowska, A. Kwaśniewska – Evaluation of the manual therapy effect on hand functional efficiency in the patients with systemic sclerosis – case description. FP 2016;16(4);14-23


The systemic sclerosis is chronic systemic disease of connective tissue that is characterized by damage of blood vessels, presence of autoantibodies and progressing skin and internal organs fibrination, leading to their failure. The loss of mobility in hand and wrist joints, which often affects patients with the systemic sclerosis, significantly worsens their life quality.
Non-pharmacological treatment of the systemic sclerosis includes: physiotherapy, education, new therapeutic methods. Individually selected therapy counteracts and diminishes dysfunctions in the joints area, soft tissues and skin, and may improve efficiency of internal organs.
Manual therapy perfectly complements comprehensive in this group of patients, by influencing the following receptors: of Golgie, Ruffini, Pacini and interstitial. The manual therapy techniques directed to the skin, fascia, muscles, joints, improve hand efficiency and decrease pain in patients with systemic sclerosis.
Application of manual techniques (skin rolling, deep massage of superficial fascia and muscles responsible for straightening the wrist joint, postisometric muscle relaxation, mobilization in ridge direction in rediocarpal joint, side-to-side mobilization in finger joints) performed in the study improved hand functional efficiency in all tested parameters (Cochin Hand Scale, Hand Mobility in Scleroderma, finger-to-palm-distance).


systemic slerosis, manual therapy, soft tissue therapy, physiotherapy

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