Selected issues in the biomechanics of the knee joint

Aleksander Kabsch, Tadeusz Bober

Aleksander Kabsch, Tadeusz Bober – Selected issues in the biomechanics of the knee joint. Fizjoterapia Polska 2001; 1(2); 179-182

This article presents of the biomechanics of the knee joint in terms suitable for application in diagnostics and kinesitherapy. For practical reasons the thematic range of the discussion is limited; a separate monograph would be required to deal with the subject fully, especially the biomechanical conditions underlying pathologies of this joint. The basic aspects of the biomechanics of the knee joint presented in this article include its motion and mobility, the role of muscle force momentum, and the value of the force of reaction in the context of the construction and function of the joint. The scope of the subject matter presented here covers the issues that in the authors’ opinion are most essential for the physiotherapist in terms of the biomechanics of the knee joint.

Key words:
Knee Joint, Biomechanics

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Normal gait and some aspects of gait pathology

Tadeusz Bober, Andrzej Bugajski

Tadeusz Bober, Andrzej Bugajski – Normal gait and some aspects of gait pathology. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(4); 267-275

The article is the short review of the fundamental aspects of human gait. The description is proposed of the movement structure of the lower extremities during a step and a stride, which is supplemented with relevant English terminology. Besides kinematics, some elements of gait kinetics are discussed, including muscle activity. Issues related to learning to walk by children and gait stability in the elderly are dealt with in separate paragraphs. The part of the review devoted to pathological gait contains mostly names of different types of gait. However, special attention is given in it to the locomotion in children with cerebral palsy, reflecting the fact that pathological gait is one of the significant symptoms of their illness. The review concludes with a presentation of available norms of gait useful in comparing and diagnosing pathologies.

Key words:
normal gait pattern, gait in children, gait in the elderly, gait pathology

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