爱德华 • 马德伊斯基于1870-1906年间在利沃夫展开的物理治疗体育及卫生上的开创性活动

Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak

S. Jandziś, E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, Maciej Łuczak – Edward Madeyski’s pioneering activities for the development of physiotherapy, physical education and hygiene in Lviv in the years 1870-1906. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 130-136

作者根据源材料和一些研究,介绍爱德华 • 马德伊斯基于1870-1906年间在利沃夫展开的物理治疗、体育及卫生上所进行的活动。这位热爱推广体操、理疗、卫生、营养学及健康生活方式的专业医生建立了基础体育理论,他推广健康卫生方向,是“理性体操“的拥护者,更出版了第一本波兰学校体操教学课本。此文章的主要目的在介绍鲜为人知的爱德华 • 马德伊斯基自1870年以来在利沃夫骨科体操中心所进行的理疗活动。他在那里通过物理因素(治疗体操、按摩、骨科设备)治疗患运动器官疾病的儿童,主要为脊椎弯曲。作者还介绍爱德华 • 马德伊斯基作为体育及卫生教师和推动者在十九及二十世纪之际所进行的相关活动。他的工作成为体育理论发展、体操专家培训及骨科-体操中心等活动的基础。皇帝于1889年授予教授头衔,作为对他多年来在医疗、教育和研究贡献上的认可。



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Healing gymnastics in activity of gymnastic units on Polish land before 1914

Sławomir Jandziś, Ewa Puszczałowska-Lizis, Marek Kiljański

S. Jandziś, E. Puszczałowska-Lizis, M. Kiljański – Healing gymnastics in activity of gymnastic units on Polish land before 1914. FP 2014; 14(1); 74-84


The beginning of organised forms of the healing gymnastics in Poland is connected with the formation of gymnastic units. The first institutions of that kind were formed in Warsaw – Matthesa Teodor Gymnastic Plant (1831), Cracow – Ludwik Bierkowski Gymnastic School (1837), Poznań – Teofil Matecki Gymnastic Plant (1840) and in Lvov – Organopatical Plant of Teodor Bakody (1856). On the base of listed units in Warsaw, Cracow, Poznań and Lvov were formed four first centres of the development of the healing gymnastics on Polish land. Activity of gymnastic units had a significant influence into the more late development of physiotherapy and the medical rehabilitation in Poland. At first healing gymnastics based on German patterns was applied in the plants, and in consecutive years was implemented a Swedish system of the gymnastics of P. H. Ling and method of the mechanotherapy of G. Zandera. The owners of 19th-century gymnastic plants In Poland were doctors and the first specialists in the field of the treatment with the move from outside of the medical world – precursors of contemporary physiotherapists. In this period were also formed the first schools educating physiotherapists in our country.

Key words:
gymnastic plants, history of the rehabilitation, healing gymnastics, physiotherapy

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The original naturopathy treatment method practiced by doctor Apollinary Tarnawski in Kosovo during the period 1893-1939

Sławomir Jandziś, Andżelika Pleśniak, Stanisław Zaborniak,
Marek Kiljański

S. Jandziś, A. Pleśniak, S. Zaborniak, M. Kiljański – The original naturopathy treatment method practiced by doctor Apollinary Tarnawski in Kosovo during the period 1893-1939. FP 2015; 15(1); 74-80


This article is a result of the analysis of source materials which were, among others, files of Galicia spas, information from tourist guides, advertising brochures, as well as daily and medical publications of the Galician period. The aim of the study was to present the original method of naturopathy applied by dr Apollinary Tarnavski in the years 1893-1939 in his own clinic in Hutsul-Kosovo. Both the method and its foundations are original and can be used by those interested in the problem of the evolution of physiotherapy and physical medicine.
Dr A. Tarnavski’s healing system was based on the use of outdoor activity in the form of gymnastics (especially respiratory), hiking, sports and physical work in the garden. This therapy was supplemented by water treatments based on the Kneipp method, inhalation, drinking procedures, as well as sun and air bathing. No less important factor was the medicinal vegetarian diet and even starvation. Cigarettes and alcohol were banned in the clinic, and drugs were used only in special cases. The philosophy behind dr A. Tarnawski’s methods was not only treatment, but also teaching the people to lead a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. Dr A. Tarnavski’s method was enormously popular in Poland and drew to his clinic many eminent personalities, such as artists, writers, professors, journalists and even the clergy.
Based on his experience, ideological assumptions, the knowledge gained from his trips to the national and international clinics, dr A. Tarnavski developed an original method due to which he should be perceived as the precursor of modern naturopathy, he is also the precursor in the prevention of civilization hazards and geriatric rehabilitation in Poland. Despite the passing of many years, his methods are still valid.

Key words:
history of medicine, physiotherapy, healing gymnastics, physical medicine

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