The Influence of the Soft Torso Orthosis on Motor Functions of Children with Cerebral Palsy – Preliminary Research

Anna Kosiecz, Agnieszka Zdzienicka-Chyła, Jolanta Taczała, Krzysztof Krasowicz, Marta Kuśmierz, Jarosław Napiórkowski

A. Kosiecz, A. Zdzienicka-Chyła, J. Taczała, K. Krasowicz, M. Kuśmierz, J. Napiórkowski – The Influence of the Soft Torso Orthosis on Motor Functions of Children with Cerebral Palsy – Preliminary Research. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 86-91

Introduction. Soft orthopaedic equipment is increasingly used in therapy of children with cerebral palsy. The primary goal of using soft orthoses is to improve the patient’s functioning – their contribution to central stabilization and postural control is emphasized. The principal aim of applying soft orthotics is to enhance the patient’s functioning in everyday life.
Objective. Examination of the influence of using soft torso orthoses on motor skills of children with cerebral palsy.
Material and methods. Four children with cerebral palsy who could walk independently – level I or II according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) – were qualified for the preliminary research. Motor skills were evaluated in accordance with the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Evaluation of the functional condition was repeated every 3 months for half a year. The children used soft torso orthoses for about 4 hours a day and participated in rehabilitation exercises with the same frequency as before the study.
Results: Improvement on motor functions, confirmed with an increase in GMFM score by 2.5% on average, was observed in all the children during 6 months.
Conclusions. A positive influence of using soft torso orthoses on improvement in the patients’ functional condition was observed, confirmed with higher GMFM scores.

Key words:
soft orthoses, cerebral palsy, gross motor skills, GMFM

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Rasha Atef Saad El Metwally, Kamal El Sayed Shoukry, Amira El Sayed El Bagalaty

Rasha Atef Saad El Metwally, Kamal El Sayed Shoukry, Amira El Sayed El Bagalaty – Effect of Functional Trunk Training Program on Gait Harmony in Children with Spastic Diplegia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 162-170


目的。通过使用核心稳定和步态训练计划以加强核心区域和改良的助行器,来确定功能性躯干训练对痉挛性双瘫大脑瘫痪儿童的步态协调影响。设计。单盲随机对照试验。方法。30名年龄在4至7岁间的痉挛性双瘫大脑瘫痪儿童参与研究,他们被随机平均分配至两组(A和B),分别为对照组和研究组。A组接受持续2小时的选定物理治疗计划,以改善功能性步态能力,而B组接受与A相同却持续1小时的计划和干预计划。旨在改善步态协调的干预计划包含两个基本部分,首先进行半小时的核心训练和能动性运动。然后以改良的助行器在各种表面进行半小时的步态训练。两组(对照组A和研究组B)均连续三个月每周进行3次 治疗。肌肉张力评估(MAS)用于样本选择。步态和谐通过从版本5.0.6.的跟踪器运动分析程序决定时空数据的黄金比例方程式测量而得。结果。通过使用描述分析显示所有比较变量的均值±标准偏差(SD),使用非参数检验(卡方)来表示预处理的MAS值以供选择,配对t检验来测量组内治疗前后的结果,并以两组间的独立t检验(对照组和研究组)来测量步行领域的运动功能总评分(GMFM),结果显示治疗后两组(A和B)均有显著差异。使用多元分析(MANOVA)多元变量来确定自变量(A、B组间的侧面、时间和干预)对因变量方程(a、b和两个方程间的差异)的影响。结果在以下方面存在着显著差异:姿势/摆动期时间(方程a)的比例、步态周期/姿势期时间(方程b)及两组间两种比例值(方程a和b)间的差异。结论。结论是功能性驱干训练计划结合选定的物理治疗计划可显著改善痉挛性双瘫大脑瘫痪儿童的步态协调性,在步态协调方程中很明显。


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Małgorzata Kilon, Martyna Ruszkiewicz, Jan W. Raczkowski

M. Kilon, M. Ruszkiewicz, J. W. Raczkowski – Evaluation of functional status of children with cerebral palsy using selected scales and tests. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 86-93




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