Changes of values of selected spirometric parameters in course of complex rehabilitation treatment in patients with scolioses of I° and II°

Rafał Gnat, Edward Saulicz, Marek Zięba, Paweł Ryngier

Rafał Gnat, Edward Saulicz, Marek Zięba, Paweł Ryngier – Changes of values of selected spirometric parameters in course of complex rehabilitation treatment in patients with scolioses of I° and II°. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(1); 21-29

Both the values of the spirometric parameters in people with low-degree scoliosis and their changes in course of the rehabilitation treatment aiming to correct the body posture are subjects rarely mentioned in literature. Just sparse articles give evidence for the presence of respiratory disturbances even in early stages of the development of scoliosis. The hypothesis claiming that normalisation of the values of selected spirometric parameters, decreased earlier, during attempts of correction of the body posture could be obtained was brought forward for needs of the presented report. 60 children with scolioses of Ist and IInd degree and without any coexisting health problems participated. The evaluation of the values of selected spirometric parameters was performed twice: at the beginning of the treatment (initial test) and after its termination (final test). The time of therapeutic influence averaged 28,77 days (SD = 9,47) and daily load with corrective exercises about 3 hours with supplementary procedures. During the period of time between initial and final tests most of the assessed spirometric parameters showed significant improvement increasing their values and bringing them closer to standards (FVC EX, FVC IN, FEV1, PEF, PIF, VC, IC). The ERV parameter didn’t show any important alterations. The volumes TV and MV as well as Tiffeneau coefficient maintained their previous rise tendencies.According to the stated hypothesis the corrective rehabilitation treatment improved values of selected spirometric parameters, which were decreased in course of low-degree scoliosis. Basing on the results some practical clues concerning corrective treatment of this postural fault may also be formulated.

Key words:
Scoliosis, rehabilitation treatment, Spirometry, spirometric parameters

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An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys

Janusz Nowotny, Krzysztof Czupryna, Jacek Sołtys – An evaluation of gait disturbances in children undergoing rehabilitation for cerebral palsy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(2); 189-196

Cerebral palsy (CP) belongs to the group of dysfunctions in which impairment of the gait function is a constant element. The goal in rehabilitation is to steer the process of compensation in such a way that the gait pattern produces a minimum of disturbances and limitations in locomotion. Objective evaluation is essential for purposes of planning rehabilitation and monitoring outcome. Since the evaluation of gait can be parameterized, the authors have presenting methods for making such an evaluation, concentrating on two types of tests. The possibility of evaluating gate symmetry is presented, based on the use of the Parotec® system, along with evaluation based on analysis of particular gate markers, using the Zebris system. Certain practical remarks are given in the conclusion, essential for planning and managing the course of rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy.

Key words:
Cerebral Palsy, evaluation of gait disturbances, rehabilitation

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Ocena skuteczności usprawniania pacjentów z dyslordozą szyjną z wykorzystaniem testów neurodynamicznych i zabiegów fizykalnych

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Agnieszka Zamczyk, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Małgorzata Starczyńska

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Agnieszka Zamczyk, Danuta Lietz-Kijak, Edward Kijak, Małgorzata Starczyńska – Ocena skuteczności usprawniania pacjentów z dyslordozą szyjną z wykorzystaniem testów neurodynamicznych i zabiegów fizykalnych. FP 2013; 13(2); 15-21

Wstęp. Celem pracy była ocena skuteczności kompleksowego postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego usprawnianie pacjentów dyslordoza szyjną materiał i metody badania objęto grupę 40 osób, u których stwierdzono zmiany zwyrodnieniowe w obrębie szyjnego odcinka kręgosłupa. Grupa badana stanowiąca 20 osób została poddana serii zabiegów fizykalnych (biostymulacja laserowa i galwanizacja) oraz serii zabiegów mobilizacji i poizometrycznej relaksacji mięśni z ćwiczeniami izometrycznym. W grupie kontrolnej pacjenci korzystali tylko zabiegów fizykalnych (laser i galwanizacja). Oceny rezultatów zastosowanych terapii dokonano wykorzystując testy neurodynamiczne. Wyniki. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika że terapia zabiegami fizykalnymi połączonymi z neuromobilizacją i poizometryczna relaksacją mięśni z ćwiczeniami izometrycznym stanowi ważny element w terapii leczenia dyslordozy szyjnej. Przemawia za tym fakt zmniejszenia się średniego bólu odczuwanego przez pacjentów oraz zwiększenie ruchomości kręgosłupa szyjnego. Wnioski. Terapia dyslordozy szyjnej z wykorzystaniem zabiegów fizykalnych (biostymulacja laserowa i galwanizacja) połączona z neuromobilizacją i poizometryczna relaksacją mięśni daje lepszy efekt terapeutyczny niż usprawnianie tylko z wykorzystaniem metod fizykalnych. Kompleksowe postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne przyczyniło się do zmniejszenia natężenia bólu oraz do poprawy ruchomości kręgosłupa w odcinku szyjnym.

Słowo kluczowe
dyslordoza szyjna, zabiegi fizykalne, testy neurodynamiczne,, usprawnianie, fizjoterapia, cervical hypolordosis, physical treatments, neurodynamical tests, improving, physiotherapy

Muscle energy techniques after total hip replacement

Maria Mazepa, Renata Szczepaniak, Wojciech Kiebzak,
Zofia Śliwińska, Zbigniew Śliwiński

M. Mazepa, R. Szczepaniak, W. Kiebzak, Z. Śliwińska, Z. Śliwiński – Muscle energy techniques after total hip replacement. FP 2014; 14(1); 18-26


Introduction.  Surgical procedure involving total hip alloplasty is a common consequence of the absence of progress of rehabilitation in patients with significant degenerative lesions accompanied by severe pain and significantly limited mobility. An individual program for patient rehabilitation is established during the first 24 hours after the procedure. This is of particular importance as proper planning and implementation of physiotherapy allows to relieve pain and to achieve full functional joint mobility as well as to strengthen the muscles. We make sure that the proper muscle control and stability within the joint will restore patient’s locomotion and self-care both at the initial and later stages of rehabilitation. There are many ways and methods to improve the above mentioned parameters. Muscle energy techniques, which represent a non-invasive therapy in patients with total hip replacement, are one of these methods. These techniques, including poizometric relaxation of contracted muscles as well as active relaxation of hip joint muscles, myofascial techniques, also in combination with elements of PNF techniques, allow for effective treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare the effects of standard physiotherapy in patients after cemented hip arthroplasty with those of physiotherapy using muscle energy techniques.
Materials and Methods. A total of 66 patients with advanced degenerative arthritis of the hip, who received surgical treatment in the form of endoprosthetics, were qualified for the study between 2013 and 2014. The patients were divided into two groups  (group I and II), 33 subjects each. Pain level, the range of hip motion as well as muscle strength were assessed in each patient. Group I received muscle energy techniques, including poizometric relaxation of muscles, active muscle relaxation and elements of PNF method. Also, myofascial techniques targeting muscles with different strengths and direction of pressure were used. Group II received standard physiotherapy.
Results. Significant improvement of pain, an increase in the range of functional motion as well as a significant improvement of muscle control of the joint were observed in the group receiving muscle energy treatment, which had beneficial effects on the locomotion of patients.
Conclusions. Muscle energy techniques had significant effects on the improvement of muscle function and stabilization in the pelvic girdle of the joint with endoprosthesis. Poizometric relaxation combined with elements of the PNF method as well as myofascial techniques effectively improved balance, coordination and gait pattern. In conclusion, physiotherapy using muscle energy techniques was shown to be a more effective method in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis as compared to the method based on standard rehabilitation program.

Key words:
arthroplasty, rehabilitation, muscle energy techniques

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Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Physiotherapy in Patients with the Coxarthrosis, Treated in Spa Facilities

Zbigniew Śliwiński, Marlena Maskiera, Marta Makara-Studzińska, Grzegorz Śliwiński, Małgorzata Starczyńska

Z. Śliwiński, M. Maskiera, M. Makara-Studzińska, G. Śliwiński, M. Starczyńska: Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Physiotherapy in Patients with the Coxarthrosis, Treated in Spa Facilities. FP

Introduction. The objective of this study has been to assess the effectiveness of the physiotherapy in patients with the coxarthrosis, treated in Spa facilities. Materials and Methods. The study involved 49 patients (29 women and 20 men), who have been treated in the “Słowacki” Spa in Busko-Zdrój, during their 21 days rehabilitation stay. The patients have had degenerative changes in the hip joint, which have not been surgically treated. The patients have been divided into two groups. To the study group (24 persons) the physiotherapy treatments have been applied. In the control group (25 persons), in addition there has been the kinezytherapy applied. Each of the patients has gone through: questionnaire survey, measurement of the range motion in the hip joints, muscle strength evaluation with the Lovett scale, assessment of the pain severity in the VAS scale, functional tests (Linder 2, abdominal compression test, Patrick Faber test, SLR, Tinetti test,”Up & Go” test, gait analysis according to Perry). Results. After the 21-day rehabilitation treatment, the majority of patients have shown a significant decrease in the subjective pain sensation, a significant improvement of the hip motion functions and a reduced risk of the patient falling down. The carried out research has indicated, that better results have been achieved in the control group, where the kinezytherapy treatment has been applied in addition. Conclusions. 1. Physiotherapy has an impact on increasing the hip joint range of motion, in all directions, particularly in the flexion an abduction movements. 2. The rehabilitation procedure improve the gait stereotype in patients with the osteoarthritis of the hip joint. 3. The Spa rehabilitation therapy reduces the risk of falling down in patients with degenerative changes in the hip joints.

Key words:
Rehabilitation, physiotherapy, coxarthrosis, spa therapy treatment

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