Međukulturna adaptacija, valjanost i pouzdanost tamil verzije Skale učinkovitosti pada – Međunarodne u starijoj indijskoj populaciji

Sivakumar Ramachandran, Nandini Rajan

Sivakumar Ramachandran, Nandini Rajan – Cross-cultural adaptation, validity and reliability of the Tamil version of the Falls-Efficacy Scale – International in Indian elderly population –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 187-191


Pozadina. Skala učinkovitosti pada – Međunarodna (FES-I) je mjera valjanosti i pouzdanosti koja se koristi za procjenu straha od pada. Međutim, vrijedi napomenuti da FES-I trenutno nije dostupan na tamilskom jeziku. Stoga je cilj ove studije bio međukulturno prilagoditi mjeru na tamilski jezik i naknadno testirati valjanost i pouzdanost prevedene verzije.
Metode. Izvorna engleska verzija FES-I prevedena je prema protokolu koji je postavio ProFaNE. Tamil verzija, FES-I (T), dana je 81 starijem sudioniku koji govori tamilski. Statističke analize provedene su za usporedbu grupa na temelju dobi, spola, straha od pada i povijesti pada. Valjanost FES-I (T) ocijenjena je usporedbom njezinih rezultata s rezultatima TUG testa i SPPB-a. Pouzdanost FES-I (T) ocijenjena je korištenjem koeficijenta unutarklasne korelacije.
Rezultati. Ukupni rezultati dobiveni iz FES-I (T) pokazali su pozitivnu korelaciju s rezultatima dobivenim iz TUG testa (rs = 0.584), dok su pokazali negativnu korelaciju s rezultatima dobivenim iz SPPB-a (rs = −0.619, p-vrijednost < 0.001). Nadalje, pouzdanost ponovljenog testiranja FES-I (T) pokazala se izvrsnom, s koeficijentom unutarklasne korelacije za ukupni rezultat koji je zabilježio vrijednost od 0.99.
Zaključak. Na temelju nalaza ove studije, može se zaključiti da je FES-I (T) vrijedan alat koji se može učinkovito koristiti u kliničkoj praksi i istraživačkim postavkama za procjenu straha od pada kod starijih osoba koje govore tamilski.
Ključne riječi
učinkovitost pada, starije osobe, tamilski jezik
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Potential effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and photobiomodulation in the treatment of older adults with diabetic foot ulcer

Fatma Aboelmagd M, Samah A. Moawd, Salah Eldin Bassit Elsayed, Anju Verma

Fatma Aboelmagd M, Samah A. Moawd, Salah Eldin Bassit Elsayed, Anju Verma – Potential effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy and photobiomodulation in the treatment of older adults with diabetic foot ulcer. A randomized clinical trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 186-192

Purpose of the study. To compare between the effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), photobiomodulation(PBMT) and patients receiving routine physical therapy(PT) on tissue viability, pain, and quality of life in older adults with diabetic foot ulcer.
Methods. Forty-five older adults with diabetic foot ulcer (age, 62-70 years) were enrolled into a randomized control trial with parallel group design, assigned into three equal groups; two study groups (ESWT group and PBMT group), and control group (CG). All the groups received the routine PT program, in addition, ESWT group received ESWT and PBMT group received LLLT. Tissue viability, pain, and quality of life (QoL) were assessed pre- and immediately post-treatment.
Results. Non-significant differences in the outcome measures between groups pre-treatment(P > 0.05). Regarding the post-treatment, the study groups showed significant improvements in the study outcome measures (P < 0.001), whereas the control group did not show significant changes (p ˃ 0.05).
Conclusion. ESWT and PBMT produced similar effects on tissue viability, pain, and QoL in older adults with DFU.
Key words:
diabetic foot ulcer, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, photobiomodulation, older adults
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Effect of virtual reality training on risk of falls and quality of life among elderly

Asmaa M. AL-Emrany, Nagwa M. Badr, Abeer A. Farghaly, Heba A. Abed El Ghaffar

Asmaa M. AL-Emrany, Nagwa M. Badr, Abeer A. Farghaly, Heba A. Abed El Ghaffar – Effect of virtual reality training on risk of falls and quality of life among elderly. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 138-143

Purpose. One of the fall risk factors associated with aging is the deterioration of postural stability. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of Virtual Reality Training (VRT) on the risk of falls, and quality of life among elderly.
Methods. Thirty-five community-dwelling elderly aged 65 to70 years from both genders were included in the study. Participant were randomly assigned into two groups; VRT group: included 30 participants and were provided with VRT sessions using Xbox 360 Kinect. Each session was determined to be for 30 minutes; 5 days weekly throughout the program period which was 6 weeks (30 sessions in total). The Control group: included 10 participants, they were advised to follow conventional balance exercises. The dynamic postural stability was assessed using the overall stability index (OSI) of Biodex and the Functional reach test (FRT) before and immediately after the program for all the participants. And 36-items short form (SF-36) Questionnaire was employed to evaluate the general health quality of life.
Results. The overall balance showed statistically significant improvements after VRT. Results revealed significant improvement of OSI and FRT (p < 0.05) after VRT. Also, the results demonstrated significant improvements in levels of general health quality of life after the VRT compared with those of the Control group (p < 0.05).
Conclusion. VRT improves overall postural stability and general health quality of life and can help reduce the risk of falls in healthy older adults.
Key words:
elderly, postural stability, quality of life, overall stability index
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Impact of lung boost exerciser on lung compliance and quality of life in elderly

Mai M. Ahmed, Manar M. Badawy, Nesreen G. El­ Nahas, Zahra M. Hassan

Mai M. Ahmed, Manar M. Badawy, Nesreen G. El­ Nahas, Zahra M. Hassan – Impact of lung boost exerciser on lung compliance and quality of life in elderly. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(5); 26-31

Purpose. To assess the effect of lung boost exerciser on lung compliance, aerobic functional capacity and quality of life in elderly. Materials and methods: sixty subjects of both sexes (31 women and 29 men) participated in this study with age group from 70­80 years. Subjects assigned randomly into two equal groups. Group A received a conventional physical therapy programme for the chest in form of diaphragmatic breathing exercise, pursed-lip breathing exercise and upper limb Exercises connected with respiration, while Group B received Lung boost exerciser in addition to conventional physical therapy programme for the chest. Received three sessions a week for the next 12 weeks. The treatment was applied for 12 weeks, three sessions per week. Variables were assessed before and after intervention for each subject and statistically analyzed: (forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) were assessed by spirometry), diaphragmatic excursion (was assessed by percussion), quality of life (was assessed by quality of life score (QoL) and aerobic functional capacity (was assessed by six-minute walk test). Results: statistical analysis using mixed MANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in all parameters between both groups before treatment (p > 0.05). Comparison between groups after treatment revealed a significant increase in FVC, FEV1, MIP, and 6MWD of the group B compared with that of the group A (p < 0.001). Also, there was a significant decrease in QoL score (p < 0.001) and a significant increase in diaphragmatic excursion of the group B compared with that of group A after treatment. Conclusions: Lung boost exerciser is an effective modality that can be added to traditional physical therapy protocols and revealed a positive impact on lung compliance and quality of life in elderly.
Key words:
elderly, respiratory exercises, lung boost exerciser, spirometry
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Attitude of physiotherapists towards elderly patients with mental and behavioural disorders

Joanna Szczepańska, Joanna Kowalska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski

Joanna Szczepańska, Joanna Kowalska, Grażyna Greń, Marek Woźniewski – Attitude of physiotherapists towards elderly patients with mental and behavioural disorders. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(3); 216-221

Background. To verify whether cognitive deficits and mood disorders of older inpatients negatively influence the attitudes of physiotherapists towards them. Material and methods. Examination in Geriatric Rehabilitation Unit. 52 patients (78± ,4 years) and 7 physiotherapists. Cognitive status and mood of the patients were examined using the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) respectively. GDS was performed only in patients with MMSE 15. The therapists filled an anonymous questionnaire concerning the quality of working with particular patients. This enabled the following division: group (P+) patients working with whom the physiotherapists evaluated as pleasant, group (P-) patients who were negatively evaluated by the physiotherapists as working with them was difficult and tiresome. Results. In group (P-) MMSE values were significantly lower than in group (P+), and they were 15,2±7,5 vs. 23,1±3,7 respectively (p=0,0) and GDS values were significantly higher in comparison with group (P+), and they were 21,3±4,8 vs. 14,6±5,9 respectively (p=0,0). Conclusions. The patients evoking negative attitudes of physiotherapists (impatience, irritability, aversion) had mainly severe cognitive deficits (MMSE<19) and severe depressive symptoms (GDS>20). This may be an additional factor decreasing effectiveness of physiotherapy in this group of patients.

Key words:
cognitive impairment, depression, elderly persons, physiotherapy

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Physiotherapy management in geriatrics

Tomasz Pasek, Marcin Kempiński, Jarosław Pasek, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń

Tomasz Pasek, Marcin Kempiński, Jarosław Pasek, Romualda Mucha, Aleksander Sieroń – Physiotherapy management in geriatrics. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(4); 455-464

The important role of the physiotherapy in the treatment of elderly patients was recognized in the second part of the 21st century. Physiotherapy facilitates adaptation to the problems of the old age. Physiotherapeutic management includes the development of motor programmes which help elderly people to function normally and independently. Aging is a natural part of human life. Man’s role is to make it as comfortable as possible. Geriatric rehabilitation is concerned with treating elderly patients and keeping them fit, helping them to avoid some of the symptoms of chronic old age ailments. Nowadays age 65 is regarded as the beginning of old age. Some of the most characteristic features of this part of life are: difficulties in maintaining homoeostasis in the presence of stress stimuli, lower capability to carry out activities of daily living and reduced physical activity. In fact, elderly people are increasingly dependent on the help of others. Therefore there is a great need for preventative rehabilitation, whose purpose is to prepare for a physiological and healthy old age. This article describes problems connected with rehabilitation of the elderly. Currently employed physiotherapeutic and kinesitherapeutic methods are described together with state-of-the-art treatment options in physical therapy. The latter include magnetic field stimulation, which is remarkably useful in the treatment of depression, injuries and other musculoskeletal conditions and magneto-LED-therapy, a novel combination of fluctuating magnetic field and visible light irradiation possessing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.
Key words:
geriatrics, physical medicine, elderly, rehabilitation
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Wzorzec chodu osób po złamaniach bliższej nasady kości udowej leczonych chirurgicznie – doniesienie wstępne

Beata Kita, Tomasz Ridan, Tomasz Łosień, Katarzyna Kniaziew-Gomoluch, Joanna Szymańska

B. Kita, T. Ridan, T. Łosień, K. Kniaziew-Gomoluch, J. Szymańska – Gait pattern of people after fractures of proximal femoral epiphysis treated surgically. Preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 164-170

Wprowadzenie. Szacuje się, że ponad 50% pacjentów, którzy dobrze funkcjonowali przed złamaniem bliższej nasady kości udowej, nie jest w stanie powrócić do aktywności sprzed urazu. Co więcej, umieralność w tej grupie chorych szacowana jest na ponad 21% w ciągu pierwszego roku od złamania, a w ciągu następnych 5 lat liczba ta rośnie do 59%. Zauważono, że pacjenci tracą zdolność do niezależnego funkcjonowania bez pomocy z zewnątrz, pogarsza się ich mobilność, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do obniżenia jakości życia. Wśród ograniczeń zgłaszanych przez pacjentów wymieniano pogorszenie parametrów chodu. Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu przebytego złamania bliższego końca kości udowej leczonego chirurgicznie na wybrane parametry chodu.
Materiał i metody. Przebadano 51 osób, w tym 40 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Średni wiek badanych wynosił 73 lata. W grupie badanych osoba najmłodsza miała 50 lat, a najstarsza 92 lata. Wszystkie zakwalifikowane do badania osoby były po przebytym złamaniu bliższej nasady kości udowej, które było leczone chirurgicznie. Osoby te mogły chodzić samodzielnie bez użycia pomocy ortopedycznych w postaci kul, lasek, chodzików. W badaniu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: wywiad, analiza dokumentacji medycznej i badanie chodu na platformie tensometrycznej.
Wyniki. W grupie wiekowej 50-64 lata czas cyklu chodu wśród badanych osób wyniósł średnio: u kobiet 1,51 sek. i 1,35 sek. u mężczyzn. W grupie wiekowej 65-80 lat wśród kobiet i mężczyzn wynosi 1,37 sek. Wnioski. Wzorzec chodu osób po złamaniu bliższej nasady kości udowej jest zmieniony i  odbiega  od założeń normy.  W badanej grupie długość cyklu chodu zarówno u kobiet, jak i mężczyzn w grupie wiekowej 50-64. r.ż., jak i 65-80. r.ż. jest znacząco krótsza w stosunku do założeń normy. Badanie nie wykazało istotnych różnic w długości kroku (step length) po stronie operowanej i nieoperowanej we wszystkich grupach wiekowych, zarówno u kobiet, jak i u mężczyzn. Czas cyklu chodu (stride time) w grupie wiekowej 54-64. r.ż. i 65-80. r.ż. wśród badanych mężczyzn mieści się górnej granicy normy. Natomiast wśród badanych kobiet w wymienionych grupach wiekowych czas cyklu chodu w sposób znaczący przekracza górną granicę normy.
Słowa kluczowe:
wzorzec chodu, złamania bliższej nasady kości udowej, zaburzenia chodu, osoby starsze
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Effect of aerobic exercises on sleep and hormonal levels in elderly with chronic primary insomnia: A randomized controlled trial

Basant H. El-Refaey, Olfat I. Ali, Hend H. El-Wakel

Basant H. El-Refaey, Olfat I. Ali, Hend H. El-Wakel – Effect of aerobic exercises on sleep and hormonal levels in elderly with chronic primary insomnia: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(1); 60-64

Cel. Celem niniejszego badania była ocena skuteczności ćwiczeń aerobowych i ich wpływu na wskaźnik jakości snu Pittsburg, poziomy serotoniny, adrenaliny i noradrenaliny u osób starszych z przewlekłą bezsennością pierwotną. Materiał i metody. 40 starszych uczestników obu płci skarżących się na przewlekłą bezsenność pierwotną zostało losowo przydzielonych do dwóch równych grup: grupy kontrolnej i grupy badanej. Ich wiek wynosił od 60 do 70 lat. Grupa badana uczestniczyła w programie ćwiczeń aerobowych o umiarkowanym natężeniu przez 1 godzinę dziennie, trzy razy w tygodniu przez trzy miesiące, podczas gdy grupa kontrolna nie uczestniczyła w programie ćwiczeń, ale została poddana takiej samej ocenie jak grupa badana. Wskaźnik jakości snu Pittsburg, poziomy hormonów serotoniny, adrenaliny i noradrenaliny oceniano przed i po zastosowanym programie ćwiczeń.
Wyniki. Wskaźnik jakości snu Pittsburg (ang. Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index – PSQI) i poziom serotoniny wykazują znaczącą poprawę w grupie badanej oraz istotną różnicę między grupami na korzyści grupy badanej (p < 0,05). Jednakże, w zakresie poziomów epinefryny oraz norepinefryny nie zaobserwowano żadnych istotnych zmian. W grupie kontrolnej nie zaobserwowano istotnych zmian w zakresie mierzonych zmiennych (p > 0,05).
Wniosek. Wydaje się, że ćwiczenia aerobowe o umiarkowanej intensywności poprawiają sen, zwiększają poziom serotoniny u pacjentów z przewlekłą bezsennością pierwotną.

Słowa kluczowe:
Ćwiczenia aerobowe, osoby starsze, bezsenność pierwotna

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Possibilities and limitations in the functional, emotional and intellectual sphere and sociodemographic features of the residents of the Social Welfare Home (SWH)

Magdalena Gębska, Kamila Startek, Katarzyna Weber-Nowakowska, Ewelina Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Łukasz Kołodziej

M. Gębska, K. Startek, K. Weber-Nowakowska, E. Żyżniewska-Banaszak, Ł. Kołodziej – Possibilities and limitations in the functional, emotional and intellectual sphere and sociodemographic features of the residents of the Social Welfare Home (SWH). Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(4); 110-118

The correct assessment of functioning and determination of the health needs of the senior using standardized scales and questionnaires is necessary to determine his ability to live independently and to determine the extent of therapeutic intervention and necessary care.
Assessment of the relationship between physical, emotional and intellectual fitness, and sociodemographic features of residents of the Social Welfare Home (SWH).
Material and methods. 80 people aged 70 to 90 years were examined. The study consisted of three parts: proprietary survey, anthropometric parameters assessment, assessment of functional, intellectual and emotional state of SWH residents.
Results. The obtained variables showed the relationships, i.e. education and physical fitness; gender and physical fitness; gender and tendency to depression; physical activity and functional fitness; physical activity and depression; social and motor activity and depression. In the second group, statistical analysis showed no relationship between age and depression, and education and depression.
1. An increased body mass index has a negative impact on the functional state of the SWH residents.
2. Regular physical activity, positively affects the functional, emotional and intellectual state of SWH residents.
3. Gender and level of education has a significant impact on the functional, emotional and intellectual performance of SWH charges.
4. Physical and social activity of SWH residents has an impact on the reduction of depression symptoms.

Key words:
elderly, geriatrics, physiotherapy, SWH, physical fitness


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Utjecaj treninga dišnih mišića na mobilnost ošita i funkcionalni kapacitet starijih osoba: randomizirana klinička ispitivanja

Fatma Aboelmagd M., Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Ibtissam M. Saab

Fatma Aboelmagd M., Hamada Ahmed Hamada, Ibtissam M. Saab – Effect of Inspiratory Muscle Training on Diaphragm Mobility and Functional Capacity in Elderly: A randomized clinical trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 28-32

Aim. Aging resulted in decrease in respiratory muscle strength which limits the exercise performance and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and the functional outcomes of inspiratory muscle training in elderly.
Material and methods. 48 nonsmoker’s elderly from both genders aging 60 to 70 years were recruited. They were assigned randomly into two groups of equal number. The study group received training with threshold inspiratory muscle trainer (IMT) at 40% of the PImax measured during the initial evaluation which was readjusted weekly by evaluating the PImax while the control group received training with threshold IMT at the lowest pressure offered by the device, 3 times/week for 10 weeks. Diaphragmatic mobility was measured by ultrasonography, Maximal inspiratory pressure measurement and the functional capacity was measured by 6MWT before and after the end of the training program for both groups.
Results. The diaphragmatic mobility, Maximal inspiratory pressure measurement and the distance walked during 6MWT increased significantly within the study group at the end of the study (p < 0.05) with non-significant change in the control group (p > 0.05). Comparison between both groups at the end of the study revealed significant increase in diaphragmatic mobility and Maximal inspiratory pressure measurement in study group compared with control group (p <0.05) with non-significant difference between both groups regarding the distance walked during 6MWT (p > 0.05).
Conclusion. Inspiratory muscle trainer should be a part in elderly daily routine as it has a positive effect on the clinical outcome measure and there is a tendency to improve the functional outcome.

Key words:
Elderly, Inspiratory muscle training, diaphragmatic ultrasonography, Six-minute walk test


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