Physical activity of people representing various age groups, with particular emphasis on the inhabitants of Poland and Slovakia

Sabina Lizis, Gabriela Škrečková

Sabina Lizis, Gabriela Škrečková – Physical activity of people representing various age groups, with particular emphasis on the inhabitants of Poland and Slovakia. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(3); 24-28

The development of civilization and technical progress on the one hand provides many amenities, and on the other hand limits the natural need for movement. Awareness of the importance of physical activity in human life can be a factor in preventing sedenteric lifestyle. The paper reviews literature on physical activity and the frequency with which it is undertaken by people representing different age groups, with particular emphasis on the inhabitants of Poland and Slovakia. A review of scientific publications indicates that physical activity is one of the most important factors conditioning health, so you should take care of it at every stage of life. It is worth remembering the need to individually adjust the type and intensity of physical activity so that it is safe and gives the most health benefits. Physical activity undertaken from an early age and the positive experiences related to it, shape the habits that favor maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the later stages of life. There is a need to take actions aimed at popularizing physical activity as one of the elements of a healthy lifestyle.

Key words:
recreation, psychophysical health, health education

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Health Education Test in a survey of awareness of health issues in lower limb amputees

Piotr Tederko, Katarzyna Dmitruk, Krzysztof Wasiak, Jerzy Kiwerski

Piotr Tederko, Katarzyna Dmitruk, Krzysztof Wasiak, Jerzy Kiwerski – Health Education Test in a survey of awareness of health issues in lower limb amputees. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 189-196

Background. Education is part and parcel of comprehensive rehabilitation. With regard to limb amputees, education involves not only locomotion techniques and prosthesis application, but also includes prophylaxis and recognition of early signs of common stump problems. In this preliminary study we report the results of experimental application of a Health Education Test (HET) in an inquiry investigating the level of health education in lower limb amputees. Material and methods. 40 subjects admitted to Rehabilitation Department (6 women, 34 men), mean age 60.6 years (SD=12.8) who underwent unilateral lower limb amputation (26 above-knee and 14 below-knee amputees). 33 patients underwent amputation for vascular complications. The HET consisted of 4 open and 46 detailed questions inquiring about patients’ knowledge of the causes, prophylaxis and symptoms of popular stump problems, hygiene and health issues after lower limb amputation. Results. We noted a negative correlation between age and HET results (Pearson coefficient 0.6, p<0.01). Residents of localities above 20.000 inhabitants gave significantly better responses (Mann-Whitney test; p<0.05). HET results did not correlate with general education, reason and level of amputation. Participants reported shortage of suitable information and educational materials for lower limb amputees and difficulty obtaining expert advice outside of specialist centers. Conclusions. Health education concerning prophylaxis of stump problems should be commenced about the time of amputation, maintained during the hospital stage of rehabilitation, and continued in the outpatient setting. The programs and forms of education should be age-specific and be available regardless of the patient’s place of residence.
Key words:
amputation, rehabilitation, health education
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