Changes of skin temperature after ultrasounds continuous and impulse waves

Joanna Szymańska, Janusz Nowotny

Joanna Szymańska, Janusz Nowotny – Changes of skin temperature after ultrasounds continuous and impulse waves. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(2); 161-169

Background. Ultrasounds (UD) are used in medicine from about 70 years. The biological mechanism of ultrasounds is a complex and versatile process and the energy, if absorbed in adequate amount, may activate many reactions in tissues. UD have thermal and post-thermal effects and are regarded as the most important deeply thermal procedures. Thermal effects can be easily observed as tissue temperature increases, but not all results of UD can be explained as only influence of thermal factor. Currently, we are looking for an explanation of these effects in mechanical and physiochemical factors which closely coexist. Find the occurrence changes of the skin temperature under the influence of ultrasounds with use continuous and impulse wave and verify if these waves develop the same or different reflectoric impact. Material and method. This study covered 30 people. In few days-long intervals every of the examined patient was tracted with local ultrasounds used continuous and impulse waves. Additionally there was used pyrometr for non-contact measurement of temperature in order to record post-operative changes of skin surface temperature. Results. This study suggest that under the influence of a single ultrasound application with used continuous and impulse wave, immediately after treatment there is observed increase of skin temperature which lasts to the end of measurement. Changes of the skin temperature could be observed in treated and reflectoric areas.Conclusions. Study show that, after ultrasounds therapy is observe the skin temperature increases. Changes of the skin temperature confirm these effects in the treated please and reflectoric areas.
Key words:
ultrasounds, continuous and impulse wave, skin temperature, removed reactions
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Wzorzec chodu osób po złamaniach bliższej nasady kości udowej leczonych chirurgicznie – doniesienie wstępne

Beata Kita, Tomasz Ridan, Tomasz Łosień, Katarzyna Kniaziew-Gomoluch, Joanna Szymańska

B. Kita, T. Ridan, T. Łosień, K. Kniaziew-Gomoluch, J. Szymańska – Gait pattern of people after fractures of proximal femoral epiphysis treated surgically. Preliminary report. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 164-170

Wprowadzenie. Szacuje się, że ponad 50% pacjentów, którzy dobrze funkcjonowali przed złamaniem bliższej nasady kości udowej, nie jest w stanie powrócić do aktywności sprzed urazu. Co więcej, umieralność w tej grupie chorych szacowana jest na ponad 21% w ciągu pierwszego roku od złamania, a w ciągu następnych 5 lat liczba ta rośnie do 59%. Zauważono, że pacjenci tracą zdolność do niezależnego funkcjonowania bez pomocy z zewnątrz, pogarsza się ich mobilność, co w konsekwencji prowadzi do obniżenia jakości życia. Wśród ograniczeń zgłaszanych przez pacjentów wymieniano pogorszenie parametrów chodu. Celem pracy jest analiza wpływu przebytego złamania bliższego końca kości udowej leczonego chirurgicznie na wybrane parametry chodu.
Materiał i metody. Przebadano 51 osób, w tym 40 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Średni wiek badanych wynosił 73 lata. W grupie badanych osoba najmłodsza miała 50 lat, a najstarsza 92 lata. Wszystkie zakwalifikowane do badania osoby były po przebytym złamaniu bliższej nasady kości udowej, które było leczone chirurgicznie. Osoby te mogły chodzić samodzielnie bez użycia pomocy ortopedycznych w postaci kul, lasek, chodzików. W badaniu wykorzystano następujące narzędzia badawcze: wywiad, analiza dokumentacji medycznej i badanie chodu na platformie tensometrycznej.
Wyniki. W grupie wiekowej 50-64 lata czas cyklu chodu wśród badanych osób wyniósł średnio: u kobiet 1,51 sek. i 1,35 sek. u mężczyzn. W grupie wiekowej 65-80 lat wśród kobiet i mężczyzn wynosi 1,37 sek. Wnioski. Wzorzec chodu osób po złamaniu bliższej nasady kości udowej jest zmieniony i  odbiega  od założeń normy.  W badanej grupie długość cyklu chodu zarówno u kobiet, jak i mężczyzn w grupie wiekowej 50-64. r.ż., jak i 65-80. r.ż. jest znacząco krótsza w stosunku do założeń normy. Badanie nie wykazało istotnych różnic w długości kroku (step length) po stronie operowanej i nieoperowanej we wszystkich grupach wiekowych, zarówno u kobiet, jak i u mężczyzn. Czas cyklu chodu (stride time) w grupie wiekowej 54-64. r.ż. i 65-80. r.ż. wśród badanych mężczyzn mieści się górnej granicy normy. Natomiast wśród badanych kobiet w wymienionych grupach wiekowych czas cyklu chodu w sposób znaczący przekracza górną granicę normy.
Słowa kluczowe:
wzorzec chodu, złamania bliższej nasady kości udowej, zaburzenia chodu, osoby starsze
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Krzysztof Czupryna, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Joanna Szymańska, Renata Szczepaniak

K. Czupryna, O. Nowotny-Czupryna, J. Szymańska, R. Szczepaniak – Quality of life of the family of a child with psychomotor disability in the context of solving everyday problems. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(3); 54-61




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Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak

Jerzy Rottermund, Joanna Szymańska, Aneta Warmuz-Wancisiewicz, Renata Szczepaniak – The functional aspects of occupational therapy. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(3); 78-85





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High-tone power therapy as an alternative to walking training in people with intermittent claudication

Joanna Szymańska, Krzysztof Czupryna, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Renata Szczepaniak

J. Szymańska, K. Czupryna, O. Nowotny-Czupryna, R. Szczepaniak. High-tone power therapy as an alternative to walking training in people with intermittent claudication. FP 2017; 17(3); 112-120


Introduction. The main symptom of the CLEI impairing walking ability and functioning of the patient is intermittent claudication. The predominant form of the physical therapy during this ischaemic period is physical training, which, due to the frequent occurrence of co-morbidities, can only be taken by 25-50% of patients. Therefore, other ways of relieving symptoms associated with the CLEI have been sought. Perhaps, an alternative method might be may the high-tone power therapy, which can start the muscle pump without negative effects of contraindicated for physical exertion.
The aim of the study was to determine whether the high-tone power therapy could be an alternative for walking training on a treadmill, especially for people with contraindication for intensive physical activity.
Material and methodology 68 patients diagnosed with CLEI in the age of 40-70 were examined in 2 groups: A-main and B-control. Functional possibilities were evaluated in the area of the walking distance and the maximum walking distance in a standard treadmill test. The results obtained were compared with the literature on the increment of these distance after the physical training. Group A patients were subjected to a series sessions of high-tone power therapy; group B patients had those treatments simulated.
Results In group A, patients significantly prolonged the claudication distance and maximal walking distance. Also, significant reduction in pain duration was noticed after discontinuation of the treatment.
Conclusions The high-tone power therapy may be an alternative to walking training for patients with the CLEI, especially in those patients with a very short claudication distance and in those whose greater effort is not indicated.

Key words:

high-tone power therapy (HiToP), chronic lower extremity ischaemia (CLEI), intermittent claudication, walking training, chronic lower limb ischaemia

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Improvement in the quality of life of persons with chronic lower extremity ischaemia after high-tone power therapy

Joanna Szymańska, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Krzysztof Czupryna, Renata Szczepaniak

J. Szymańska, O. Nowotny-Czupryna, K. Czupryna, R. Szczepaniak – Improvement in the quality of life of persons with chronic lower extremity ischaemia after high-tone power therapy. FP 2017; 17(3); 64-73


Introduction.The CLEI results in decreased walking ability, which is limiting physical activity due to pain. This is the main factor adversely influencing the quality of life observed in these patients. For these reasons, the most important target of physiotherapists is to reduce physical fitness loss caused by a very low level of physical activity over many years.
The aim of the study was to investigate whether the high-tone power therapy can improve functional abilities patients with CLEI in the gait, and thereby improve their self-assessed quality of life.
Material and methods The study involved 68 patients aged 40-70, who were assigned to one of two groups: the A – main, group and B – control group. Their functional abilities in gait were assessed with the use of the WIQ-Walking Impairment Questionnaire, which evaluated 4 domains: claudication distance, walking speed, claudication capacity, ability to walk steps. A group patients were subjected to a series of high-tone power therapy while in B group all the treatments were simulated.
Results Certain differences were noticed in each domain of the WIQ questionnaire, but significant ones were solely in A group. The most noticeable changes were in pain and cramps of the calf; smaller changes were related to walking distance and speed. The smallest changes were reported in the ability to walk steps. Some changes were also reported in the control group, but they were less conspicuous and only affected some domains of the WIQ questionnaire.
Conclusions The high-tone therapy results in subjective improvement in functional locomotion capacity in all domains of self-assessment of patients. Improving the function of lower extremities is conditioned by the presence of additional factors, which are kind of disorder risk factors.

Key words:
high-tone power (HiToP), quality of life, chronic lower extremity ischemia (CLEI), chronic lower limb ischemia

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