
Christine Ulina Tarigan, Wara Kushartanti, Yustinus Sukarmin, Komarudin, Denaz Karuma Hijriansyah

Christine Ulina Tarigan, Wara Kushartanti, Yustinus Sukarmin, Komarudin, Denaz Karuma Hijriansyah – A review of massage on physiological and psychological performance –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 304-312

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8b3T

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Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Ali Satia Graha, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama, Mela Suhariyanti


Ahmad Ridwan, Suharjana, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Ali Satia Graha, Arika Umi Zar’in, Muhammad Nurul Akbar Adityatama, Mela Suhariyanti – Effects of massage therapy and exercise therapy on recovery of shin splints injury in women’s long distance running athletes. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(4); 122-127

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A590

运动员高强度的训练导致过度训练,而那些没有做适当的拉伸和冷却下来的运动员可能会导致胫骨骨裂损伤。这无疑会干扰运动员在训练和比赛中的表现。本研究旨在确定按摩疗法和运动疗法对女性长跑运动员(大师组别)胫骨骨裂损伤康复的影响。这种研究采用准实验方法,研究设计采用一组前后测试的单组设计。数据收集技术采用测试和测量,使用关节活动度仪来测量关节活动范围,使用疼痛评分来确定疼痛程度。本研究的人口对象是年龄在42岁及以上的女子马拉松运动员。数据分析技术采用成对T检验,在先前经过正态性测试和同质性测试后进行。结果表明,按摩疗法和运动疗法的治疗存在显著差异,即疼痛减轻和关节活动度增加,p值为0.000(p < 0.05)。
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Skuteczność masażu w zwiększaniu produktywności zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych

Sumarjo, Sigit Nugroho, Riky Dwihandaka, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto


Sumarjo, Sigit Nugroho, Riky Dwihandaka, Yudik Prasetyo, Susanto – The effectiveness of massage to increase the work productivity of persons with disabilities. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 76-83

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143371

Wprowadzenie. Rozwój zasobów ludzkich rozpoczyna się już przed narodzeniem poprzez skupienie się na dobrostanie przyszłych matek i trwa przez różne etapy życia: niemowlęctwo, wiek przedszkolny i szkolny, okres adolescencji, dorosłość i starość.
Cel. Celem tego badania jest zbadanie i ocena skuteczności określonego rodzaju masażu zdrowotnego w poprawie produktywności zawodowej u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi. Ta produktywność obejmuje motywację, wiedzę, umiejętności, postawy i niezależność.
Metoda. W badaniu wykorzystano metodę quasi-eksperymentalną, korzystając z jednogrupowego projektu szeregów czasowych (pretest-posttest). Po początkowej obserwacji (pretest) przeprowadzono obserwację po zakończeniu interwencji (posttest). Grupa badana przeszła terapię masażem skierowanym na czynniki produktywności zawodowej u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi, obejmującą pięć wpływowych elementów: (1) motywację, (2) wiedzę, (3) umiejętności, (4) postawy i (5) niezależność. Próbka została wybrana spośród populacji za pomocą nielosowej metody próbkowania celowego. Zbieranie danych obejmowało oceny i pomiarów, a kwestionariusz służył jako narzędzie testowe do pomiaru produktywności zawodowej. Analiza danych obejmowała analizę wariancji.
Wyniki. Wyniki badania ujawniają istotną różnicę między zmienną początkową a końcową, z wartością istotności (dwustronną) mniejszą niż 0,05, ustaloną za pomocą testów t-Studenta dla par. Jednak test ANOVA dał wynik wartości istotności wynoszący 0,267. Oznacza to istotny wpływ terapii masażem zdrowotnym na zmienne produktywności zawodowej, takie jak motywacja, wiedza, umiejętności, postawy i niezależność, u osób z niepełnosprawnościami fizycznymi.
Wnioski. Największy i najefektywniejszy wzrost produktywności zawodowej zaobserwowano w zmiennej motywacyjnej, z przyrostem procentowym wynoszącym 16,75%.

Słowa kluczowe
masaż, zdrowie, produktywność pracy, niepełnosprawność

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The mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with low back pain

Arletta Hawrylak, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Katarzyna Barczyk, Dorota Wójtowicz

Arletta Hawrylak, Tadeusz Skolimowski, Katarzyna Barczyk, Dorota Wójtowicz – The mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with low back pain. Fizjoterapia Polska 2004; 4(2); 100-106


Background. The purpose of our study was to examine changes in the mobility of the lumbar spine in persons with L5-S1 diskopathy and the changes in mobility associated with different modalities of treatment. Material and methods. We studied 150 persons 40-50 years of age, 64 men and 86 women. Due to variations in management the material was divided into two groups: Group I, treated only pharmacologically, and Group II, treated with both pharmacological methods and physiotherapy. The patients were examined twice, once before treatment and again after 6 weeks of treatment. The research methods included clinical interviews and measurement of thoraco-lumbar and lumbar mobility on all planes. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs were used in Group I. In Group II, comprehensive physiotherapy was also applied, including physicotherapy, kinesitherapy, and massage. Results. Our analysis of the material showed that the limitations in spinal mobility were similar in both groups at baseline. After a 6-week course of treatment, significant improvement in the mobility of the thoraco-lumbar and lumbar spine was noted only in Group II (pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy), involving all the tested ranges of movement. Conclusions. An evaluation of treatment outcome in persons with L5-S1 diskopathy indicates that persons treated both with pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy show greater improvement. The fact that significant improvement was seen only in this group may result from the fact that the drugs used prepared the way for better results in subsequent physiotherapy. These results indicate that pharmacological treatment in these patients should be supplemented with physiotherapy.

Key words:
discopathy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physicotherapy, kinesitherapy, massage
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Medical massage in dysmenorrhoea

Krzysztof Kassolik , Waldemar Andrzejewski, Piotr Wojtoń, Klara Sadowska, Agnieszka Cichoszewska

Krzysztof Kassolik , Waldemar Andrzejewski, Piotr Wojtoń, Klara Sadowska, Agnieszka Cichoszewska – Medical massage in dysmenorrhoea. Fizjoterapia Polska 2006; 6(4); 339-343

Background. From 40 to 60 % of women aged 20-40 are affected by dysmenorrhoea. Such patients are usually prescribed pain-relieving and spasmolytic drugs. Massage is a non-invasive therapeutic modality whose effects are believed to include reduction of muscle tone. Therefore, the authors attempted to determine the efficacy of medical massage in allevi-ating dysmenorrhoeic pain. Material and methods. The participants of the study were 48 students from the University School of Physical Education, aged 22-25. To evaluate efficacy of medical massage, the researchers elaborated questionnaires. The objectives of the questionnaire were to: 1) select those participants complaining of menstruation-associated pain, and 2) to determine the intensity of the pain at baseline and after a series of massages. A total of 26 women with dysmenorrhea were selected and subsequently subjected to medical massage. Four 10-minute medical massage sessions were performed over the lumbar, sacral and gluteal areas. At the end of each procedure a hot water bottle with 45 degrees Celsius water was applied to the massaged area in order to preserve the changes in blood distribution within the pelvis. Results. Medical massage applied a few days before menstruation reduced dysmenorrhoeic pain in 24 out of the 26 women. Pain was alleviated in 16 women and completely disappeared in a further 8 patients. In 2 patients, the intensity of pain remained the same after application of medical massage. Conclusions. The findings indicate that medical massage can be an easy-to-use adjunctive therapeutic modality for reducing pain in women with dysmenorrhea.

Key words:
massage, dysmenorrhoea, physical therapy

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Anatomical grounds for the use of the tensegrity principle in massage

Krzysztof Kassolik, Waldemar Andrzejewski, Ewa Trzęsicka, Gregory Charlton

Krzysztof Kassolik, Waldemar Andrzejewski, Ewa Trzęsicka, Gregory Charlton – Anatomical grounds for the use of the tensegrity principle in massage. Fizjoterapia Polska 2007; 7(3); 332-343

On the level of cells, tissues and organs alike, the structure of the human body enables the maintenance of constant spatial arrangement. This is possible owing to collagen, the most prevalent protein of the system. It is the basic building block of connective tissue, including the musculo-fascio-ligamentous system. The maintenance of proper spatial structure of the body relies on the maintenance of a balanced tonus of collagen, and thereby, of connective tissue. This balance is generated mainly by the resting tonus of skeletal muscles, which also contain collagen. On this basis, anatomical analysis of structural dependence at the musculo-fascio-ligamentous level has been performed, in accordance with the principle of tensegrity, on four fundamental systems. Each of these systems comprises structurally linked muscles, fasciae and ligaments forming an extensive pathway for the transmission of tensions over a large area of the body. Vessels and nerves course through these structures at particular points. Disorders may ensue as a result of persistently elevated resting tone of muscles and fasciae. The most common conditions of the motor system which can be a consequence of disturbances in the distribution of tensions within those four pathways are also given in the paper. This attempt at analysis of the anatomical structure of the human body according to the tensegrity principle ensures a better understanding of abnormal functioning of the body. Other benefits can include increased effectiveness of massage therapy in some conditions and better insight into structural and functional connections between various elements of the kinetic system on the one hand and vessels or nerves on the other.
Key words:
massage, tensegrity, anatomy
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Evaluation of the effectiveness of massage performed by a partner in reducing low back pain in pregnant women.

Dariusz Boguszewski, Daria Sałata, Jakub Adamczyk, Izabela Korabiewska, Anna Cabak

Dariusz Boguszewski, Daria Sałata, Jakub Adamczyk, Izabela Korabiewska, Anna Cabak – Evaluation of the effectiveness of massage performed by a partner in reducing low back pain in pregnant women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2012; 12(4); 379-387

Low back pain (LBP) is a common problem of pregnant women. The aim of the study was the assessment of the impact of classic massage on LBP among pregnant women. The group of 57 pregnant women was included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups. The women in Group 1 (n=28) were subjected to a series of classic massage treatments, performed by their partners (after instruction during antenatal classes). Women in Group 2 (n=29) did not change their lifestyle. The applied research tools were the following: The Numerical Pain Rating Scale (VAS), Roland-Morris Questionnaire, Spielberger’s Questionnaire and the authors’ tailored survey. Mann-Whitney U- test was used for comparison of the results between the groups. The minimum level of signi­ficance was set at p&lt;0.05.After the series of treatments, the LBP (measured by VAS) was significantly lower in the research group (p=0.018). A po­sitive impact of massage performed by the partner on the functional activity (p=0.041) as well as and on self-esteem and psychological state (p=0.014) was proved. 1. Massage reduces LBP in pregnant women. 2. Massage performed by pregnant women’s partners may fa­vourably affect the women’s mental condition and improve their general well-being.
Key words:
pregnant women, massage, lower back pain
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Miejsce fizjoterapii ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ćwiczeń fizycznych oraz masażu w leczeniu chorych z zesztywniającym zapaleniem stawów kręgosłupa

Mateusz Wojciech Romanowski

M. W. Romanowski – Place of physical therapy with particular emphasis on exercises and massage in the treatment of patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Fizjoterapia Polska 2020; 20(3); 90-101

Zesztywniające zapalenie stawów kręgosłupa (ZZSK) jest przewlekłą, postępującą chorobą o charakterze zapalnym, która prowadzi do wielu zmian w narządzie ruchu. Proces ten obejmuje stawy krzyżowo-biodrowe, stawy i więzadła kręgosłupa, pierścienie włókniste oraz stawy obwodowe. Na ZZSK choruje od 0,1 do 0,5% populacji w środkowej Europie. Leczenie chorych z ZZSK wymaga przede wszystkim łączenia farmakoterapii z leczeniem niefarmakologicznym, które obejmuje głównie: ćwiczenia fizyczne, masaż, uczestnictwo w grupach samopomocy, edukację, terapię manualną, hydroterapię, elektroterapię, akupunkturę, balneoterapię, terapię spa, krioterapię ogólnoustrojową, modyfikację stylu życia. Dotychczas nie opracowano jednego, właściwego algorytmu leczenia niefarmakologicznego chorych z  ZZSK.
Słowa kluczowe:
zesztywniające zapalenie stawów kręgosłupa, fizjoterapia, reumatologia, ćwiczenia, masaż
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Patryk Kiljański, Joanna Kałuża-Pawłowska, Krzysztof Gieremek, Marek Kiljański

P. Kiljański, J. Kałuża-Pawłowska, K. Gieremek, M. Kiljański – The effect of massage with an electrostatic field of different frequency on the tension of selected skeletal muscles of the shoulder girdle. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 138-158


测量肌肉张力时使用“Szirmai“肌张力测量器,进行静电场按摩治疗时使用Physiomed品牌的深度振荡仪器,按摩分两阶段进行,两阶段分别使用50 Hz (测试1) i及150 Hz (测试2) 等不同频率。测试间隔为2-3周。
结果和结论。研究结果显示50 Hz及150 Hz频率的静电场按摩对肌肉张力下降有影响,而50 Hz及150 Hz的按摩对肌肉张力降低无统计学上的显著差异。




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Massage during pregnancy – indications, contraindications, general principles for performing the treatment

Katarzyna Urtnowska, Irena Bułatowicz, Grzegorz Ludwikowski

K. Urtnowska, I. Bułatowicz, G. Ludwikowski – Massage during pregnancy – indications, contraindications, general principles for performing the treatment. FP 2017; 17(1); 88-94


Aim. The aim of this study was to present the general principles of massage therapy during pregnancy, as well as indications and contraindications for performing the treatment.
Basic assumptions. Pregnancy, as a_period of the great change in woman’s body, results in a_number of different ailments and because of that, can be determined as a_therapeutic problem. The most common symptoms are pain and tension from musculo-skeletal system. The relaxing massage treatment, performed regularly during pregnancy is able to prevent or alleviate already present symptoms. Unfortunately, it is performed very rarely, due to many apprehensions about the safety of that treatment and because of the fact that not every massage parlour or beauty salon is ready to provide help for pregnant women. Prenatal massage, in order to be safe for pregnant woman, must be always performed in a_special way, so that women could feel at ease, relaxed and won’t have to worry about their health and of their unborn child. It is extremely important, for the massage specialist, to rule out any contraindications before the treatment, to respect the rules of performing it and care about the well-being of the pregnant.

Key words:
women, pregnancy, massage, physiotherapy

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