Low back pain and other work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Jordanian physical therapists from Hashemite University

Shaden A.Al-Bustanji, Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad M.Al-Nassan, Zaid M.Mansour

Shaden A.Al-Bustanji, Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad M.Al-Nassan, Zaid M.Mansour – Low back pain and other work-related musculoskeletal disorders among Jordanian physical therapists from Hashemite University. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 96-101

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DE24g

Purpose. Physical therapists (PTs) have direct patient contact, they susceptible to Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMDs), its prevalence among PTs in Jordan has not been reported yet. The significance of this study relies on providing descriptive data about the PTs musculoskeletal disorders in Jordan. Method. A web-based online survey (Google Forms) was used to create the survey; it contained a cover letter, a consent form and a hyperlink that directed the participants to the survey. The questionnaire was based on the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire with some modifications. It was administered to 50 PTs through e-mail messages, 46 PTs returned completed surveys (92% response). The data were analyzed using SPPS version 20 at alpha level of 0.05. Results. Reported 12-month prevalence of WRMDs among Jordanian PTs was 71.7%. WRMDs was significantly higher in female PTs (p = 0.038). The low back 6o.6% was significantly the most commonly affected body part (p > 0.001), followed by the neck 48.5% with (p = 0.002).. More than fifty percent of the PTs with WRMDs were found to be younger than 34 years 51.1%. Treating large number of patients “more than ten” in a day was reported by most 42.4% of the respondents. PTs who had worked at general hospital had high WRMDs prevalence 66.6%. Conclusions. The prevalence of low back pain (LBP) and other WRMDs among PTs in Jordan is relatively high. It affected their performance of daily activities at home and away from home, it is also contributed sometimes to their sick leaves.
Key words:
physical therapist, low back pain, prevalence, risk factor, Jordan
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The potential of short and long term health consequences of COVID-19 on back pain among COVID-19 survivors

Amjad Shallan, Saad Al-Nassan, Mohannad Hawamdeh, Faris Alshammari, Ahmad Muhsen, Abdul Majeed Al-Malty

Amjad Shallan, Saad Al-Nassan, Mohannad Hawamdeh, Faris Alshammari, Ahmad Muhsen, Abdul Majeed Al-Malty – The potential of short and long term health consequences of COVID-19 on back pain among COVID-19 survivors. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 26-30

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DE8mY

Introduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging pandemic disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome. Back pain could be triggered by the COVID-19 virus either directly or indirectly. However, to our knowledge, limited studies are addressing the development of chronic back pain or new-onset of back pain among COVID-19 survivors. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the potential health consequences of COVID-19 on back pain among the COVID-19 survivors.
Methods. We used an electronically distributed survey targeting adult Jordanian citizens and residents who recovered from COVID-19 virus infection. The questionnaire composed questions regarding demographic characteristics, COVID-19 and spine injury-related information.
Results. 27.2% of participants reported increase of back pain with COVID during the episode and 16% of participants reported increased back pain after COVID with pain lasted less than 3 months in 16.6% and more than 3 months in 17.8% of them. There was significant increase on back pain level during COVID compared to pre COVID. At the same time there was significant increase on back pain post COVID compared to pre COVID.
Conclusion. The COVID-19 virus resulted in a significant increase in spine pain among COVID-19 survivors and it lead to chronic back pain among patients with risk factors and some develop new spine pain.
Key words:
back pain, COVID survivors, health consequences of COVID-19
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The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom

Mohannad Hawamdeh, Saad Al-nassan, Amjad Shallan, Mohammad Etoom – The Obstacles that encounter Jordanian Citizens to Adhere to Physiotherapy Sessions. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(4); 134-140

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20A906

Aim. to know the obstacles that encounter patients in Jordan to adhere to physical therapy treatment. Material and Method. A survey was developed based on the available literature reviews. A pilot survey was tested on a small sample of physiotherapy clients at one center to assess time and the ease of completion. After the pilot survey was completed, the survey was revised and modified, and the final electronic version was developed. Results. The study found varied level of adherence to the physiotherapy sessions, and adherence to the physiotherapist recommendations. The adherence to physiotherapy sessions was about 54.3% ranged between 61.9% in governmental sectors, and 80% in private sectors. However, the adherence to physiotherapy recommendations was lesser as be estimated to be about 50% (66.7% in governmental sectors, and 60% in private sectors). Conclusion. This Study indicates that there are varieties of reasons that encounter Jordanian citizens to adhere to physiotherapy sessions. One of the main reason in private center is based on cost of session but there are lot of reasons that limiting adhere the session related to the patients states and Circumstances in both private and government, since we could not determine the actual main cause of non-adhere.
Key words:
physical therapy, sessions, obstacles
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Mohannad Hawamdeh, Zaid Modhi Mansour, Saad Al-Nassan, Ziad Hawamdeh, MohammadEtoom, FarisAlshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, Shaden Albustanji

M. Hawamdeh, Z. Modhi Mansour, S. Al-Nassan, Z. Hawamdeh, M. Etoom, F. Alshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, S. Albustanji – The effects of Whole body vibration energy on bone mineral density in post-menopausal women: A systematic Review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(1); 46-50

方法。数据搜索和研究选择:已搜索下列数据库:Pub-Med、Medline、Science Direct 和 Google Scholar,搜索时使用下列关键词:“全身振动(WBV)“、“骨质疏松症”、“绝经后妇女“、”骨矿物质密度(BMD)“等。数据提取:我们提取样本大小、年龄、研究设计、基线结果、全身振动细节和主要发现。



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Mohannad Hawamdeh, Zaid Modhi Mansour, Saad Al-Nassan, Ziad Hawamdeh, Mohammad Etoom, Faris Alshammari, Abdul-Majeed R. Almalty, Mohammad Abo-Kabar

M. Hawamdeh, Z. M. Mansour, S. Al-Nassan, Z.  Hawamdeh, M. Etoom, F. Alshammari, A. R. Almalty, M. Abo-Kabar – 4th year physical therapy Students satisfaction in Jordanian universities: A survey study. Fizjoterapia Polska 2018; 18(4); 34-37

目的。这项研究的目的在调查三所约旦大学的学生对物理治疗教育的满意度,以确定他们毕业前后及进入工作领域后对该专业一些相关问题的看法。方法:通过超链接访问的在线调查针对目前约旦大学物理治疗系四年级(最后一年)学生的虚拟社交网络小组进行。该链接于三所大学的主要学生虚拟社交网络小组中发布;当中还包含要求参与者同他们的物理治疗同辈分享该链接以完成调查。结果:85%的受访者表示作为物理治疗系学生对他们的生活产生重大影响,76% 的受访者表示物理治疗对他们的社交环境产生正面影响,84%的受访者表示包含第五年的实习期在内效果将更好。结论:我们的调查结果显示学生普遍对他们所接受的教育品质感到满意,但设备上有缺乏而毕业后的工资也非常低。本研究中涉及的问题将成为未来研究的主要重点,以调查不足原因及其解决方式。




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