The impact of physical agents on pain and conduction velocity in the medial nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (preliminary report)

K. Tomczykiewicz, R. Koczorowski, J. Mróz

K. Tomczykiewicz, R. Koczorowski, J. Mróz – The impact of physical agents on pain and conduction velocity in the medial nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (preliminary report). Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 43-45

Background. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common incarceration neuropathy. It is very often undiagnosed, and the patients are mistakenly treated for cervical dicopathy for many years. Material and methods. A total of 9 patients were examined with clinical manifestations of carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by electroneurography. The clinical symptoms and the level of pain measured on an analogue scale (VAS) were analyzed. Then patients were divided randomly into two groups. Laser therapy was applied in the first group and ultrasound in the second, for a period of 4 weeks. Afterwards the patients underwent clinical and electrophysiological examinations. Results. As a result of the applied therapy most of the patients were found to have less pain and slightly increased conduction velocity in the median nerve. In other cases there was no satisfactory improvement and several patients were referred for surgery.

Key words:
Laser Therapy, ultrasound therapy, Electroneurography, VAS

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Long-term follow-up results in the treatment of herniated discopathy in the lumbar spine

T. Rybak, W. Kuliński, A. Misztela, J. Mróz, R. Koczorowski

T. Rybak, W. Kuliński, A. Misztela, J. Mróz, R. Koczorowski – Long-term follow-up results in the treatment of herniated discopathy in the lumbar spine. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(1); 40-42

Background. The purpose of our research was to measure the impact of cessation of the recommended rehabilitation program on the clinical status of patients with herniated discs in long-term follow-up. Material and methods. We examined 36 patients diagnosed by computer tomography with herniated disk, treated conservatively at the Physical Medicine Department in 1998. Examinations were performed at one year and two years after the resolution of symptoms. The subjects were divided into 3 groups: Group I consisted of 18 patients (50%) who were still maintaining the recommended rehabilitation program at home; Group II included 9 patients undergoing periodic rehabilitation in an outpatient program; Group III was comprised of the remaining 9 patients, who had entirely abandoned the recommended program. Results. After one year 66,6% of the patients in groups I and II had moderate pain symptoms (up to 5 points on the Laitinen Scale), and 33,4% had pain symptoms periodically preventing work (6-11 points). In group III, 33,3% of the patients had >5 points, 33,3% had 6-11 points, and 33,4%had pain systems permanently preventing a return to work and independent living (>11 points).

Key words:
Outcome, Laitinen Scale, conservative treatment

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