
Yudik Prasetyo, Sumaryanto, Abdul Alim, Guntur, Jamatul Shahidah Shaari, Nur Asmidar Halim, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rizki Mulyawan


Yudik Prasetyo, Sumaryanto, Abdul Alim, Guntur, Jamatul Shahidah Shaari, Nur Asmidar Halim, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rizki Mulyawan – Identification of recreational cycling training dose as an effective physical therapy to elicit changes into active lifestyle –  Fizjoterapia Polska 2024; 24(1); 31-35

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG2EF8A10

本研究旨在确定新常态期间生活习惯与(1)体成分以及(2)佩戴口罩骑自行车后的血氧水平之间的关系。这项研究是印度尼西亚与马来西亚之间的多中心研究,这里呈现的数据特别来自印度尼西亚的日惹特区,采用横断面方法进行了解析性观察研究。研究包括了71名研究对象。收集数据的工具包括大流行期间的健身行为(运动频率和时长)、人体测量学和骑自行车期间的氧饱和度测量。体成分是通过BMI公式(涉及身高和体重)确定的。骑自行车时的氧饱和度使用Elitech Technovision的Pulse Oximeter FOX-1(N)进行测量。最大比例的骑自行车频率是每周两次(42.25%),其次是三次、一次、第五次和第四次。大多数参与者骑行120分钟(35.21%),其次是180分钟、60分钟、30分钟等时长。氧饱和度数据显示,大多数受试者的氧饱和度为98%(47.8%的受访者),没有人达到100%,但97%的饱和度,96%占据第二和第三分布。从在印度尼西亚获得的初级数据来看,只有氧饱和度和骑自行车时长显示出非常显著的关系(p = 0.009),而其他变量,如BMI和骑车频率,没有显示出显著的相关性。可以得出结论,运动时长,特别是骑自行车,与印尼受试者的氧饱和度之间存在显著关系。
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Short-term effects of milk (both unpasteurized and pasteurized) on active adolescence hemoglobin

Sumarjo, Sumaryanti, Rizki Mulyawan, Sigit Nugroho, Rini Syafriani, Sulistiyono, Roxana Dev Omar Dev, Dennis Dwi Kurniawan


Sumarjo, Sumaryanti, Rizki Mulyawan, Sigit Nugroho, Rini Syafriani, Sulistiyono, Roxana Dev Omar Dev, Dennis Dwi Kurniawan – Short-term effects of milk (both unpasteurized and pasteurized) on active adolescence hemoglobin. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 12-18

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF232


Milk consumption is one of the beverages options for the recovery phase. On the basis of the manufacturing procedure, raw and pasteurized cow’s milk are distinguished, but no one has investigated the effect of milk consumption on the hemoglobin levels of active people; some studies only analyze the effect of milk consumption on fitness and recovery advantages. Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the hemoglobin levels of active adolescents who consumed fresh cow’s milk versus pasteurized milk for three consecutive weeks. It is intended that the three-week treatment will have a good effect on hemoglobin levels, hence enhancing physical performance. Methods: Using a quasi-experimental study with a Pretest-Posttest Randomized-Groups Design for three consecutive weeks of milk feeding twice daily per group. Twenty-four university football players were divided into three groups using the approach of purposive sampling: the fresh cow’s milk (SSS) group, the pasteurized milk (SP) group, and the mineral water control group (K). The tool utilized to measure body composition is the Karada Scan Body Fat Omron HBF-356, while the Easy Touch GCHb is used to collect data on hemoglobin. Subjects participated voluntarily and were willing to have blood tested through capillaries before, immediately after, and 30 minutes after exercise. The analysis data uses paired t-test and ANOVA calculations to find differences within and between groups. Results: Hemoglobin immediately after exercise (0) in the post-test (three weeks after treatment) increased significantly (0.020 < 0.05) compared to hemoglobin before exercise (-) in the pre-test (before three weeks of intervention) in all three groups (fresh milk, pasteurized milk, and mineral water). Upon further examination, it was determined that there was a highly significant difference in hemoglobin levels (0.010 < 0.05) between fresh cow’s milk and pasteurized milk immediately after exercise (0) in the post-test (after three weeks of treatment). In contrast, there were no significant differences (p-value > 0.05) for the remaining calculations, both within and between subgroups.Conclusions: After three consecutive weeks of milk consumption, there was no significant variation in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. To optimize the different elements that can affect the acceleration of the increase in hemoglobin in the blood, it is recommended that further study be conducted to intervene with milk and additional meal intake alongside physical activity.
fresh cow milk, pasteurization milk, physical activity, hemoglobin, active people
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Effects of intense workout trials and milk intervention on decrease surrogate markers of metabolic syndrome

Rizki Mulyawan, Sumaryanti, Sigit Nugroho, Roxana Dev Omar Dev

Rizki Mulyawan, Sumaryanti, Sigit Nugroho, Roxana Dev Omar Dev – Effects of intense workout trials and milk intervention on decrease surrogate markers of metabolic syndrome. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(1); 203-211

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG07B425

Surrogate markers of metabolic syndrome complications is high levels of glucose and/or cholesterol in the blood. The purpose of this research is to determine whether or not various intensity exercise has a beneficial impact on blood glucose and cholesterol levels in young adults. As a consequence, this study was investigated about how exercise’s influence on lowering the risk of metabolic diseases may be moderated by other factors, including by milk intake. Studies were conducted using a quasi-experimental, single-blind research design. Thirty-five participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups: control (C), moderate intensity (M), high intensity (H), or intermittent (I). The Sysmex XN-1000 is used for checking blood content, while the Cobas Pro is used to analyze blood chemistry in the lab. Using tools like the analysis of variance (ANOVA), the Mann-Whitney test, and the Pearson correlation coefficient, researchers may gauge the importance of inherent correlations and examine how group-level phenomena and interactions affect those coefficients. To sum up, we found that there was a statistically significant difference in glucose levels between the control group and the experimental group (p = 0.012 < 0.05), yet this difference was accompanied by a negative trend showing a rise in content. Also, there was a favorable tendency toward lower glucose and cholesterol levels across all compositions, while it was not statistically significant (p value > 0.05). To sum up, practically all of the variables point to a favorable tendency that that does not statistically significant – in the effect of exercise intensity combined with milk consumption. Exercise and milk intervention have been shown to have positive impacts, but further investigation or longer training sessions are needed to determine their true magnitude.Keywords
supervised workout, milk intervention, metabolic syndrome, glucose, cholesterol
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Correlation among quality of life and physical activity toward body age, hydration and fat percentage

Yudik Prasetyo, Sumaryanto, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rizki Mulyawan, Susanto, Gunathevan, Frederick

Yudik Prasetyo, Sumaryanto, Ahmad Nasrulloh, Krisnanda Dwi Apriyanto, Rizki Mulyawan, Susanto, Gunathevan, Frederick – Correlation among quality of life and physical activity toward body age, hydration and fat percentage. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(2); 168-173

Introduction. Having good healthy habits and making physical activity a lifestyle is everyone’s dream. Along with improving the quality of life and physical activity, it is expected to affect a person’s body age, hydration level, and fat percentage. Methods. This research is an analytic observational study conducted with a cross sectional approach. Observational analytical research is done by observing, without any action from the researcher. The research subjects were 35 students. Students with cardiovascular and respiratory disorders, who were on an exercise program, and had a history of fractures in the past 3 months or deformities of the arms, were excluded from this study. Students who were 18-21 years old, had a BMI below 30, and did not smoke or drink alcohol were involved in this study. Results. Significant correlation with p-value<0.01 in causality relationship between body age and hydration with Pearson value −0.751, body age and fat percentage 0.773, and Pearson value hydration and fat percentage −0.990. In addition, a significant correlation between quality of life and hydration has a Pearson value of −0.338. Quality of life and physical activity are not related and have a p-value of 0.39. Conclusion. The relationship between body age and hydration, and hydration with fat percentage has a very significant positive relationship. However, quality of life has no correlation with physical activity.
Key words:
quality of life, physical activity, body mass
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