Wpływ terapii laserowej wysokiej mocy na obustronną osteoartrozę kolan: Badanie randomizowane

Mohamed I. Roheym, Mona E. Morsy, Mahmoud Saber, Alaa A. Balbaa, Samya Mohamed Hegazy

Mohamed I. Roheym, Mona E. Morsy, Mahmoud Saber, Alaa A. Balbaa, Samya Mohamed Hegazy – Impact of high-power laser therapy on bilateral knee osteoarthritis: A randomized trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(5); 162-168

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG20AA3C

Osteoartroza jest najczęstszym typem zapalenia stawów. Jest główną przyczyną przewlekłego bólu mięśniowo-szkieletowego i niepełnosprawności, zmniejsza elastyczność stawu oraz powoduje ból, wysięk stawowy i utratę funkcji wśród osób starszych. Cel. Zbadanie wpływu terapii laserowej o wysokiej intensywności NDYAG 1064 nm (HILL) na osteoartrozę kolan. Projekt badania. Prognozowane randomizowane badanie kontrolowane. Miejsce. Szwajcarskie ambulatoryjne centrum fizjoterapii. Metody. Trzydziestu pacjentów obu płci z osteoartrozą obu kolan zostało rekrutowanych i losowo przydzielonych do dwóch równych grup: grupa kontrolna otrzymała program ćwiczeń wybranych zestawów mięśni czworogłowych uda oraz rozciągania mięśni łydek i podkolanowych przez 4 tygodnie, a grupa badawcza otrzymała te same interwencje co grupa kontrolna, dodatkowo z zastosowaniem terapii HILL. Głównym wynikiem było określenie stopnia zmian za pomocą ultrasonografii, natomiast wtórnymi miarami były indeksy osteoartrozy Western Ontario i McMaster University (WOMAC). Wszystkie zmienne mierzono na początku i po 4 tygodniach interwencji. Wyniki. Analiza statystyczna została przeprowadzona przy użyciu testu sparowanego, który wykazał znaczną poprawę w obu grupach. W związku z tym istniała znacząca różnica pomiędzy grupą (A) a grupą (B), pokazując, że grupa HILL (A) jest bardziej skuteczna niż grupa (B) w zakresie bólu, sztywności, funkcji i wyników ultrasonograficznych (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Użycie HILT w połączeniu ze standardowym programem ćwiczeń wzmacniających mięśnie czworogłowe uda oraz rozciągania mięśni łydek i podkolanowych ma bardziej korzystny wpływ na osteoartrozę obu kolan niż samodzielne wykonywanie programu ćwiczeń.

Słowa kluczowe
osteoartroza kolan, laser wysokiej mocy, ćwiczenia fizyczne, ultrasonografia

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Oddziaływanie treningu mięśni dna miednicy i brzucha na ruchy przepony u kobiet wieloródek

Manal Mousa Mohamed Edrees, Azza Abdel Aziz, Mohamed Abd Allah, Gehad Ali Abd El Haseeb

Manal Mousa Mohamed Edrees, Azza Abdel Aziz, Mohamed Abd Allah, Gehad Ali Abd El Haseeb – Effect of pelvic floor and abdominal muscle training on diaphragmatic excursion in multigravida women. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(3); 204-209

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG143F58

Wprowadzenie. Badania naukowe wykazują, że zmniejszona siła mięśni brzucha oraz mięśni dna miednicy (PFM) wpływa na funkcjonowanie przepony.
Cel. Celem badania było zbadanie wpływu 12-tygodniowego treningu PFM i mięśni brzucha (AbM) na ruchy przepony (DE) u wieloródek.
Metody. Dziewięćdziesiąt wieloródek, które były co najmniej 6 miesięcy po normalnym porodzie pochwowym lub cesarskim cięciu i które miały między 30 a 45 lat, zostało losowo przydzielonych do trzech równolicznych grup (n = 30). Grupa (A) przeszła trening mięśni brzucha oraz Kegla mięśni dna miednicy. Grupa (B) przeszła trening mięśni brzucha. Grupa (C) przeszła trening Kegla mięśni dna miednicy. Ultrasonografia została wykorzystana do oceny efektów DE w trzech różnych momentach: przed treningiem, bezpośrednio po treningu oraz w 12-tygodniowej obserwacji po zakończeniu treningu.
Wyniki. Wyniki pokazały, że DE znacząco wzrosło w grupach A (P = 0.038) oraz B (P = 0.009), bez istotnych różnic w grupie C. Analiza post hoc nie wykazała istotnych różnic między grupami, z wyjątkiem istotnej różnicy między grupami A i C (P = 0.001).
Wnioski. Jednoczesne wdrożenie 12-tygodniowego treningu AbM i PFM jest bardziej skuteczne w poprawie DE u kobiet wieloródek niż angażowanie się wyłącznie w trening AbM lub PFM.
Słowa kluczowe:
ruchy przepony, diastaza mięśni prostych brzucha, mięsień dna miednicy, ultrasonografia, trening brzucha, trening PFM
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Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction.

Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń


Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Maciej Kostrzewa, Dawid Lukoszek, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk, Aleksander Sieroń – Ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation: A physiotherapist’s curriculum introduction. Fizjoterapia Polska 2023; 23(2); 104-111

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG0DF2DA



Ultrasound examination (USG) is becoming more popular among physiotherapists. The term “rehabilitative ultrasound imaging” (RUI) refers to the use of USG in the rehabilitation process. An examination (ultrasound) is used in physiotherapeutic therapy to evaluate the tissue and function of the musculoskeletal system. The real image allows for accurate observation and stimulation of the necessary muscles during kinesiotherapy, while measurements track the treatment’s progress. Furthermore, the ultrasound examination aims to assist the physiotherapist in making an early diagnosis of dysfunctional aspects that may necessitate consultation with another specialty, thereby reducing medical errors. Preparing an educational program and conducting training in accordance with established standards and guidelines will allow physiotherapists to be adequately prepared to perform ultrasound examinations and dispel any doubts about a physiotherapist’s competence and the possibility of performing ultrasound examinations in a medical setting.

Key words: ultrasound, rehabilitation, physiotherapy, diagnostics

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Efficacy of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder – A systematic review

Dawid Lukoszek, Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk

Dawid Lukoszek, Dominik Sieroń, Izabella Jabłońska, Jan Szczegielniak, Rafał Trąbka, Karol Szyluk – Efficacy of ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment of the shoulder – A systematic review. Fizjoterapia Polska 2022; 22(4); 56-73

DOI: https://doi.org/10.56984/8ZG1A6k5q

Objectives. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the scientific evidence base on the use of ultrasonography in physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the shoulder.
Methods. The PubMed / Medline database was reviewed using the following keywords: shoulder ultrasonography AND rehabilitation; shoulder ultrasound imaging AND physiotherapy; shoulder ultrasound imaging AND rehabilitation; Rehabilitative Ultrasound Imaging AND Shoulder. Only full-text, open-access studies in English published before 15 May 2022 were included in the analysis.
Results. 51 articles (out of 748 identified) were included in the analysis. Of all the studies, 3 studies were randomized, 5 were not randomized, the rest were cross-sectional or case studies. The most common study group were patients with hemiplegia (in 13 out of 51 reviewed works). 12 papers out of 51 concerned orthopedic conditions of the shoulder with varying diagnoses. Ultrasound imaging was used mainly to assess echogenicity and measure structures of the shoulder.
Conclusion. There are many studies demonstrating the utility of ultrasound in various aspects of the physiotherapist’s practice, including but not limited to diagnostic purposes, assessment of treatment effectiveness, monitoring treatment progress, and referring the patient to another specialist.

Key words:
ultrasonography, ultrasound, imaging, ultrasonography, rehabilitation, physical therapy, physiotherapy, diagnosis, shoulder, pain, treatment

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Evaluation of the structures of shoulder joint at patients with hemiparesis after the apoplexy during rehabilitation

Andrzej Kwołek, Teresa Pop, Jacek Gwizdak, Krzysztof Kołodziej, Dorota Korab, Grzegorz Przysada

Andrzej Kwołek, Teresa Pop, Jacek Gwizdak, Krzysztof Kołodziej, Dorota Korab, Grzegorz Przysada – Evaluation of the structures of shoulder joint at patients with hemiparesis after the apoplexy during rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2002; 2(4); 273-279

Background. One of often met complications in rehabilitation of patients after the apoplexy are functional disturbances of the shoulder joint on the side of paresis. Connected with it painfulness and limitation of mobility makes difficult re-education of the extremity’s function. The aim of this work is evaluation of the structures of shoulder joint in the paretic extremity and comparing it with the healthy joint, as well as determination of influence of rehabilitation procedure on improvement of changes of the examined structures. Material and methods. In a group of 40 patients ultrasonographic examination was used to evaluate the shoulder joint. All patients, who in a period since December 2000 to March 2001 were hospitalised at the Rehabilitation Department of the Provincial Hospital No. 2 in Rzeszów, were directed to this examination. This examination was done twice: on the first and last day of the patient’s stay at the Rehabilitation Department. Results and conclusions. Observations during three-four weeks’ stay showed regression of pathological changes in the shoulder joint.

Key words:
shoulder, rehabilitation, ultrasonographic

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Evaluation of the structures of shoulder joint at patients with hemiparesis after the apoplexy during rehabilitation

Andrzej Kwolek, Teresa Pop, Jacek Gwizdak, Krzysztof Kołodziej, Dorota Korab, Grzegorz Przysada

Andrzej Kwolek, Teresa Pop, Jacek Gwizdak, Krzysztof Kołodziej, Dorota Korab, Grzegorz Przysada – Evaluation of the structures of shoulder joint at patients with hemiparesis after the apoplexy during rehabilitation. Fizjoterapia Polska 2003; 3(3); 224-230


Background. Functional disorder of the shoulder joint on the paretic side is among the more common post-stroke complications. Rehabilitation can be hindered by the associated pain, limited joint mobility, and muscle distension during the period of flaccid paresis (or plegia). The purpose of our study was to evaluate certain shoulder joint structures in post-stroke patients in inpatient rehabilitation, to compare the structural image of the shoulder joint in the affected and healthy limbs, and to identify the impact of rehabilitation on the tested joint structures. Material and methods. In a group of 40 post-stroke patients we performed ultrasonographic examination of the shoulder joints. The study group included patients who were hospitalized from December 2000 to March 2001 in the Department of Rehabilitation at Voivodeship Hospital no. 2 in Rzeszów, Poland. Examinations were performed on the first and last day of hospitalization. Results. Pathological changes were found in the shoulder joints. Over a 3-4-week rehabilitation period some improvement was noted. Conclusions. Changes in shoulder joint structure in post-stroke patients with hemiparesis occur more often on the paretic side (esp. thinning of the rotator cone, the deltoid muscle, and the tendon of the long head of the shoulder biceps, calcification, subluxation in the shoulder joint, and fluid in the bursae). Comprehensive hospital rehabilitation has a positive impact on the tested shoulder joint structures. Ultrasonography is a good method for evaluation of the anatomical structures of the shoulder joint in patients with hemiparesis.

Key words:
Shoulder Joint, Rehabilitation, Ultrasonography
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Effect of preoperative graduated abdominal exercises and russian stimulation on muscle strength after abdominoplasty: A randomized controlled trial

Mahmoud Ewidea, Ayman M. Elmakaky, Faten Ali, Mohamed Y. Abdelhamid Abdelsamee

Mahmoud Ewidea, Ayman M. Elmakaky, Faten Ali, Mohamed Y. Abdelhamid Abdelsamee – Effect of preoperative graduated abdominal exercises and russian stimulation on muscle strength after abdominoplasty: A randomized controlled trial. Fizjoterapia Polska 2021; 21(1); 158-163

Objectives. To investigate the effect of preoperative graduated abdominal exercises and Russian stimulation on the strength of abdominal muscles after abdominoplasty. Methods. Sixty patients before abdominoplasty were enrolled in this study after the assessment of their eligibility, their age ranged from 20 to 45 years, they were randomly distributed into four equal groups. The ultrasonography was used to evaluate abdominal muscle thickness as an indicator for muscle strength on 4 occasions, initial assessment, pre-operative assessment, 2 Months post-operative assessment, and finally 4 Months post-operative assessment. For study group (A); received only graduated abdominal exercises, group (B); received only Russian stimulation on abdominal muscles, group (c); received graduated abdominal exercises and Russian stimulation on abdominal muscles, all participants in the study groups received the treatment protocol for 30 min., 3 times/week for 6 successive weeks preoperatively for control group (D); were instructed to presume in normal activities of daily living preoperatively. Results. Post-treatment findings, revealed a statistically significant increase in abdominal muscle strength preoperatively and postoperatively in the three study groups compared to the control group in favor of group C. Conclusion. The pre-operative graduated abdominal exercises and Russian current stimulation has a significant effect in strengthening abdominal muscles after abdominoplasty.
Key words:
abdominoplasty, abdominal exercises, ultrasonography, muscle strength, russian stimulation
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