Hearing dysfunctions and defects of lower limbs and feet

Małgorzata Grabara

Małgorzata Grabara – Hearing dysfunctions and defects of lower limbs and feet. Fizjoterapia Polska 2008; 8(4); 464-473

Background. The purpose of the study was to compare the alignment of the lower limbs and feet and the foot arch in deaf and hearing-impaired children vs. normal-hearing children of the same age. Material and methods. The study enrolled 63 girls and 90 boys aged 8-13 years with hearing dysfunction living in specialized school & care centres in Katowice and Lubliniec. Most of the participants were deaf children with hearing loss above 80 dB. A control group included 162 girls and 140 boys from three Silesian primary schools. The position of the lower limbs and feet was examined visually and the foot arch was evaluated with a photogrammetric device. Computer analysis of foot imprints provided such parameters as foot length and width, length-width index, KY index, and α, β, γ and Clarke’s (Cl) angles.Results. Lower limb defects and tarsus valgus were more frequent among the children with hearing dysfunction. These differences were statistically significant in some groups. In children from the control group, right feet were often slightly longer than left feet, and in deaf children left feet were usually longer. Foot arch defects, including both flat foot / reduced arch as well as excessive foot arch, occurred more frequently in deaf children, but the differences were not statistically significant.Conclusions. Deaf and hearing-impaired children presented with smaller feet and greater length and width discrepancies than normal-hearing controls, which may indicate differences in their physical development. There were no statistically significant differences with respect to foot arch indices compared to normal-hearing children. Thus, it can be assumed that hearing loss does not affect the foot arch.
Key words:
defects of lower limbs, defects of feet, deaf and hearing-impaired children
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Paulina Głowacka, Marcela Przyłudzka

P. Głowacka, M. Przyłudzka – Foot defects in children attending first class of primary school in Silesian voivodeship. Fizjoterapia Polska 2019; 19(2); 94-105

材料和方法。共30名儿童参与研究,其中包括15名女孩和15名男孩,年龄在7至10岁间,为西里西亚省小学一至三年级的学生。拓印法研究包含4个诊断参数,克拉克足印角度指数、Wejsflog 指數 “W“、γ跟角和α的外翻角等。
结论。1. 在整个群体中观察到纵足足弓减少现象。2. 体重、BMI对足部纵足弓和横足弓有显著影响。



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Prevalence of feet defects in preschool-aged children

Maria Kłoda, Grażyna Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, Maria Drajczyk, Piotr Drajczyk, Janina Grzegorzewska, Edyta Smolis-Bąk

M. Kłoda, G. Brzuszkiewicz-Kuźmicka, M. Drajczyk, P. Drajczyk, J. Grzegorzewska, E. Smolis-Bąk – Prevalence of feet defects in preschool-aged children. FP 2016;16(1);36-46

Introduction and study aim. Childhood is known to be a very important period of life when the foot is gradually determining in order to become a strong support of the human body. The aim of the study is to assess the frequency of appearance of foot defects in preschool children.
Material and methods. The study group consisted of 143 preschool children, in which the following parts of examination were evaluated: orthopedic measurements, antropometric measurements, plantoconturographical examination and podoscopic examination. Parents were asked to fill out the questionnaire regarding to the development of their child’s feet, defects as well as their child’s habits and sports in which they participate.
Results. The analysis of Clarke’s angular indicator revealed that flat foot was the most frequent defect in the study group (146/286 feet, circa 50%), and diminished foot was the second frequent problem in the examined group of children (102/286). The normal foot was established to be present in 37 cases. There was also 1 elevated foot due to Clarke’s assessment. No statistical significance was observed between body sides and foot defects. Gender of patient was not statistically correlated to the examined children’s defects besides flat foot, which was observed to be more frequently present in males: 42 males (36%) vs 19 females (11%), p<0,05.
Conclusions. The flat foot was observed to be the most frequently present defect of foot in preschool children. On the other hand, cored foot has been demonstrated to be the most rarely present defect in the study group. Percentage of children who participate in sport activities and wear comfortable shoes in order to prevent foot defects, is unsatisfactory. Motor activity should be more efficiently promoted among parents and caregivers of preschool children.

Key words:
foot defect, angular indicator, plantoconturography

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